my pet is boss

Chapter 124 Game system hacked?

Chapter 124 Game system hacked?
PS: Qin Beize's alliance leader adds more (3/3)

Shen Fei looked back at Fuman, who was leaning on the mast and sleeping soundly again, and Fat Tiger, who was resting on the cargo pile, shook his head helplessly, and said to Qi Qi beside him: "It seems that there are only two of us. It's artistic."

Pei Qi hummed and flapped his ears to express his agreement.

The first thing Shen Fei did after boarding the ship was to ask the captain how long it would take to reach the holy city, and the captain's answer made Shen Fei's eyes shine.

"Our ship happened to catch up with the changes in the ocean currents. We set off from Frost Harbor and sailed southwest along the coastline of the empire. The ocean currents and sea winds fueled the boat's momentum. We could enter the inner sea of ​​the empire in one day and one night, and reach the capital of the empire in one more day. the port of Joshua."

Hearing the name Joshua, Shen Fei felt slightly moved.

Yesterday Fat Tiger talked a lot about the history of the empire that he knew. Joshua is the son of the second dog Lucien, who is only six years old this year.

Joshua's birth was very rough, but the queen died because of dystocia on the day of childbirth. Joshua was born with a weak body. If it weren't for the protection of the Holy Light Archbishop Mailer and the Archmage Jordan with magic and holy light every day, I am afraid that the royal family This single seedling will also die prematurely.

Lucian, who was suffering from the loss of his wife, cared more for Joshua, and gave his wife's love to his children.

In order to bless the child, Lucien even changed the name of the port of the Holy City to the name of the little prince—Joshua Port.

As an important source of the empire's economy and trade, Lucian hoped that Joshua could thrive and thrive like the port's economy.

Later, Lucian even asked Master Lazy Chan from the Wu Monk Temple to teach the young little prince boxing kung fu and Zen principles until...

Shen Fei's mood is very complicated.

After waking up, who knows that 95 years have passed in a flash.

An old friend disappeared, leaving only a lonely child with nothing to rely on, and suddenly he had an extra nephew.Shen Fei hasn't figured out how to face this child yet.

The time at sea was boring, so boring that Shen Fei was observing the fur on Fat Tiger's body.

In a day and a half, the stripes on Fat Tiger's body really changed. There was a stripe more than ten centimeters long, and the tail turned white about two centimeters.

"Your charging speed is a bit slow, is there any other way to increase the speed?"

Fat Tiger was quite aggrieved, and spread his hands and said: "It is also the first time for me to sever my godhood and cultivation, how would I know..."

Shen Fei was extremely jealous of Fat Tiger's cultivation methods.

Because the Guixianren of Tianshen Palace helped Fat Tiger restore his godhead, Fat Tiger is "actually" still the White Tiger God now.

To use a more vivid metaphor, the godhead is equivalent to Fat Tiger's ID card.

Fat Tiger is going out now and forgot to bring his ID card.Anyone who has seen Fat Tiger will naturally know who he is, but those who have not seen him need to show his ID card to verify his real identity.

The source of Fat Tiger's mana is the energy generated by the meditation of those creatures who believe in the way of monks.

Therefore, Fat Tiger does not need to cultivate by himself at all. Whether he is eating or sleeping, standing or lying down, mana enters his body all the time.The only difference now is that, far away from Tenjin Island, the gigabit fiber optic wifi signal is interrupted, and the 2G signal secretly connected by a non-brand operator is used, or the current-limited one...

The only thing Shen Fei can talk about to comfort him is that now this download can be watched while downloading, and he doesn't have to wait for the complete download to be completed before he can click to play.

While on board, Leng Qingqiu also sent a message to Shen Fei, thanking Shen Fei for providing the customs clearance strategy.

Leng Qingqiu: 【Have you arrived at Sentinel Fort yet? 】

Leng Qingqiu: [Thank you for the customs clearance strategy. After we eliminated the team three times, we finally got through the dungeon according to the method you said, and became the first guild to clear the library dungeon. 】

Leng Qingqiu: [There is also a general skill book for hunters in the dungeon, I have already mailed it to you, I hope you can use it. 】

Maybe it's because this first time didn't come easily, Leng Qingqiu seemed very excited this time, and even talked more.If it weren't for the fact that the social interface of "Big Times" can only be operated by himself, Shen Fei once thought that this girl Leng Ling was chatting on her behalf.

Shen Fei: [I will arrive at the Holy City of Lions tomorrow. 】

It's just that after Shen Fei sent it over, Leng Qingqiu's chat profile just went black, and he went offline directly.

Shen Fei was very depressed with black lines all over his head.The time spent wandering at sea was hard, and I finally found someone to chat with, but I ended up going offline after I finished talking, which is still the style of deserted autumn.

Shen Fei couldn't help complaining: "Is this using my place as a diary? Check in on time to record, and then go offline."

Fat Tiger didn't know when he appeared behind Shen Fei, with his head directly on Shen Fei's shoulder, his eyes were strange and pointed: "Hey, looking at this girl, it seems that he has a crush on you! Shen Fei, not bad !"

Shen Fei was so frightened that he directly closed the chat interface, and was about to scold Fat Hu for not peeping.

But when the words came to his lips, he was startled suddenly, and his face was full of horror: "Can you see my chat interface?"

Fat Tiger looked indifferent, apparently not understanding why he was so surprised: "I can see it, the chat interface made of aura. The girl just now seems to be called Leng Qingqiu, right? She is really a girl with a fiery personality!"

Now Shen Fei is even more confused, why is Fat Tiger, an NPC, able to see the game interface that belongs exclusively to the player.

Even if Fat Tiger is the White Tiger God with relatively high authority, he is still an NPC after all, and the setting of the player system is completely different.

"What do you mean by the chat interface made up of aura?"

Fat Tiger swept the flies on his buttocks with his tail, squatted on the ground and said, "Aura and mana are just called differently. They are actually a kind of energy, just like holy light. If you have to talk about the difference, then aura is pure energy. Naturally, mana is acquired and processed, so you should understand."

Shen Fei's head is in a mess at the moment, and he still can't figure out how Fat Tiger can see the player's chat interface.

Fat Tiger stroked his beard, and suddenly snapped his fingers on an idea, thinking of a good way to explain to Shen Fei.

"You call that the chat interface, right? It's actually made of aura. See if it's like this..."

Fat Tiger talked about condensing mana, and condensed an interface that was exactly the same as Shen Fei's system in the air.

And this interface is not a complete copy of Shen Fei's decryption just now, it is an interface that belongs to Fat Tiger himself, and the friend column is directly zero.

"Look again!"

Fat Tiger said that in adding friends, search for Shen Fei's name to add friends.

A scene that made Shen Fei even more dumbfounded appeared, and the interface displayed [Player Shen Fei has turned off the function of adding friends].

In order to prevent strangers from being harassed by adding friends, Shen Fei turned off the function of adding friends, and could only add friends on his own initiative.

Shen Fei dubiously entered Fat Hu's name in Add Friend, but saw the chat interface that Fat Tiger condensed with his magic power, and a message really popped up [Player Shen Fei requests to add a friend, do you agree? 】.

You can really add friends!

Shen Fei shuddered violently, his hairs burst!

Hey, the first pit appeared!You thought it was an online game, but it's actually not that simple...

After finishing writing, it was almost five o'clock in the morning, and everyone thought it was good. Let's go for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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