my pet is boss

Chapter 125 Utopia

Chapter 125 Utopia

PS: The list of winners today is as follows:

Starting point: Xingyu Xinghai, a cute duck, a cute duck, Meng Huilei, a cute duck
QQ Reading: Shuai, Annoyance, Lack of Money. Deduction, Shuai, It’s Weird

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Fat Tiger casually clicked to agree, and suddenly there was a new friend in Shen Fei's friend column, with the default note - Fat Tiger (White Tiger God).

Shen Fei originally thought that the system interface was specially designed for players, but now Fat Tiger's behavior proves that players are thinking too much, this system is not exclusive to players.The system that Fat Tiger condenses with aura is not only identical in appearance, but also can interact with players in terms of effect.

This also shows that Fat Tiger's understanding of the system is correct. The system is not a game aid set by the mastermind for the player, but the realization of aura.

"Fat Hu, can you see the system interface of other players?" Shen Fei raised his own question.

Fat Tiger scratched his head and said: "As long as you know their aura codes. Because I am your pet, I know your aura codes, so I can directly see your system interface. All systems have a set of aura standardization format, but everyone has a separate aura encryption code, as long as I know the code, I can see other people's system interface."

Fat Tiger's explanation was very clear, but what kind of system and code made Shen Fei feel a sense of disobedience, as if Fat Tiger had suddenly turned into a hacker who was proficient in programming.

That is to say, the system interface that Shen Fei and the others saw was actually formed by the arrangement and combination of spiritual energy. Fat Tiger called this "spiritual energy programming" the standardized format of spiritual energy.What makes Shen Fei extremely puzzled is that Fat Tiger can transform spiritual energy into mana through cultivation, but where does the player get the spiritual energy to call out the system interface?
It's just that Shen Fei is destined not to get an answer on this question.

Just when Shen Fei was still stuck on the question of "how did the player's aura come from", Fuman suddenly got up and ran to the fence of the ship, pointing to the towering giant statue not far away, exclaiming incomparably: "We have reached the inner sea! "

Shen Fei was attracted by Fuman's words, and put the unthinkable things behind him.Standing on the deck and watching, Shen Fei saw an incomparably spectacular scene.

The pattern of the mouth of the Inland Sea is similar to that of the Bohai Bay. There is a long and narrow mouth, about [-] kilometers long.

On both sides of the estuary, there is a stone statue hundreds of meters high.

The stone statue is Lucien in his youth. The stone statue is wearing armor and looks heroic, with firm eyes.With a sharp spear on his back, his left arm is raised across the blue sea in the distance.

The face of the stone statue on the right has not yet been carved, and it is carrying a long bow, and also raised its arms to traverse the rough sea in the distance.

Looking at the shape of the stone statue on the right, Shen Fei suddenly pulled away from the shock, and immediately fell into the emotion.

"Master, the statue on the right looks like you!" Fuman sighed all the time, although there is no face carved, it looks like the young master no matter how you look at it.

Fat Tiger glanced at Shen Fei and didn't speak.

At that time, it had heard about Ergouzi erecting a statue. After all, it was the first major project after the establishment of the human empire.The time was right after the great victory of Owendale, all human beings united as one, withstood the all-out attack from the Frost Orcs, which established the strong tone of the human empire, and also won the respect and attention of all races on the mainland.

Even the orcs, who often talk about blood and glory, have to admit that this is a tough and indomitable race.

There are two stone statues, one belongs to King Lucian, and the other should have been chosen from the Grand Duke Ferdinand who contributed to the war, or the Archbishop of the Holy Light, Mailer, and the Archmage Jordan, but Lucian resisted all opinions and hired a painter According to the memory in his mind, he erected a statue of Shen Fei.

Lucian told the craftsmen not to start work until the face of the stone statue was left, and waited for the man to return one day before carving.

Archduke Ferdinand, Archbishop Mailer and Archmage Jordan have no objection to this.They knew that when the human empire was in its earliest form, there was a person of the same status as King Lucian, who almost contributed to the Three Mountains Council.It's just that they don't know why they disappeared suddenly, and their identities and information have become the most confidential secrets of the three clans.

Archmage Jordan traveled the lands of dwarves and elves, and received the highest courtesy.But regarding that matter, neither the Dwarf Brotherhood nor the Elven Moon Temple are willing to mention more, keeping it secret.

Even when a few of them asked Lucian, Lucian kept silent, but kept emphasizing: "He will definitely come back."

The corner of Shen Fei's mouth slowly raised a confident smile, and sure enough some things have gone through the erosion of time and time, and they will not change in any way.

Shen Fei raised his hand, pointed to the faceless stone statue on his right, and said confidently: "Your eyes are right, this stone statue is me, young master!"

As the ship got closer and closer to the inland sea, the stone statues on both sides became more and more spectacular.When the boat passed under the stone statue, even Shen Fei felt indescribably proud and moved.

When the two of them were hungry and cold and hid in the tree hole to keep out the cold, what they imagined was to gather all the races together and form a grand country that could stand on the mainland.Every time they talk about this, they can forget about the hunger and cold, and immerse themselves in the dream of flying.

Today, Shen Fei saw the utopia he and Er Gouzi had in mind.

"Wow, this stone statue is really big!"

The boat I was on was big enough, but in front of the stone statue, a boat was not even as big as a toe of the stone statue.

Fuman lay on the guardrail staring blankly at the stone statue.There is no child of the empire who has not heard of these two stone statues, and no citizen of the empire does not yearn to witness the most magnificent capital of mankind on this continent.

Tuke County is a frontier town in the bitter cold land of the empire. With Fuman's birth and experience, I am afraid that he will never have the opportunity to witness this miraculous city that condenses the wisdom and sweat of all mankind.In the human empire, there are countless ordinary people like Fuman. They may have a difficult life, or they may be helpless, but they all have the same dream in their hearts, the desire to come to the Holy City one day , witnessed the capital of the human empire.

Lucian not only built an empire and a capital, he also established a common belief for all races.

The holy city is the beacon of the entire human race, hope!
If the holy city does not fall, the human race will live forever.

This is the Utopia of Shen Fei and Lucien.

What is established is the country, and what is established is the self-confidence of the entire nation.

Shen Fei closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and suppressed all the hot tears in his eyes.

Now, this belief is guarded by him!
(End of this chapter)

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