my pet is boss

Chapter 126

Chapter 126
Entering the inland sea marks only a quarter of the entire journey.

The captain came out of the pilothouse, feeling the warm sea breeze blowing in the inner sea, and even his mood became happy.

The captain opened his arms as if he was a host: "Welcome to the most magnificent city in human history - the City of Lions!"

Shen Fei was a little unresponsive, and the captain quickly explained: "After passing the stone statue, it is equivalent to entering the scope of the Holy City. The entire inland sea is called the Royal Sea, and the Royal Navy is stationed on a small island a hundred miles away. Wait In the afternoon, we will be able to arrive at Port of Princes, and if the time is fast enough, we may be able to catch up with the pleasant afternoon tea time."

Shen Fei couldn't wait to arrive at the pier.

Pei Qi didn't know when he climbed up the mast, stood on the high lookout platform and looked into the distance, his ears fluttering excitedly.

After all, it is now counted as a pig that has entered the city, and it is fundamentally different from those rural pigs locked behind the Jasmine Hotel in Tuk County, and it is even more expensive.

Pork in the city is much more expensive than in the countryside.

As the ship moved eastward, Shen Fei saw the small island where the imperial navy was stationed that the captain mentioned just now.

Several docks operate 24 hours a day, manufacturing large-tonnage ships.Dozens of large and small warships equipped with artillery are docked at the pier, neatly arranged at the pier, as if giant steel beasts on the sea are raging against the waves.

As the ship continued to advance, the appearance of the holy city gradually appeared in front of everyone.

Including Fat Tiger, it is also the first time to visit the holy city in person, and the few times it communicates with Lucian, it also conducts spiritual exchanges through the mirror in the monk's monastery.

The grandeur of the holy city far exceeded Shen Fei's imagination.

Shen Fei originally thought that he had seen countless magnificent buildings or scenes in the real world, and he would never be shocked by the three or two scenes in the game.Even if the three clans jointly went to Gushan to exterminate the evil dragon in the past, they never felt so shocked when they saw the evil dragon.

But when the appearance of Xiongdu gradually rose from the horizon, Shen Fei stood there, so shocked that he couldn't help himself for a long time.

The first thing that came into view was a warrior in armor, with both hands on the hilt, and a huge long sword hanging down from his chest.It's just a long sword, at least a hundred meters long, and its huge size is even bigger than the two statues at the mouth of the sea.

The cloak on the warrior is integrated with the whole city.

Shen Fei looked at the sculpture for a while, and found that the sculpture of the warrior guarding the holy city was not Lucian.

"Captain, who is this statue?" Shen Fei originally thought that the statue in the holy city must also be Er Gouzi, but after looking at it, he found that it was not.The majestic owner of Lion City, the huge statue in front of his house is not himself, now it is Shen Fei's turn to be confused.

The captain took a sip of the dry smoke, spit it out against the wind and sprayed it all over his face, but his expression was filled with enjoyment, and he said, "That statue, that's the statue of Fei Gong."

Fei Gong.

This is the honorific title given to Grand Duke Ferdinand.

"If you ask me, the statue of Fei Gong should appear in Neihai, replacing the faceless statue on the right." This is the voice of almost all the people.They don't know the origin of the faceless statue man on the right, they only know that Fei Gong went through life and death for the empire, and his heart was broken.None of the four saints of the empire is more qualified to appear in the inner sea than the faceless statue.

Shen Fei was immersed in the majestic scene of Xiongcheng, and did not refute the captain's words.

It's normal for them to think this way. One is someone who appears in front of them every day, and the other is someone they have never even heard of. Does it matter which one they have a crush on?

"My lord, Port of Prince's is coming soon." The captain commanded the boatman to get busy, put up the mast and adjust the rudder to prepare for docking.

Although this port is called Joshua Port, the common people all call the port Prince Port in order not to call the little prince by his first name.

Shen Fei saw a lot of finely crafted large ships inlaid with gold at the pier. The elegant shapes of the ships looked like black swans in the lake.There are also large ships made of fine iron, and the buzzing whistle is the use of dwarven steam technology.

The ships of the elves and dwarves, all bearing the totems of their respective races, came only for trade.

The elves and dwarves on the boat looked at the small boat sailing into the port, and also saw Shen Fei and his party on board.What Shen Fei saw in the eyes of the other party was the indifference that had nothing to do with him.

If the Sanshan Council could have been established at that time, this situation would not have happened!

It's just that this kind of thing can't be entirely blamed on Shen Fei, after all, no one thought that he would be kicked off the assembly line on the eve.

As long as it is one day later, the history of the three clans will be completely rewritten.

The ship is docked in the port, the cable is tied, and the ship and the dock are connected by a wooden plank.

After bidding farewell to the captain and his party, Shen Fei set foot on the land of the holy city.

Shen Fei was not in a hurry to do the task, there were less than 10 minutes before he went offline, the most urgent thing was to find a place to stay first.

The business flow at the wharf is busy, and there are manpower unloading and carriages for transportation everywhere.Along the pier all the way to the east, a straight and wide avenue leads directly to the holy city.

The holy city is made of huge white granite, and the whole city exudes a dreamy white under the sunshine.

The city wall continues to meander up, dividing the entire holy city into three areas: upper, middle and lower.The highest point is the dome and garden of the Imperial Palace, overlooking the entire holy city.The middle layer of the city is the business district and the wealthy area, and the center is the familiar Gothic style, the Cathedral of the Holy Light composed of row upon row of minarets.The most striking thing is that next to the holy city, there is a floating city full of magic runes. The holy city and the floating city are connected by a pontoon bridge.

From the magic runes, we can know that this is the place where mages practice magic.

The lowest area of ​​the holy city is where ordinary people live, and it is also the place with the highest population density.

Shen Fei led two pigs and one tiger and walked under the statue of Fei Gong who was holding a long sword upside down in both hands. It felt like the sword of Damocles was hanging above his head.

After Shen Fei entered the city, he found a good and cheap hotel in the lower city.

The hotel owner has seen many hunters with pets, and many hunters with tiger pets, so it is not surprising.

But when it was Fuman's turn, the innkeeper couldn't help but put on his glasses, looked at them with his head several times, and asked uncertainly, "If I'm not mistaken, is your pet a pig?"

Fuman himself came from a small place, and he was a little nervous when he came to the center of the human empire for the first time.Now being picked up by the hotel owner to ask again, he stumbled nervously and looked at Shen Fei with eyes asking for help.

Shen Fei didn't answer for him, but nodded encouragingly, motioning him to speak out by himself.This kind of thing has inertia, you can help once or twice, but then Fuman will default to one thing, he is an inferior person from the countryside, and he will be afraid to communicate with other people.

Everyone has this feeling of entering a strange environment, but if you want to overcome it, you still have to rely on yourself.

Encouraged by the young master, Fuman took a few deep breaths and said with an extremely serious expression, "Don't look at it as a pig, it can save my life!"

(End of this chapter)

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