my pet is boss

Chapter 127 Grand Duke Ferdinand

Chapter 127 Grand Duke Ferdinand

PS: When will we add more updates to the leader of Drunken Moon (1/3)

"Well, I believe you are telling the truth. Sir, here is the key to your room, please keep it safe." The innkeeper gave Fuman a room key after registering.Only then did Fuman heave a sigh of relief, and his face turned rosy.It seems that it is not difficult to talk to people in the holy city.

After Shen Fei and Fuman went upstairs, Fuman asked dejectedly: "Master, did I embarrass you just now?"

Shen Fei patted him on the shoulder and said: "No, you performed better than most people who came to the holy city for the first time."

Because of the addition of Fat Tiger and Pai Qi, the hotel cannot accommodate so many people in a single room, and suites are not popular in this era, so Shen Fei can only open two rooms.

After helping Fat Hu to overcome his timidity and self-conscious inferiority, Shen Fei went directly into the house and went offline.

I was going to tell Fat Tiger, but Fat Tiger seemed to know it, and waved his hand impatiently: "I know you players are going offline, get out, get out. I'll take this big bed for myself."

Shen Fei was speechless, wondering in his heart, did he find his pet, or found an ancestor?
"Sometimes pets are too smart, and that's not a good thing..." Shen Fei couldn't help but sigh, in front of Fat Tiger, he really didn't have any sense of superiority as a master.

When Fat Hu heard this, he was so frightened that he hugged the plush pillow at the head of the bed tightly, with a frightened expression on his face: "Shen Fei, what do you want to do? I'm here to warn you, don't think about anything you don't have!"

Shen Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he just babbled casually, and said with a smile: "What's on your mind all day long, I just babbled, you said you were in Tenjin Island for 93 years, what did you learn? "

Shen Fei's tone is a bit like a parent sending a naughty child to a hobby class, hoping that the child can learn some special skills and come back, but it turned out that this kid not only failed to learn well, but even worsened.

Fat Tiger was also quite dissatisfied. He turned up from the big soft bed, and said back: "It is said that three years old is old, and seven years old is old. I was with you before I was five years old. What do you think about me now?" Don't you have points?"

Shen Fei took a deep breath, hey, this guy is very talkative!
Shen Fei rolled up his sleeves angrily, and said with a serious face: "I tell you..."

Just halfway through speaking, Shen Fei's eyes suddenly went dark, and he was directly kicked off the assembly line.

The most painful thing in life is this. I have already organized the language of scolding in my heart, but I haven’t sent out the first series of quality three times. As a result, I automatically get off the phone because of insufficient Internet fees, leaving the other party with a curse. The feeling of running.

Shen Fei, feel aggrieved!

In the past, he would hold the fat tiger's dog's head and beat him up, but now he let the fat tiger ride on his head to show off his might.

Fat Tiger was lying on the bed in an enchanting posture, with his fleshy palms resting on his ears, with a look of gloating: "Tell me what, are you talking?"

If Shen Fei could see this cheap look, he wished he could just crawl out of the freezer and pick his dog's head.


When Shen Fei closed and opened his eyes and reappeared in the room, he saw Fat Tiger gnawing wildly with a deer leg, eating ferociously as if he hadn't eaten anything in 80 years.

When Fat Tiger saw Shen Fei reappearing, he suddenly became wary, why did this guy appear like a ghost when he went online, it was so frightened that he trembled all over.

Seeing Fat Tiger eating, Shen Fei always felt that he had forgotten to do something very important, but he just couldn't remember it.

He racked his brains and couldn't figure it out, but instead found Fat Tiger staring at him.

"What do you see me doing?" Shen Fei asked puzzled.

Fat Hu was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Shen Fei to log off and completely forgot about the bickering.But it's better to forget, so as not to be beaten by him again.

Fat Tiger stretched out his claws and passed the gnawed deer leg forward, and asked, "Really?"

Shen Fei glanced at the saliva-stained deer leg with disdain, and shook his head: "Okay, hurry up and pack up after eating, we still have business to do today."

"By the way, Fuman is not in the room. He is helping downstairs in the hotel." Fat Tiger stuffed the whole deer leg into his mouth, gnawed and sucked it continuously, and took out a smooth and meatless deer bone from his mouth after a while.

With this ventriloquism, even if you don't become a god in the future, you can make a living by sucking boneless chicken feet.

Shen Fei and Fat Hu came to the first floor and found that Fuman had a good relationship with the people in the hotel. Even the hotel owner was envious, saying that Shen Fei had a diligent and capable servant.

Shen Fei originally wanted to explain, although Fuman has always talked about one young master, but Shen Fei has always regarded him as a friend, not a servant.

It's just that the words came to his lips but he didn't say them, he just smiled.

If you say it yourself, others will definitely not believe it, and you should pretend that you are being good when you get the advantage.

"Fuman, it's time for us to get down to business."

Shen Fei greeted, and Fuman immediately finished the work at hand, took off the apron and carried the package on his back and ran towards the door.

Pei Qi, who was lying behind the hotel counter, also got up and followed.Now you don't need Fuman to greet you, you know you are following.

Shen Fei just casually asked the guards, and then asked about the specific location of the Duke's Mansion.

The first building in the wealthy area is the Duke's Mansion.

Originally, Grand Duke Ferdinand was a fief manor a hundred miles east of the Holy City. Because of the increase in unrest in the Holy City after His Majesty the King disappeared, he moved to his residence in the Holy City for the convenience of handling official duties and taking care of the little prince.

Shen Fei came to the gate of the Duke's mansion according to the picture, and there were two guard posts at the gate.

Originally, I thought the Duke's Mansion would be magnificent, but I didn't expect it to look a little dilapidated.On the contrary, it is a residence next door, surrounded by white walls, with more than six guards constantly patrolling the door. It looks more like a duke's mansion in terms of style and luxury.

Shen Fei talked to the guards, and handed the letter of introduction to the guards, and easily entered the Duke's Mansion under the leadership of the guards.

There are many places inside the Duke's Mansion that look in disrepair, and some parts of the walls are even mottled and falling off, which looks like psoriasis.

"Please rest in the garden for a while, and I will report to the Generalissimo right away." The guard was polite, and entered the study through the corridor with Shen Fei's letter of introduction.

Ferdinand was not only the grand duke proclaimed by Lucian, but also the grand marshal of the empire. He had seven generals under his command and commanded the seven legions of the empire.

He has made great achievements in military affairs throughout his life, and he is the shadow of him in the establishment of the empire and the expansion of the territory. He is the out-and-out god of war in the empire.

In the whole northern continent, this name is an awesome existence.Even the frost orcs who are enemies will feel respect when they hear this name.


"Your Excellency, there is an envoy from Sentinel Fort outside asking to see you."

Ferdinand looked at the messages sent by the various ministries, and fiddled with them on the sand table.According to the intelligence sent back from the Owendale front line, it seems that the frost orcs in the north have recently begun to move again...

The current predicament of the empire has broken Ferdinand's heart. If the frost orcs invade at this time, he must rush to the front line as soon as possible.So there is no one in the huge holy city... I am afraid that the Frost Cold orcs started to gather troops in the north when they heard the news of His Majesty's disappearance.

Hearing the news that it was Sentinel Fort, Ferdinand put down the information in his hand.

General Ross of Sentinel Fort was born as a soldier of Ferdinand, and his work rules are reliable. Sentinel Fort is adjacent to the Black Gold Mountain Range, and his main responsibility is to supply ore and jewelry to the empire.Ferdinand was well aware of Rose's personality, and if it wasn't for something, he would definitely not send an envoy traveling thousands of miles to ask for an interview.

After opening the envelope and reading it carefully, Ferdinand frowned sometimes, and then thoughtfully said, "It's kind of interesting."

"Let the messenger from Sentinel Fort come in."

(End of this chapter)

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