my pet is boss

Chapter 129 Super S-level data authority!

Chapter 129 Super S-level data authority!
All the senior staff gathered here. You must know that the boss has spent most of his life in the reference room. He has read most of the materials here, and if there are materials that make him feel interesting, it must be extraordinary.

Everyone gathered together, Shadow gently threw the iron box on the table, and said with a long sigh of relief: "After searching the entire database, there is only one person named Shen Fei."

The staff members all had incredible expressions on their faces. You must know that when searching for information in the past, there were usually many people with the same name and surname, and they usually had to go through repeated screening to confirm their identity.For example, the two names Lucian and Joshua, since His Majesty the King came to the throne, many people like to name their children with these two names, hoping that their children will be as brave and successful as His Majesty the King.

There are no people with the same name and surname in the whole country, and this case is quite rare.

The shadow reached out and brushed lightly over the iron box, and a dark golden mysterious rune appeared on the box.

This is the first authority of the database, and all senior staff working in the database can access it.

The iron box seemed to have vitality, and began to mechanically deform and flip, and the complicated changes looked dazzling.

After a series of changes, the appearance of the black iron box also changed. The whole box took on a bronze style, and another prohibition rune appeared on the box again.

The shadow waved his hand again, lifting the bronze restraint on the box, and then the bronze box didn't bounce off directly, but changed again dazzlingly, and finally became a silver box and stood on the table.

"Silver box, this is a Class B secret, right?" Some staff couldn't help but marvel.

All the materials in the reference room have different levels.Information similar to ordinary people is stored in a black iron box, and can be consulted when a black iron restriction is lifted when needed. This kind of information is generally classified as D-level information.

The level of the bronze box is a little higher, and it is generally some information about some famous people, or it involves some unknown secret information, which is classified as C-level information in the information room.

On top of the bronze box, there are boxes of three grades of silver, gold, and diamond, each of which represents B-grade, A-grade, and S-grade information, most of which involve nobles, lords with high social status, and even hold important positions in the country senior officials, and even some leaders.

Moreover, these materials not only include the human empire, but also the intelligence information of many other races. These are valuable materials that countless spies exchanged their lives for.

Shadow's complexion did not show any disturbance, and he said calmly: "If you can make Fei Gong decide to ask our MI[-] to investigate, it will definitely not be ordinary information, so I guess it should be A-level information."

The silver box, this is the maximum level of intelligence information that senior agents can unlock.To go further up, you need to have the authority to hold a high-level position in MI[-].Fortunately, Shadow is now acting as the top leader of SI[-], and has most of the data permissions.

With a wave of his hand, the silver restriction began to change complicatedly.Just as Shadow thought, the box didn't pop open in the end and turned into a golden box.

At this time, all the senior agents around him took the initiative to disperse, and these materials were not accessible to their senior agents.

It's just that after everyone returned to their respective jobs, their eyes were still fixed on Boss Shadow. After all, there were not many opportunities to witness the opening of the golden box.

"Hey, when was the last time you saw a golden box open?"

"I remember that after His Majesty disappeared, the four humerus came to read the information together, and even found S-level information at that time..."

"While I express my deepest condolences on the disappearance of His Majesty the King, I envy you the opportunity to see the opening of the Diamond Box."

This feeling is like having a bottle of good wine at home, and you can't bear to open it during the New Year and holidays. You ask Dad when he can open it, and Dad says it must be reserved for people with extremely important status. At this time, everyone will look forward to what kind of wine it is. Only important people are qualified to let Dad open this bottle of wine.

Now the mentality of the senior agent is like that of the child who expects his old father to open a drink.

The shadow waved again, and the restriction of the golden box was lifted, but the box did not pop up the information, but started a new round of changes.

At this moment, even the expression of Shadow, the head of MI[-], changed. Looking at the box that had turned into a shining diamond, Shadow fell silent.

The senior agents who had returned to their jobs could no longer hold back their curiosity at this moment, they all stood up from their positions, and looked in the direction of the shadow boss with their heads stretched out.

Diamond box, that is a diamond box!
S-level data information, which means that this person's status is at least at the level of the elders of the Dwarf Brotherhood and the White Elf Moon Temple.

But how could such an existence be unknown?
The members of the Dwarf Brotherhood are all the leaders of the various dwarf ministries, and the elders of the Temple of the Moon are the most powerful warriors of the elves. Every ten years, one of the most powerful warriors is selected from all the white elves to enter the Temple of the Moon for baptism.

This kind of existence is not to say that the entire northern continent is well known, but at least within their respective races, it is definitely a famous existence.

But they had never heard of the name Shen Fei!Even Boss Shadow, who knew the database like the back of his hand, searched for an hour to find this information.

Shadow looked at the diamond box in front of him, raised his hand after a while, and before he could speak, the senior agent got up and answered: "Boss, do you want to ask Fei Gong to come over and authorize?"

Shadow nodded.

The shadow of the acting deputy director has no right to open the S-level information.Such a diamond box requires the top officer of MI[-] to open it alone, or it can be opened by the deputy director and a minister of military aircraft with the authorization of the two.

There are only four military ministers of the empire: Grand Duke Ferdinand, Archbishop of the Holy Light Mailer, Countess Margaret and Archmage Jordan.

Since this is an entrustment from Fei Gong, let Fei Gong come in person.

Excitement flashed in the eyes of the senior agent. This is S-level information. After three years, I finally had the opportunity to see the opening of the diamond box again. For the entire SI[-] intelligence department, this feeling is like New Year's Eve.

Ferdinand was still waiting for information from SI:[-], but the news he received was that it could not be opened, and he needed the authorization of Mr. Fei.

The Grand Duke was a little silent. Only S-level information needs to be authorized. Shen Fei's information has been kept secret to this extent?

Things seemed to become more complicated and confusing. Without further ado, the Grand Duke immediately set off and rushed from the secret passage to the location of the SI5 database. It took only [-] minutes for the Grand Duke to arrive at the dark reference room.

"Fei Gong, I still need your authorization." Shadow pointed to the diamond box on the table.

His permission has been injected, and now there is another half of the prohibition on the box.

Without further ado, the Grand Duke put his palm on the diamond box, and with the output of authority, the cracking of the ban lost its effect.

Everyone stared at the diamond box, waiting for the information to pop up from it.

Even the shadow has reached out his hand, ready to take the information.

To everyone's surprise, the diamond box did not pop open, but started a new round of changes.

Everyone's pupils are trembling!
This - super S-level data authority!
 When will we join the Drunken Moon leader (3/3)

(End of this chapter)

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