my pet is boss

Chapter 130 The King of Agents

Chapter 130 The King of Agents
The shadow's face was extremely ugly, and the Grand Duke, who had seen countless worlds, was also caught off guard by the situation in front of him.

"Fei Gong, what is the origin of this guy?"

Shadow has worked in SI30 for [-] years, and most of the information in the database can be said to be at his fingertips. You just need to tell him a name, and he can tell the details of this person's life.

It is not that the S-level data has not been reviewed, but the data authority is higher than that of the S-level...

All the senior agents present were shocked, and some of them with senior qualifications had only seen the S-level authority data opened three years ago in order to investigate the disappearance of His Majesty the King.Originally, some newly promoted senior agents wanted to take this opportunity to witness the opening of the diamond box, but everyone was wrong.

This is not an S-level authority, but a more advanced super-S-level data authority that only exists in legends!
What is the origin of this guy named Shen Fei? It turned out to be a Super S-level data authority.

Regarding the data authority of Super S, we have to start from the time when MI[-] was established.

When MI[-] was first established, the position of director had been vacant, and the deputy director had full authority to perform it.According to His Majesty's original words, he was waiting for the person from the Neihai Stone Statue to appear, and the position of the top officer of MI[-] was also reserved for that person.

As support for the establishment of SI:[-], King Lucian gave SI:[-] four documents, which were hailed as "the treasure of the town" by the entire SI:[-].

There is no other reason. These four pieces of information can be said to be the most precious pieces of information in the entire continent. This is not to say that they can be obtained with such powerful intelligence gathering capabilities.

These four documents are Luna, the Goddess of the Moon, the Chief Priestess of the Temple of the Moon, the Dwarf King Ryan, and an unspeakable document.

A true god, two race leaders, and a mysterious human who is highly respected by the king, such information can be said to be the only one in the entire continent.I'm afraid that even the Dwarf Brotherhood and the Temple of the Moon God don't have such a detailed understanding and understanding of their leaders.

In order to prevent theft, the database has specially designed a permission system.Archmage Jordan pioneered the fusion of magic and blood to construct a unique secrecy system.

If you don't have permission and want to use brute force to open the box, unless you have the total amount of magic that exceeds the entire empire's mage tower, you can't unlock the restriction at all, even the archmage himself can't open it.

The storage system of the database is also very advanced. Because of the existence of the authority system, all the data are arranged according to the region.Even if the ban is invaded one day, the enemy will not be able to accurately collect important information in a short period of time from this vast amount of intelligence.If they are categorized according to the degree of importance, the moment the restriction is broken, intelligence data above A level may face loss.

There are only four copies of super S-level intelligence.There is only one true god and two race leaders left, and it can be known only by the method of elimination that Shen Fei is the existence that His Majesty the King never forgets.

In the past, I always heard His Majesty the King say that this person will definitely come back.

Now, he really is back!
Shadow and Fei Gong exchanged a look, and the situation is quite awkward now.

Only His Majesty the King can open the super S-level data authority, and they can only stare blankly.

Ying Ying and Fei Gong can now be sure that Shen Fei is the person His Majesty the King has been talking about, that is, the original statue of Nei Hai.

Shadow tapped rhythmically on the table a few times, and the senior agent hurriedly went to the database to search.

This is one of the unique communication methods of MI[-] agents, which is fast and secretive.

After a while, the senior agent handed over the scroll, which was the blueprint for designing the Inner Sea stone statue, and the stone statue of the Faceless Man was designed by His Majesty the King himself.

The shadow unfolded the scroll, facing Fei Gong, and said: "Since you have seen Shen Fei, please identify it."

There is no face of Shen Fei in Lucien's original manuscript, but the sophistication of the brush still outlines Shen Fei's figure and temperament just right.After all, when Shen Fei rescued Lucien, this guy was a down-and-out painter who sold his drawings for a living.

When the Grand Duke saw the design drawing of the stone statue, Shen Fei's figure and appearance in his mind were perfectly integrated with the drawing, without any difference.

It's just that Ferdinand was silent at this time, and now he is almost sure that Shen Fei is the person His Majesty has been waiting for for decades.Even the Archmage Jordan could not look old in decades, and with the White Tiger God as a pet, Shen Fei's status was almost aloof.

At the same time, Ferdinand finally understood why Shen Fei had to come to the holy city because of his strong purpose.

Shadow was quite embarrassed. After searching for a long time, it turned out to be his boss?
After all, when the king was there, he personally said that the position of the highest officer of MI[-] was reserved for that person.

Now that man is back...

Seeing that Fei Gong had something to say, Shadow raised his hand to dismiss all the senior agents, leaving only the two of them in the entire reference room.

"Although Shen Fei's identity has been confirmed, we have no authority to view his information. We don't know this person's attitude towards the empire. Everything needs to be observed and analyzed. If he really has goodwill towards the empire, at this precarious moment , can have one more top-level helper, which is beneficial to us and has no disadvantages."

Shadow nodded in praise, at a time like this, he had to bite the bullet and send someone to watch.After the dust settles, it won't be too late for me to apologize to Shen Fei.

"Such an important person has come to the holy city, and I need to tell the others about it in a few days."

For such an important matter, it is natural to tell the others and discuss it together.

After Fei Gong left, Shadow summoned the senior agents and selected some outstanding ones.

"Next, I will assign you a task. If you can complete it, you will have a chance to get the title of Ling Lingqi."

There is no need to doubt, whether it is the rank title of the agent or the icon of the sickle and hammer, these settings have been designed before Shen Fei left, and King Lucian said that he is just a porter of Shen Fei's inspiration.

Lingling paint!
Several senior agents have seen a lot of worlds, but when they heard this title, they couldn't help breathing quickly. This is the title of an agent that is unique in a thousand.

MI[-] has two branches, one is spy agents, whose main function is to collect intelligence and infiltrate; the other is scavengers, whose main function is targeted removal and precise assassination.

Lingling lacquer is the highest honor that the secret service branch can get.If you want to go up in the title of Ling Lingqi, then only the king of secret agents with the boss shadow.

"Shen Fei's special identity must be known to you already. Your next task is to monitor Shen Fei 24 hours a day and record his every move. If you are discovered, the mission will be considered a failure, but if someone can succeed, he can This is the second Lingling paint award in the past 20 years."

The complexions of several senior agents froze. The difficulty of this task is simply breaking through the sky.

They don't know what Shen Fei's strength is, but the one following Shen Fei is the White Tiger God!

That is a true god!

At this moment, several senior agents really want to say: Boss, come here, you can demonstrate how you can not be noticed in this mission.

(End of this chapter)

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