my pet is boss

Chapter 131

Chapter 131
Just when MI24 was thinking about sending someone to monitor Shen Fei [-] hours a day, Shen Fei had already come out of the Duke's Mansion with a cat and two pigs.

After handing in the task, Shen Fei had nothing to do.

Then it's time to go about your own business.

It has been three years since Er Gouzi disappeared, and the people in the holy city have even begun to accept the fact that the king is missing.This is a terrible thing, and Er Gouzi's holy name will gradually fade away, and the object of people's praises will change from Lucian to Ferdinand.

When Shen Fei came yesterday, he had already inquired clearly. At that time, all the evidence was sealed by magic and moved to the current Floating Void City.

The Floating Void City is the seat of the Imperial Mage Academy. Only mages who have passed the intermediate level of magic theory and practice and are awarded the battle badge are eligible to enter the Floating Void City, or high-ranking officials of the empire are eligible to enter the Floating Void City.

The master of the Floating City, Archmage Jordan, is one of the most powerful mages in human history.

With Shen Fei's current status as "Bai Ding", he is not qualified to enter the floating city to investigate the place where Er Gouzi disappeared.

The most urgent thing for Shen Fei is to have an awesome identity, the more awesome the better!Er Gouzi was moved to Floating Void City by magic within a few miles of his disappearance. In the past three years, the empire has invited many capable people and strangers to investigate, but none of them can see why.Shen Fei didn't think that he could gain anything by just looking at it, but at least he would have to wait for his own investigation before he could conclude anything.

If he wanted to gain power in the holy city in a short time, there was basically no hope of improving his favorability and reputation through missions, so Shen Fei could only take shortcuts.

It stands to reason that Shen Fei, a down-to-earth and good-natured young man, shouldn't have engaged in such opportunistic methods.But there are priorities, the first emperor’s business was not halfway established and the middle way collapsed, today’s three points, Yizhou is exhausted, this is the autumn of life and death, it is Zhuge...

Sorry for stringing words together!

Shen Fei is needed now to stabilize the situation in the empire.

The holy city seems to be peaceful through singing and dancing, but in fact, Shen Fei traveled all the way from Xinshou Village, Tuke County to Sentinel Fort, evildoers rampant, and some dormant forces gradually revealed their minions.If the human empire is weak at this time, they will expand without hesitation and completely carve up the human empire.

Shen Fei touched the chubby tiger's head, why did he feel that this guy gained a lot of weight?

Because of too much meat, this time the word "Wang" on Fat Tiger's brow was directly squeezed into a word "Two", which is strange.

Fat Tiger saw Shen Fei's pervasive smile, and slapped Shen Fei's hand off with his fleshy claws. He was cowardly in his heart, but on the surface he said viciously: "Why are you touching my head? What kind of conspiracy is there?"

Shen Fei persuasively said: "Fat Hu, I am the master, right?"

Fat Tiger leaned back slightly, trying to get rid of Shen Fei's clutches.

Whenever Shen Fei asked this question, there was always nothing good.

Fat Tiger licked his paw and pretended not to hear.

Shen Fei looked at Fat Tiger, who was not afraid of boiling water as a dead cat, and sighed helplessly: "Hey, the cat has become courageous, and it's hard to lead the team."

Shen Fei patted Fuman's shoulder heavily and said: "Fuman, you are the one I value most in this team! Next, I will give you an important task!"

Fat Tiger originally thought that if Shen Fei gave in, it would "reluctantly" agree.Unexpectedly, Shen Fei turned around and went directly to Fuman.

Asking someone for help is not sincere at all, pretending not to hear and then turning around and leaving, is there any sincerity?

Oh, men are big hooves!

The fat tiger's claws were crossed in front of his chest, this time he must teach Shen Fei a lesson.

This time, no matter what, he didn't make a move, and waited for Shen Fei to come and ask it for help after he hit a wall.

"Fuman, I'll give you three days to find a way to get a job in Wuseng Temple. I need an internal response."

Shen Fei had already inquired about the major forces in the holy city when he was on the ship.

The military represented by Grand Duke Ferdinand, the Holy Light forces headed by Archbishop Mailer, the Floating City Mage Academy headed by Archmage Jordan, the Imperial Chamber of Commerce established by Countess Margaret, and the Monk Temple representing Tenjin Island, In addition, there are many relatively neutral forces, such as MI[-], the Royal Guard, and so on.

Among these forces, the only ones that are relatively easy to infiltrate are the military and the Monk Temple.

It's just that Fat Hu didn't give him face, so Shen Fei could only send out his general, Fu Man, to stimulate Fat Hu.

It's just that Shen Fei didn't expect that this stupid tiger had also learned to be smart. Facing Shen Fei's aggressive tactics, he was as stable as Mount Tai.

Shen Fei can only lament that people's hearts are not old. Fat Tiger was originally a pure and kind tiger, but in Tianshen Island in 92, he became slick and even learned to intrigue.Seeing Fat Tiger's appearance that a dead cat is not afraid of boiling water, Shen Fei felt deeply distressed.Sure enough, this society is a big dye vat, and only he sinks and flies out of the mud without getting stained.

Fuman's eyes lighted up when he got the mission. Although he didn't know where the Monk Temple was, the young master gave him the mission because he believed in his strength, and he must not let the young master down!

Then Shen Fei and Fuman parted ways.

Shen Fei took a look inside and outside the holy city, and Fuman went to find a way to sneak into the Wuseng Temple.

This time Shen Fei was completely grilled by Fat Tiger. Originally, he thought that he would be fooled by Fat Tiger once, rushing to do the task, but he didn't expect this guy to hold his breath now!Now Shen Fei has no choice but to ask Fuman to go to Wuseng Temple to try.

When Fat Hu heard that Shen Fei's plan was still the Wu Monk Temple, he became more determined that he would come to ask for himself.

The selection of the monks' monastery is very strict, especially the monks' monastery in the Holy City. Master Lan Chan personally sits in the town and selects disciples with wisdom roots to practice the way of monks.Its selection is as difficult as the Holy Light Cathedral and the Floating City Mage Academy.

It's not that Fat Tiger looks down on Fu Man. This fat man is diligent and quick in doing things. He is honest and honest. He is loyal to Shen Fei and has no second thoughts. Although Fat Tiger and Fu Man are in a competitive relationship, Fat Tiger still wants to give him full marks on this point. .

It's just that, if you want to enter the Wuseng Temple, even a helper cook, you need to have wisdom and spirituality, and even better, you need to have extraordinary roots. It is best to be a martial arts genius who is one in a million, and such talents will be accepted. Enter the Monk Temple.As for Fuman, Fat Tiger really didn't see that he met the requirements.

Fat Tiger yawned, and told Shen Fei that he would go to the hotel to gnaw his own bones.

Shen Fei walked around crowded places in civilian areas, hoping to get some useful information.

Fuman, with his helper, asked people to find the way, and finally found out the location of the monk monastery.

"What, you said that Wu Monk Temple has admission registration today? Thank you, uncle!"

Fuman asked a passer-by, and the news he got was that today happened to be the annual enrollment day for Wuseng Temple.

Fuman's eyes lit up, and he was worried about how he could sneak into the Wuseng Temple, and ended up encountering a recruiting activity.

Are you saying it's a coincidence?
 Thanks to QAE Qianfeng and Mortal Disillusionment for their rewards, as well as other friends for their rewards. I hope everyone will come true in the new year and all the best.

(End of this chapter)

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