my pet is boss

Chapter 132 Senior Agent in Action

Chapter 132 Senior Agent in Action

The senior agent in charge of monitoring Shen Fei is already in place.

Because of the importance of this monitoring activity, Shadow arranged almost all the senior agents he thought had potential, a total of five people, to form an emergency agent team, specially responsible for monitoring Shen Fei and his party.

The five of them had just come out of a secret exit from MI[-]. This was an inconspicuous hotel in the downtown area. It was usually mixed with fish and dragons, and the levels of people entering and exiting were uneven. When they came out from here, they could naturally blend into the crowd without being noticed.

"What do you think about the task given by the boss? The other two are easy to talk about, but Shen Fei and Baihu Tianshen, such a combination, even if the true gods go, they will have to reveal their secrets!"

Shen Fei's team had a total of four targets, and there were five people in total in this operation. Obviously, everyone had to choose a surveillance target, and one of the groups had two people.

When the five people were in the basement reference room, they had already witnessed the unpacking of Shen Fei's materials.

Originally they thought that the A-level authority was the best, but the final result silenced everyone present.

Super S-level data permissions, only His Majesty the King has the right to open...

Equally famous is the goddess of the moon, the high priest of the white elves and the king of the dwarves.

Thinking about the statues in the Inner Sea, His Majesty wanted to erect a faceless statue at the expense of infamy, thinking that his contribution was far greater than the four humerus ministers of the empire.

Being able to get into such a combination of gods definitely depends not only on friendship, but on strength!

If that's not enough, look at his pet, the White Tiger God of Tenjin Island, the Lord of Thunder, who is willing to do his bidding.Just this is enough to be called a man standing at the pinnacle of mankind!
There has never been any human being who can make God bow his head and surrender—only Shen Fei!
"I guess Boss Shadow asked us to take charge of this mission. I'm afraid he can't finish it himself, so he let us go into battle with the title of Ling Lingqi. Even if the mission fails, it won't hurt his face."

The agent had just finished speaking when he suddenly felt a big hand slowly move from the ground along his ankle and touch his shoulder.

The other four agents seemed to have seen a ghost. They saw a shadow of a hand on the shoulder of their teammate, but they couldn't see any trace of anyone.

"This, this is the latent image technique of the boss."

"Boy, don't speak ill of me behind my back. You will be in charge of monitoring Shen Fei this time." After speaking, the shadow of the hand slapped the agent's shoulder twice, and then it slid from the shoulder like a flexible snake and merged under the round table. in the shadows.

The atmosphere on the entire table became extremely stiff, and when the shadows completely receded, everyone felt reborn.

All the agents let out a long sigh of relief, and even wiped the sweat from their foreheads.

"It's too scary. Boss's latent image technique is so elusive."

"This is the reason why I admire the boss so much. The second person I admire is Master Xiao En, the deputy director of MI[-]. That is the real double master!"

"The only person in the entire history of SI[-] who is the boss of two departments at the same time, the king of agents, the master of dagger-level assassination, his killing is simply an art!"

A few people chatted a few more words, it can be said that they are in a good mood.

This guy was caught talking ill of the boss behind his back, and he was responsible for the most troublesome Shen Fei.In other words, with the remaining four people, the probability of drawing Shen Fei is only [-]/[-].

Four senior agents took out a dice and said: "If you roll 1, you will monitor Shen Fei; if you roll 2, you will monitor the god of heaven; if you roll 3, you will monitor that little fat man; Go spy on that pig; roll to 4 or 5 and get the next round."

The senior agent who spoke bad things behind his back before had lost all hope, and if he was asked to monitor Shen Fei, he might as well be sentenced to death directly.

It is estimated that if his breathing is a little tense, Shen Fei can feel the strangeness from a kilometer away.

Now let's see who is as miserable as me, and shake to the idea of ​​1.

The first agent picked up the dice and threw it on the table. The dice kept spinning, and a bright red was visible on the upward side.

"Don't be 1, don't be 1!"

As the speed of the dice slowed down, it suddenly turned over when it was about to stop, and finally landed on the number 4.

"Hahaha, I am simply lucky!" 4 This idea can be said to be the best, after all, what is so difficult about monitoring a pig?This agent can be said to have sealed the victory in advance, and he will complete the task 100%.

The pressure on the remaining three people suddenly increased, and now there are not many choices left for them.

A master of gods, a god, and a fat servant, the probability of getting a landmine is two-thirds.

Before the second agent was drawn, he held the dice and folded his hands together and bowed, and then threw the dice out.The dice spun on the table for a while, and finally landed on 3.The senior agent even jumped up in excitement.A seemingly loyal and honest servant has no difficulty!

This waiting is like walking through the gate of hell.Next, only Shen Fei and Tianshen were left. The two of them didn't have to follow the rules at all. In the end, the right to choose was determined by the number of points.

"Wow, are you guys playing dice? It seems very fun!" Suddenly, a voice appeared next to the five senior agents, and all five of them burst into killing intent in an instant.The five people's table was at the far corner, and someone could even approach without being noticed by them. If this person had malicious intentions, the five of them would definitely die!
Fat Tiger hurriedly squeezed out a smiling face and said, "Brother, don't be angry. I just enjoyed watching you play dice. I'm bored by myself, so I came here to join in the fun. Don't disturb me?"

(= ̄ω ̄=)
The five senior agents originally wanted to say hello, but when they turned around and saw a smiling and honest tiger talking to them, the five of them suddenly lost their brains.


( ̄口 ̄)!!
∑( ̄□ ̄*|||
They have also seen a talking tiger, but if the tiger is a god, it will be different.

The five exchanged glances frantically, are they exposed now?
Why did the White Tiger God know that they were discussing and monitoring their actions in this place?

Oh, by the way, the gods have boundless mana and are omniscient, and they have indeed been discovered!
Fat Tiger came back first when he was bored, but when he got back to the hotel, he saw these five people playing dice in the corner, jumping up excitedly from time to time, which seemed very interesting.Fat Tiger just wanted to join a party to play with, to pass the boring time.

As a result, as soon as they opened their mouths, the five civilians were completely petrified.

Fat Tiger thought he had frightened the five of them by talking, after all talking tigers are still very scary.

Fat Tiger felt very embarrassed at this moment, if the stalemate continued, these five people would not play with him no matter what.The top priority is to immediately dispel the fear and doubts of these people, so the best way is——

(='_'=): "Meow!"

Pretend to be a cat!

 The wind-chasing Rejoice leader Gagen (1/3)

  In addition, there is no word count for emoticons, 7 emoticons add up to 22 words, if you describe it in words, it will definitely exceed!

(End of this chapter)

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