my pet is boss

Chapter 133 Admissions Exam

Chapter 133 Admissions Exam
"My friend, I'm really not a tiger, I'm just a cat with gigantism."

Fat Tiger was still acting, widening its shining Kaziran eyes.

While Fat Tiger was showing off his cuteness, the five agents exchanged eye contact for at least a few Gs, and the general information they got was that they didn't seem to be exposed, and the White Tiger God really regarded them as passers-by.

A meeting of several people's eyes finally made an extremely difficult decision.

"Hahaha, this is the first time I've seen such a big cat."

The senior agent who was drawn to monitor the gods almost tremblingly reached out and touched Fat Tiger's back twice.

Fat Tiger also feels that his acting skills have reached the pinnacle of his life at this moment, in order to act more like a cat, he squinted his eyes and pretended to enjoy it.

The actual feeling is, is this person physically weak from masturbating too much, why does his hand tremble even after masturbating a cat?

If Shen Fei was present, he would definitely be heartbroken—what did Fat Hu this guy learn in Tianshen Island?

"The few of us withdrew beforehand, let's meet again another day!" The remaining four senior agents all got up and left their seats, only the senior agent who was in charge of monitoring Baihu Tianshen was left, almost shedding tears of emotion.

"Hey, what are you going to do now that everyone is gone!" Fat Tiger looked frustrated, but he didn't expect these people to be scared away by it.Fat Tiger was quite helpless, thinking that the people in the holy city were well-informed and wouldn't be surprised, but he didn't expect it to be the same...

"It's okay, I'll accompany you, we can play too." The senior agent cried while wiping away his tears.

Fat Tiger looked at the people who were crying and wiping their tears stubbornly, with a sore nose, and sighed in his heart: The people at the bottom are really pitiful, it is rare for friends to get together, and they have to be tired by life and continue to run.

"Are you touched?" Fat Tiger asked.

The senior agent blew his nose and suppressed sobbing: "Don't dare to move!"

Fat Tiger was thoughtful, thinking of what Gui Xianren told him before to understand the world of mortals, and everything is the way.Strength is a kind of tenacity. Isn't it a kind of tenacity that the ordinary person in front of him pretends to be strong in front of life?

"Come on, let's roll the dice!" Fat Tiger grabbed the dice with his claws and shook it.

The other four senior agents managed to get out, and they all let out a long sigh of relief when they walked out of the hotel.The situation just now was too dangerous, and all five of them would be exposed if they were not careful!

"The task of containing the gods will be handed over to No. [-]. I hope he can persist for a longer time."

Several senior agents entered the mission state, and they could not call each other by their real names. In the previous eye contact, they simply used the number when they rolled the dice just now as the code name of this mission.

The two who monitored Shen Fei were No. [-] and No. [-], No. [-] in the hotel who watched the White Tiger God, No. [-] who watched the fat servant, and No. [-] who watched the little pig.

"Since No. [-] has already met the target in advance, let's hurry up and start, and be careful not to change!"

After talking, several people scattered and started to act.

The holy city is huge, but for senior agents, except for some places where they don't have enough authority to reach, the rest of the places can be found with their eyes closed.

The four of them looked like sharp-eyed eagles in the holy city, looking for their prey everywhere.

After asking a passer-by, Fuman learned that there is an annual admissions exam at the Wuseng Temple today, and as long as you pass the exam, you can become a member of it.

For players, if they want to become a monk, they just need to confirm their career choice at the beginning of the game.

But for the NPCs in the game, it is a very luxurious thing to have their own profession, and they must go through hard study and hardships.

The Martial Monk Temple, the Holy Light Cathedral, and the Floating City Mage Academy are known as the three top academies in the empire.

To be able to enter the three major academies for further study, all of them are extremely intelligent and gifted geniuses. Coupled with the teaching of the best teachers, they can excel in the shortest time and become the pride of the empire.

Therefore, the application for the three colleges every year can be described in one sentence-thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge.

Of course, our Fuman doesn't know this at all, he has only one idea in his mind now - to complete the task arranged by the young master.

According to the guidance of the passer-by, Fuman quickly found the registration point in the civilian area of ​​the holy city.

The first part of the registration is to enter the registration point set up by the Wuseng Temple, and the staff will give you a number plate representing your identity. The number plate of Fuman is written with 666.

"Sorry, you can't bring pets with you in the next recruitment exam." The staff member saw a well-behaved pig following Fuman, and reminded him kindly.

Fuman bent down to thank the staff, then turned around and squatted down, solemnly said to Qi'an, "Qi, you know the way back to the hotel, right? I'm here to complete the task of the young master, so There is no way to send you back, you should go back to the hotel by yourself now, don't run around on the road, be careful if you are caught and cooked, you know?"

Pei Qi groaned impatiently, turned around and walked back to the hotel.

Fuman looked at the direction in which Pei Qi was leaving, and heaved a sigh of relief.Although Qi Qi is a pig, he is quite accurate in recognizing the way.

Peiqi ran away from Fuman's sight, glanced back to make sure Fuman couldn't see it, and then accelerated towards the intersection.

This direction is exactly opposite to the way back to the hotel...

Fuman continued to line up, and heard the staff inside shouting, "Next, No. 234!"

Fuman glanced at the number plate in his hand again. There are still more than 400 numbers, and he doesn't know when it will be queued.

Fuman feels that the current scene is similar to the issuance of permits in Touk County.

Anyway, it was boring to wait, Fuman glanced back and forth, and suddenly approached the people in line behind him, and said mysteriously: "My friend, let me know about the spicy roasted spider legs?"

At this moment, in the monk monastery in the royal area, the highest in the Holy City, an old man with squinting eyes and a gray beard is sitting cross-legged on a lotus leaf in the center of the lake. superior.

"Master, arrangements have been made outside, and all the elite disciples have been dispatched to appear in various parts of the assessment site according to your requirements."

"Well, just arrange it. The little prince will come to practice boxing and kicking in the afternoon, so I'll sleep for a while..."

The middle-aged monk hesitated to speak, but seeing the old man's eyes fascinated, he didn't know whether to speak or not.

"Ask if you have anything, holding it back is not good for your health." The old man said slowly without opening his eyes.

The middle-aged monk seemed to have unloaded a heavy burden, and there were circles of ripples under his feet.

"Master, this year's selection is different from previous years. It is all designed according to your wishes, and even the scoring method is completely different from the previous ones. Are you sure you can select Chanzi this way?"

The old man smashed his mouth and said, "Zen Zi was born this year. It was appointed by Gui Xianren. There must be no mistakes. This method is based on my improvement of the assessment for entering Tianshen Island. The person with the highest score is naturally Zen." Not to mention the Monk Monastery, it’s no problem for the selected people to go directly to Tenjin Island.”

Hearing that it was an improvement for entering the Tianshen Island, the middle-aged monk hurriedly lowered his head in shame, not daring to question it.

Now there are countless people in the holy city who are queuing up to sign up, proud to be admitted to the Wuseng Temple.

But in the Monk Temple, countless monks are proud to be able to enter the Tenjin Island.

Even in the entire Monk Temple, there were only three people who could enter the Tenjin Island physically, including the old man in front of them.

This time the point assessment was improved from the assessment of Tenjin Island. Those who got the highest score and entered the Monk Temple would be able to enter the Tenjin Island physically. Such a person would become a Zen disciple, and the middle-aged monks dare not have any objections.

 The wind-chasing Rejoice leader Gagen (2/3)

(End of this chapter)

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