my pet is boss

Chapter 134 Surveillance

Chapter 134 Surveillance
Hearing that this assessment was adapted from the method of entering Tenjin Island, the middle-aged monk was a little moved.

"Master, this disciple also wants to participate in this entrance examination!" The middle-aged monk's eyes were burning. Although he is now the head of the Buddhist monastery's martial arts instructor, he thinks that his Zen martial arts skills are second only to the three elders in the entire Buddhist monk's monastery.But his master always said that his practice was not enough to pass the trial of Tenjin Island.

This time there is a simulation version of the Tianshen Island Trial, he naturally wants to try it out to see whether his master has misjudged him or his own strength is really not enough.

The old man closed his eyes and rested his mind. Under the lotus, there were many koi looking for shade under the lotus leaves.

"Yes, but you have to claim your strength, change your appearance, and take part in the assessment with those ordinary people." After speaking, he lightly held his index finger in the water, picked up a water droplet and bounced it between the middle-aged monk's forehead.The appearance of the middle-aged monk's figure changed instantly, and all the meridians on his body were sealed, making it impossible to mobilize the monk's power.

With his strength blocked, he naturally couldn't stand in the water, so he was about to plunge into the water immediately.

I saw a lotus flower growing and breaking through the water, just holding the monk who had turned into a boy on the surface of the water.

"Thank you master, I'll go now."

The young man was overjoyed, fearing that he would not be able to make it to the front and delay the assessment, he left the monastery in a hurry.

The old man just shook his head slightly, not expressing his intentions.

Fuman was mixed in the team, and within a few minutes he got to know the people who signed up before and after, mainly because of Fuman's simple and honest appearance, and the spicy roasted spider legs are really delicious!

At first glance, Fuman came from a remote area, and looked harmless to humans and animals. Basically, no one would regard Fuman as a competitor.

Moreover, what kind of spicy roasted spider legs and iced coconut milk are on Fuman's body. After eating and drinking, the stamina and spirit of other applicants have been significantly improved, and they have a good impression of this cook who accidentally registered.

"Fuman, let me tell you that the enrollment of Wu Monk Temple can be said to be the busiest day of the year in the holy city, and young people from all over the country want to take this opportunity to be admitted to the Buddhist monastery and become a monk. "

Fuman scratched his head and didn't understand: "Isn't the Holy Light Cathedral and the Floating City Master Academy also enrolling students every year? Why is it said that the Zen Academy enrolls students on the busiest day?"

"You don't understand this. The Holy Light Cathedral requires outstanding mental strength for admission, and the Floating Void City Mage Academy requires passing the intermediate magic exam and actual combat to be eligible to enroll. These two places are not accessible to us ordinary people. Only The entrance examination threshold of Duchanyuan is low, there are not so many requirements, and [-] people are recruited every year, so every year, young people with dreams from all over the empire come to the Holy City to take the exam."

Fuman nodded half-understood, and really wanted to ask: Doesn't the competition mean great competition if the threshold is low?

Before he could open his mouth, he was interrupted by the contestant behind him in a low voice: "Brother, I heard that you have that thing in your hand, quietly give me some!" He said and held Fuman's chubby hand.

Fuman felt a chill in the palm of his hand. The temperature and the feel of the hand were clearly a silver coin.

The price is right, pay for it and deliver it.

The monk who turned into a boy also came to the registration point and got his own number plate 777.

After getting the number, look around and pay attention to the elite disciples hiding in the dark.But because all his strength was sealed, not a single elite disciple found out.

Coach Wu knew very little about this assessment.All I know is that these elite disciples who have been released to the outside world have each received a scoring manual. There is a detailed standard for how to score each link and how many points to give.

Others only thought that they just got their number plates now, and that the formal assessment would start after queuing up and registering.Only Coach Wu knows that after receiving the number plate, the admissions exam has officially started this time.

The [-] elite disciples of the Chanyuan are distributed throughout the entire assessment process and are responsible for scoring all the candidates for the examination.

That's all the inside story that Coach Wu knew, and he had a "great" advantage.

Looking at the densely packed crowd of people queuing up, Coach Wu took a deep breath to calm down his restless mood.With his deep understanding of Zen principles, the assessment of this level should be all kinds of attitudes, recording and scoring the emotions displayed by each contestant.

As long as he remains calm, calm and introverted, he will definitely get high marks.

He glanced at the applicants around him, some were anxious, and some were giggling.The head of martial arts is extremely disdainful in his heart, and if he enrolls in the monk's temple with such a mentality, he will definitely be eliminated!
The elite disciple hiding in the dark saw the contestant with the 777 waist card and observed for a long time to confirm his performance.

"Calm and introverted, calm as water, plus 5 points."

Then I saw the little fat guy with the waist card of 666. This guy was smiling, and he kept making all kinds of secret py transactions with the players around him.The elite disciple glanced at the grading book, and searched for a long time in the standard answers for the first test, but couldn't find any similar grading options.Only one sentence is seen in the last line: If there is no above situation, it will be regarded as blank.

The No. [-] senior agent who monitored Fuman was already in place, and he frowned slightly when he saw Fuman mixed up in the monk recruitment team.

Why did this little fat man come to take the monk exam?

The senior agent hurriedly took out his notebook, quickly wrote notes on it, and recorded this information.This seemingly insignificant servant, fat man, seems to be making trouble too!

On the other hand, Qi Qi did not follow the scheduled route back to the hotel.I followed Fuman all the way just now, and heard a strange sound on the road.

This time, I finally had the opportunity to come over and find out.

In the end, Pei Qi stopped at the door of a magnificent building, with a few large characters written - Holy City Royal Academy of Music.

The sound of music came from inside, and Qi Qi closed his eyes as if appreciating it.Then he opened his eyes and ran away without a trace.

Agent No. [-] was originally thankful that his task was the simplest, and there was nothing difficult about being a pig.

But when it came time to search, Agent No. [-] found that it was too difficult to find a pig in the Holy City!

He didn't find the pig in the slaughterhouse, the breeding farm, or even around the hotel, all the way from the Duke's mansion to the hotel.

Now his mind is full of that pig, but he just can't find a complete figure.

The other four people must have found their surveillance targets. No. [-] even directly interacted with the target unexpectedly, directly transforming from surveillance to containment, but he has not even found the target yet.

Agent No. [-] shuttled quickly in the holy city, and suddenly, when passing the roof of the Royal Academy of Music, a touch of flesh color suddenly appeared in the flashing vision.

Agent No. [-] immediately dodged to the vicinity, only to see the most unbelievable scene he had seen in ten years of mission.

A pig is lying on the roof of the Royal Academy of Music, holding the glass with its paws, slowly shaking the red wine in the glass, allowing the red wine to fully contact with the air, fermenting a mellow taste, listening to the music leisurely!

 The wind-chasing Rejoice leader Gagen (3/3)

(End of this chapter)

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