my pet is boss

Chapter 135 Fuman 1 life, not weaker than others

Chapter 135 Fu Man's Life, Not Weaker than Others
Agent No. [-] even forgot to take out his notebook.

He has seen many hunter's pets in his life, and some pets are extremely psychic, can speak human language and behave like humans, but these are limited to extremely intelligent magical creatures.

He has never seen a pig that can drink red wine and taste music, so artistic.

The key point is that this pig really understands music. Its two ears are fluttering with the music, and its small tail is like a baton, which keeps moving in the air, which fits inexplicably with the rhythm.

Senior agents usually have a lot of mixed knowledge, because you can never be sure what the next task is.

Because of the diversity and contingency of tasks, senior agents are required to master as much knowledge as possible, and music is naturally one of them, even as a compulsory course that can transmit information.

Agent No. [-]'s course in music appreciation and understanding has an A grade in the assessment.

All the rhythms of this pig are exactly on the beat.Red wine can inhibit the activity of about 12% of the brain, resulting in delay and paralysis.A pig's brain is smaller than a human's, so the inhibitory effect will be stronger, with the result that pigs are more likely to get drunk and paralyzed.

The beat can be so accurate in a drunk state, this pig is not an ordinary pig!
Agent No. [-] frowned, thinking that his task would be the easiest.Unexpectedly, now it seems that it has become the most challenging task.

"Sure enough, the pig that can follow Shen Fei is not an ordinary pig!"

Agent No. [-] did not dare to neglect anything, took out his notebook and quickly recorded the situation, and even used sketches to describe the scene of the pig listening to music.

After doing all this, Agent No. [-]'s pupils contracted violently, and the whole person suddenly froze in place.

Just now I was amazed that this pig understands music, and is even proficient in appreciating music, completely forgetting a fact.

There are no steps around here that can lead to the roof of the Royal Academy of Music. How did this pig get up?And where did this wine glass and red wine come from?

It's not that someone arranged this on purpose, so it's all done by the pig himself.

There is no way to find the people to get wine glasses and red wine without anyone noticing, let alone climb to the roof of the Conservatory of Music, but now a pig can easily do it...

Think carefully!Think carefully!
No. [-] gasped, as expected, there was no ordinary person who could stay by Shen Fei's side, and he still underestimated this pig too much!

One of the big taboos of agents is not having an accurate understanding of the enemy, underestimating the enemy and being careless, the result can only be a bitter fruit for oneself.

At the very beginning, number four's mentality was wrong, and he thought this pig was an ordinary pig.

But on the other hand, strong generals have no weak soldiers. When everyone is wary of the White Tiger God, why don't they think more about how an ordinary-looking pig can be by Shen Fei's side and sit on an equal footing with the White Tiger God?

Fortunately, it was not too late for Agent No. [-] to wake up, and the next step is to fight this pig with wits and courage!

In the hotel, Fat Tiger and Agent No. [-] simply proposed to add a little bit of luck to roll the dice without any enthusiasm.

Fat Hu thought that anyway, with Shen Fei on his back, this guy must be rich, and he would not refuse anyone who came.

Agent No. [-]'s original task was to monitor Baihu Tianshen, but inexplicably confronted the other party head-on, and now his mission was temporarily changed to delaying Baihu Tianshen.Since the other party wants to add some color, then come!
Only after ten rounds, Agent No. [-] had lost all his money.

"You, just sit here and don't move around, I'll go to the bank to withdraw money right now!" Said and left the hotel in a hurry.

Fat Tiger couldn't close his mouth with a smile. He didn't expect that rolling the dice was not very interesting, but it immediately became interesting after adding a little lottery.

"Gui Xianren is right, this experience in the world of mortals is too necessary. Every time I open a cup, there is a new experience and impulse. This is completely a sharpening of my Dao heart!"


The registration team is still going on, and as time goes by, many players are irritable.

Too many people signed up!Many people stood and waited for an hour or two, but it was not their turn to register.

No matter how good the martial arts teacher's concentration is, he couldn't help feeling restless in his heart.After he became the head of martial arts, he either taught martial arts or meditated to enlighten himself every day. He definitely didn't waste so much time waiting in line.Seeing these players who have no qualifications and are still shouting and perfunctory here, they feel even more disgusted in their chests. Their precious time is being wasted by these trash!
"Contestant No. 666!"

After waiting for an hour and a half, it was finally Fuman's turn to register his personal information.

Those who registered their personal information were the introductory disciples of the Zen Academy. This time, they were all arrested and dragged to the registration office to register their information.

He didn't even bother to ask questions at the end, he just picked up a pointer and tapped on the blackboard with the questions written behind him, and the applicants would just fill in the questions as they understood.

Fuman got a pass card after filling it out, and walked along the indicated passage to the waiting area behind.

There are a large number of people waiting for the selection here. Looking at the black heads, Fuman found a kind-faced person and asked, "My friend, what are you waiting for here?"

The man was a little vigilant, and after finding out that Fuman was a big fat man in plain clothes, he let go of his vigilance, pointed to the revolving stairs and the power lift in front of him and said, "Everyone is queuing here to take the power lift. The Buddhist Monastery. It’s just that the Monk Buddhist Monastery is really good at collecting money, and it charges 20 copper coins for transporting a person up, which is simply stealing money!”

Then the man looked at Fuman and said half-jokingly: "Brother, with your size, I guess they will charge you 40 copper coins later."

Fuman gasped when he heard this, wondering if the monk monastery was recruiting students or making money.It costs 20 copper coins to go up, and you will be charged once after the assessment is over.

Don't ask Fuman how he knew, he has seen this kind of routine a lot!
"This monk's monastery is too dark!" Fuman couldn't help sighing. When he worked hard for a day in Tuke County, he couldn't earn 40 copper coins. Why did they pull someone up to get 20 copper coins? .

The lift is very large and can carry four to fifty people at a time.Fuman saw that there were special ticket sales staff next to the elevator, and they paid one person to go to the other person.

Fuman frowned slightly, it would cost money to do a task, and the ghost knows what other charging items are waiting for him after taking the elevator up.

All the money on him belongs to the young master.The young master usually saves food and money, wishing to break a copper coin into two halves, how can he be extravagant and dissipated here, let alone encourage this unhealthy trend.

"If you can't get in, you have to hand in the money!" The staff who sell the money have a bad attitude, as if they are uncles.

Fuman was suffocating in his stomach, and his strength also came up.He really didn't pay the money to go to the monk's temple today.

"Is there anyone who doesn't pay..."

Before Fuman finished speaking, the staff pointed impatiently at the spiral staircase next to him: "The spiral staircase is free of charge, you can take the spiral staircase!"

Fuman raised his head and glanced at the walking spiral staircase, which has been circling all the way to the Buddhist temple at the top. The height is at least 300 meters. In addition to the non-stop winding upwards, the walking distance will definitely double.

(End of this chapter)

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