my pet is boss

Chapter 136 This team is unfathomable!

Chapter 136 This team is unfathomable!
"Let's go, isn't it the spiral staircase!" Fuman shook the backpack behind him, and walked up the spiral staircase without hesitation.

The contestants behind were all stunned, and there was a snickering sound immediately.

As long as you are a normal person, you will not choose to walk the spiral staircase.Walking all the way up from this spiral staircase, the daylily is probably cold when we reach the Buddhist monastery.

Besides, the selection started only after entering the Buddhist monastery, and now he has exhausted his physical strength. Is this person stupid?
Even contestants from poor families will not be short of these 20 copper coins, and will choose to take the elevator directly to the Buddhist monastery.

Fuman naturally also heard the whispers of the people behind him, but he didn't care about these gossips at all.What do these people know? They only need to climb the spiral staircase once, which is equivalent to saving the young master 20 copper coins. This deal is a big profit, okay?

"Is this person stupid? How can he take part in the assessment if he has exhausted his physical strength to climb up like this?"

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, this is definitely the funniest thing I've ever seen today. Look at the size of this guy..."

One contestant in the crowd barely laughed.The other contestants were stunned for a moment, seeing that Fuman was carrying a big backpack, twisted his fat buttocks, and was out of breath before taking two steps.

Immediately, a burst of violent ridicule broke out in the crowd.

If a well-built person walks on a spiral staircase, they will at most say that they are stupid and forget about being a fool.

But the guy who gritted his teeth and walked the ladder turned out to be a fat man, isn't that too unnatural?

Fuman is no different from a clown in the eyes of everyone, and he wants to use this trick to attract the examiner's attention.It's a pity that he used his cleverness in the wrong place. The real test will start when he enters the Buddhist monastery. Now he is performing hard, and no one sees him at all.

Seeing this scene, the Martial Instructor at the back was even more angry in his heart. This group of guys who don't even know how to fart still want to enter the Buddhist monastery?

One of the most important aspects of monk training is penance.Zen theory can rely on epiphany, but martial arts practice must be persevering every day in order to achieve the effect of water dripping through stone.

Now I am complacent when I see "shortcuts", because "foreign objects" are opportunistic and have no awareness of being a monk at all. This kind of waste will not be able to enter the gate of the monk's monastery even after 100 years.

The young martial arts teacher pushed away the crowd, held his head high and followed Fuman's pace directly up the revolving stairs.

Seeing another "fool" follow suit, the other contestants sneered.

The elite disciples who secretly recorded recorded everyone's actions.

In fact, the assessment of this level is not to choose the elevator or the rotating ladder, but to record the mentality of everyone when faced with the choice.

The elite disciple rummaged through his notebook for a long time, but he couldn't find the item of expressionless face. The No. 666 contestant was still blank in this round.

As for the latter boy who made the same choice, the haughty expression on his face was clearly visible, and one point was deducted by the elite disciple in the dark according to his choice.

This time, the assessment of Wuseng Temple has nothing to do with the content of the assessment. All the checkpoints test the mentality of the candidates.

Not long after Fuman climbed, he felt dizzy and his legs were weak, so he simply climbed up with hands and feet.

The young Martial Instructor's cultivation base is locked up. This kid's physical fitness is not good. He has already felt that his physical strength has been overdrawn to the limit after climbing less than one-fifth. Now the Martial Instructor is relying on perseverance and persistence climb.

But whenever he looked up, he saw the fat guy in front of him crawling, which completely aroused the martial instructor's competitive spirit.

He is the head of the martial arts teacher of the Wushu Temple, whether it is Zen theory or martial arts, he is among the best in the entire Wushu Temple, and it can be said that he is second only to the three elders.With a fat man with no cultivation on his head, why can he last longer than him?

No, he must overtake this fat man!

Fuman uses all four limbs at the same time, feeling like his hands and feet are not his own.But when he thought of the young master assigning him this task, Fuman kept reminding himself that he could not disappoint the young master's trust in him.

"Young master in Tuk County can get his seal stamped for half a day without dripping water, and I, Fuman, can also climb up the spiral staircase in one go!"

The young martial arts instructor behind was trying to catch up.

But he suddenly discovered that the fat man burst into a gallop as if he had taken a gunpowder, and instantly distanced himself from him.

The young man's expression was stiff, never expecting this fat man to have such explosive power.

The other contestants who took the elevator had sarcasm, ridicule, or indifference on their faces.

All the expressions were recorded one by one by the elite disciples hiding in the dark, and the corresponding scores were given according to the scoring book.

Fuman didn't know how long he had been climbing, but anyway, the laughter on the elevator never stopped.With a pot and a pack of luggage on his body, plus his own weight, every step is a breakthrough to Fuman's limit.

The young martial arts teacher who was not far from Fuman was speechless at the moment. This young man's body had already reached its limit. Now he was driving his body entirely by the perseverance accumulated over the years, but even so, he felt that his will was already fast. Overdrawn to the limit.How did the fat man above his head survive with his perseverance?

Especially this guy was carrying a bag and a pot on his back.

Is this person a pervert?

Many candidates who took the elevator up waited boredly at the gate of the Zen courtyard. The gate of the Zen courtyard has not been opened. According to the intention of the guards at the gate, the gate of the Zen courtyard can only be opened after all the people in this group are in place.

Hearing that many candidates here are not happy, they arrived at the door in less than a minute by taking the elevator, but now they are told to wait for the next person, that is, the two idiots who are still climbing the stairs. Make an impatient look.

Someone even boldly asked: "Brother, what if the two people who climbed the stairs didn't come up?"

The monk who greeted everyone at the door had a stern expression, and he used his eyes to draw a clear distance: "Who is your senior brother? Let's talk about it when you really become beginner disciples! As for the two people who climbed the stairs, as long as they don't die or abstain, everyone Everyone must wait here! This is the rule!"

After receiving a word from someone, all the contestants who participated in the assessment did not dare to say a word, for fear of being missed by this senior.

However, the guide also felt strange that he would choose to climb the stairs instead of sitting on the elevator. As a result, half an hour has passed, and he still hasn’t fainted or abstained. It’s really amazing!
The hand of the No. [-] senior agent who was hiding in the dark was trembling slightly while holding the pen. This fat man is determined and has not given up until now. It is really terrifying!

Shen Fei's team is really terrifying, even a servant can have such perseverance.

During half an hour of observation, the senior agent found that the fat man Fuman nearly collapsed three times through facial expressions, and then immediately exploded and accelerated in one breath.There is suffering and tiredness in the expression, but he did not give up.

 Everyone go to bed early, the rest will be in the daytime

(End of this chapter)

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