my pet is boss

Chapter 137 Mission Failure

Chapter 137 Mission Failure
Shen Fei wandered around in the holy city, and had no knowledge of Fuman's participation in the assessment.

According to Shen Fei's plan, Fuman must find a way to sneak into the logistics department of Wuseng Temple, most likely as a helper in the kitchen.

The current plan is to take it slowly, and when Fat Tiger feels a sense of crisis, this guy will take the initiative to stand up.

The Holy City is very large, so Shen Fei chose some public places with a lot of people, because it is easiest to circulate various news here.

Number zero and number one pretended to be passers-by and followed behind Shen Fei, completely ignorant of Shen Fei's purpose.

"Did this guy find us and lead us around here?" The two senior agents couldn't help but think wildly at the moment. After all, the person who was following and monitoring was Shen Fei, a person with super S-level data permissions. Their entire SI:[-] was on standby.Now there are only the two of them watching, so they have to be extremely careful.

No. [-] also had the same idea. Shen Fei chose places with a lot of people, and he never spent money on consumption. He found a place to sit for nothing and then got up and left. They go in circles.

"I hope there will be gains from other people!"

Shen Fei walked in front, suddenly realized that he was going in the wrong direction, and immediately turned around.

The two people who were following behind "knew" that the mission had failed, but they had no choice but to continue to bite the bullet and follow.

The two of them suddenly noticed that Shen Fei was turning around, they panicked in fright, and immediately pretended to be shopping at a small stall, their voices were trembling.

"Boss, how much is this thing..."

The agents selected by Shadow are all excellent senior agents, but this time the target is too big. These senior agents have lost their mentality from the very beginning, and have not displayed their usual level of mission performance at all.

In fact, what the senior agent said before was correct. Even the shadow of the boss of SI[-], the highest target he has tracked and monitored is no more than S-level. This is all done by his special latent image technique.

Now let a group of high-level agents monitor the existence of S+ level, the possibility of success is very slim.

In fact, the shadow has another purpose, which is to use these agents to "contact" Shen Fei and test his attitude towards the empire. This is the focus of this mission.

Of the four targets, two of them were monitored at a super-dangerous level, so it would be strange not to be discovered.

Even Shadow, the king of agents, is not sure that he can perform tasks of this level.

From the corner of the eye, they saw Shen Fei walking towards them, the expressions of No. [-] and No. [-] tightened suddenly, and the hands that took out the money began to tremble unconsciously.

Ding Ding Ding!
I was holding a handful of money in my pocket to pay the bill, but when I took it out, a copper plate happened to fall on the ground. The crisp sound of the copper plate colliding with the bluestone plate on the ground was like listening to the ticking sound of a drop of water falling into the lake. .

It's just that the sound was very weak, and it was directly submerged in the bustling sales and yelling of the market from the beginning of the stirring sound.

Even No. [-] and No. [-], who took out the money, didn't notice that a copper plate fell.But Shen Fei, who was walking, caught the crisp sound in an instant amidst the extremely chaotic sound, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he locked on the copper coin rolling on the bluestone slab.

Shen Fei was as fast as the wind, and disappeared on the street in an instant.

No. [-] and No. [-] shuddered, they never expected that Shen Fei would suddenly speed up and disappear from their peripheral vision.

The two exchanged a glance.Sure enough, Shen Fei turned around suddenly while they were not prepared, and then quickly slipped away when they were pretending to be shopping.

This kind of terrifying speed, they have only seen on the boss shadow!
Sure enough, the super S-rank target's gestures are terrifying!
This time the mission of the two of them to monitor Shen Fei completely failed.

The two had no regrets, they just breathed a sigh of relief, the damn mission was finally over.If it continues, the two of them will definitely doubt life.

At this moment, a hand was placed on No. [-]'s shoulder suddenly, and a faint voice came from behind: "Excuse me, is this the money you dropped?"

No. [-] and No. [-] froze all over. As senior agents, they were suddenly next to someone and didn't even notice. If this person had any malicious intentions, they would be dead bodies now.

When the two turned their heads and saw Shen Fei's face, the most basic expression management as a senior agent almost collapsed.

"Here, when you were taking out money to buy things just now, you dropped a copper coin."

Shen Fei looked at the two strangers who were shopping, and found that they were both in a daze. He thought to himself, whose two stupid sons were released without guards, how dangerous it is!
Although it was a copper coin, Shen Fei insisted on getting it properly.Still two young people with underdeveloped brains, Shen Fei couldn't be more ruthless to blackmail this copper coin.

"Just the two of you going out? What about the rest of your family? Where are your parents?"

Every time Shen Fei asked a question, the bodies of number zero and number one trembled.

Asking the two of them to go out is to say whether they are the only ones monitoring Shen Fei.

To ask them about the rest of their family is to ask where the agents who spy on other people are.

Ask their parents, it's clear, that is, call your boss out.

Mission completely failed!

Shen Fei even tore through their last layer of cover.

The mission has failed, and even the intelligence personnel have been completely exposed!
Seeing the dull eyes of these two people, Shen Fei shook his head and said: "It seems that there is nothing to ask."

But thinking about it in a place with good law and order like the holy city, there shouldn't be any missing cases. He emphasized to the two: "You just stand here and don't move. I'll go find the patrolling soldiers."

Since Shen Fei saw this kind of thing, how could he not do anything, anyway, it was a casual thing.

Shen Fei was looking for the patrol team on the street, how dare No. [-] and No. [-] stay here, escaped with lightning speed, found the nearest secret entrance, and returned to MI[-].

Shadow didn't expect the senior agent sent out to come back so soon, it's only less than two hours, right?

"You guys are back so soon?" Shadow was a little dumbfounded.The targets are all active in the holy city. Although they will definitely be discovered, they were discovered in such a short time...

He didn't doubt the strength of the senior agents. After all, these candidates for the task were carefully considered and finalized by him. Whether it is coordination or personal ability, they are top-notch in the entire SI[-].

"Who are you monitoring?"

Both No. [-] and No. [-] are still panicking, and they still have to look around before speaking, for fear that a big hand will suddenly appear on their shoulders, and they will say again: "You dropped a copper coin."

What dropped a copper plate!It's all an excuse!This is clearly Shen Fei who discovered them and warned them.

"We are monitoring Shen Fei."

Seeing how nervous the two were, Shadow couldn't help frowning slightly: "What happened, let's come together one by one..."

 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (1/30)

(End of this chapter)

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