my pet is boss

Chapter 138 Those who humiliate others are not worthy of entering this door

Chapter 138 Those who humiliate others are not worthy of entering this door

The other three senior agents must not have imagined at this moment that in less than two hours, No. [-] and No. [-] would be directly discovered and exposed by the target, and the mission failed.

Of course, they would never have thought of staying in the hotel to contain Baihu Tianshen's No. [-] agent. At this moment, they really wanted to fail the mission and go back to report early.

He took out his savings from the bank, but in less than an hour, he had lost everything.

The white tiger god's eager eyes seemed to be staring at a mass of delicious fat, which made No. [-] feel chilly in his bones.

"I'm out of money today, don't leave if you have the ability, we will continue to fight here tomorrow!"

No. [-] left a word before slipping away. Of course, as for whether he can come tomorrow, it depends on whether the boss will provide financial support.

Fat Tiger transformed himself into a tiger skin pocket, put all the money he earned today into his belly pocket, and then wiped the pocket and disappeared.

Today is the first time for Fat Tiger to roll the dice, and he suddenly found that his skills seem to be very good!After playing with this unknown person all afternoon, he didn't even lose a hand, and won 15 gold coins empty-handed.It seems that I have unintentionally opened up a new way to make money!

Fat Tiger's eyes lit up, doesn't this mean that it doesn't have to be controlled by Shen Fei in the future, and can buy whatever it wants to eat by itself!
Fat Tiger returned to the room contentedly, and even felt that he was missing a black suit, a big back hair and a piece of chocolate.

Mingjin withdraws troops, and we will fight again tomorrow!
No. [-], who monitored Qi Qi, hid in the dark and accompanied him to listen to music for two hours.

From bel canto chorus to solo to symphony, No. [-] has not listened to music so intently for a long time.

And his eyes have been focused on Qi Qi's ears. This guy hasn't missed a beat in two hours!

Even if the students of the conservatory of music played out of tune or leaked sound, the pig could immediately find out, and would hum a few times irritably, as if quite dissatisfied with these people who "soiled" the art.

Even number four gave birth to a feeling that it should not be a pig, but a respectable artist.

This is a symphony concert at the Conservatory of Music, which can be said to be one of the few high-end performances.But when the pig was about to finish listening, he drank the last sip of red wine, got up and staggered away from the roof.

Number Four was concentrating on the complete action, and at the same time frowned slightly with an indescribable feeling.

Anyone who has the literacy and pursuit of music will not leave rashly before the end. This is the minimum disrespect for music.The pig's current performance is completely different from his previous attitude towards music.

When we reached the edge of the roof, the Conservatory building was separated from other buildings by two to three meters, and there was a dark passageway between the walls.With the full back legs and a volley, the performance of the symphony concert reached its climax. The lively music stopped abruptly at this moment, leaving only a sonorous and powerful piano solo.

Qiqi's body first fell on the clothes hanger of the next resident, and at the same time, the vibrating bass of the piano also made a clanking sound.

When Qiqi falls in the air once, the piano emits a low but shocking bass.

Falling back and forth also reduced the impact, allowing Qi Qi to fall from a height of more than [-] meters.

The moment it landed on the ground, all the musical instruments issued the final explosion sound at the same time, drawing a successful conclusion to this concert.

Qi Qi also landed on the ground with a perfect rollover and four claws, as if the music was just to set off the moment it landed.

Number [-], who was hiding in the dark, was also completely stunned. With all the impacts from the jump from the roof just now, the rhythm perfectly fits this piece of music.As far as he knew, today's concert at the Conservatory of Music played some newly created pieces, which meant that it was absolutely impossible for Pei Qi to have heard these pieces of music before.

However, its rhythm and landing are completely transformed into notes with its own body, and it subtly steps on all the beats, making the whole music hall become the background music for its landing.

The pig can even deduce the next score based on the story conveyed in the music!
No. [-]'s breathing became short of breath, this pig is no ordinary pig, this is a pig with extremely high musical IQ and an absolute sense of pitch!

Even in the entire history of the Conservatory of Music, such people are rare!
Let alone a pig!
After they all landed, they suddenly turned their heads and glanced at the chimney on the other side of the roof, and finally left quickly with two hums and cheerful steps.

No. [-] held his breath and was relieved when he heard the sound of pig's hooves moving away.I was almost exposed just now!
The more No. [-] thought about it, the more frightened he became. An unremarkable pig in Shen Fei's team had such terrifying abilities, let alone the others.I was almost discovered, so the others...

Thinking of this, No. [-] directly chose to evacuate and return to the headquarters of MI[-] to report the situation.

Besides, at the Wuseng Temple, Fuman dragged his body, which had already reached its limit, and finally climbed up the spiral staircase.

The whole person was lying at the entrance of the spiral staircase, spinning and climbing all the way, and Fuman felt dizzy while lying on the ground.

Most of the contestants waiting at the door showed contempt and impatience on their faces. This fat man delayed all of them from taking the exam, so how could they have any affection for him.

As for this ladder, if it were them, they would have already come up!
"Come here quickly, we have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"How long have you delayed us by yourself?"

Some of the anger that had been accumulated for a long time all burst out at once after seeing Fuman.

When Fuman heard that he had delayed everyone's progress, he felt a little anxious, and quickly got up and ran towards the crowd.

Because he stood up abruptly, the oxygen supply to his brain was insufficient, his eyes suddenly went dark and he staggered.

Seeing Fuman's distressed look, the other contestants burst into laughter, and all the anger that was pent up in their hearts before turned into ridicule.

The young martial arts teacher looked like a dead dog, and climbed up from the revolving stairs.

The contestants' eyes lit up, and they began to urge the guide at the door.

"Now that we are all here, we can open the door to participate in the assessment, right?"

The receptionist nodded, and the gate of the Monk Temple behind him creaked and slowly opened.A dense mist gushed out from the crack of the door, as if in a fairyland.

Someone immediately wanted to rush in, but the guide raised his hand and blocked the door.

"Not all of you will be able to enter the Monk Temple."

These words immediately exploded among the candidates.

"What do you mean? We have all come up, why can't we go in?"

At this time, the elite disciples will hand over the summarized list to the guides. Those players who have deducted too many points and already have negative points will lose their qualifications to continue to participate in the election.

"The selection has already started from the moment you get the number plate. Those who I read next, enter the door to participate in the next stage of assessment. Those who have not read the name, you can leave."

The words of the guide caused another uproar. It turned out that when they got the number plate, had the assessment already started?So what exactly did you examine along the way?They are just waiting, doing nothing...


As Fuman's name is impressively in the first place, because there is no score in his little book.

Fuman, who was lying on the ground, heard that he was the first to enter the door, grinning at the corner of his mouth, without any strength in his arm, he slowly raised a finger: "Fuman, here!"

All the contestants were stunned. Why could a fat man who looked like a clown be the first to enter the Monk Temple just because he chose to climb the stairs?
"Zhang Li!"


The young martial arts instructor also raised his right hand, with a confident smile on his face.Sure enough, as he guessed, only those who train themselves hard and don't take chances can be qualified to enter the Buddhist monastery.

Then the host read a few more people, and the rest of the contestants seemed very nervous, for fear that they might not hear their names.

After reading ten people, the guide, Gu Bo, put away the list calmly: "Please invite those whose names have been read above to enter the Monk Temple to participate in the next round of assessment."

The remaining 100 or so people were dumbfounded. Are they eliminated?
"What about us? We still have so many people!" Someone asked unwillingly.

No sadness or joy could be seen on the face of the guide, and he nodded lightly: "That's right, you are all eliminated."

Now everyone really panicked, these words were like a huge rock, pressing down on their hearts.

They traveled long distances and lived frugally to come to the Holy City just to take the annual Wu Monk Temple Entrance Examination.As a result, they were told that they were eliminated before even entering the door, and they refused to accept it!

"Why were we eliminated? Why did they get in?"

"We don't agree!"

"Yes, I don't accept it! The monk's monastery operates in secret!"

The guide looked at them and sneered: "Those who humiliate people are not worthy of entering this door."

(End of this chapter)

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