my pet is boss

Chapter 139 Run, Fuman!

Chapter 139 Run, Fuman!

The inspiring words were deafening, and many people bowed their heads in shame. They finally understood why they were eliminated.

Although they didn't do anything, the ridicule and contempt on their faces after the little fat man chose to climb the stairs was like a mirror, recording everything in their hearts.

But there are still some people who are not convinced, just because of such a small reason, let their dreams shatter the Holy City?
Although the assessment of the Wushu Temple will be held every year, everyone has one and only one chance to participate in the assessment of the Wushu Temple. Many people do not know how long they have been preparing for this, but now they are driven away because of a mocking reason. They are not convinced!

Protested loudly at the gate of Wuseng Temple, but was yelled at by the guide: "Where do you think Wuseng Temple is?"

Immediately after he finished speaking, a lot of aggressive trainee monks rushed out of the monastery holding eyebrow sticks.

The extremely arrogant examiner just now calmed down, and left unwillingly.

They are just ordinary people, not the opponents of these monks at all.

Candidates who entered this level never expected that the assessment would start from the moment they got the number plate, let alone that nearly [-]% of the candidates would be brushed away because of a mockery.

The guides led ten people to the Wu Monk Temple.

Fuman didn't squint, and stared straight at the person in front of him.He was so tired now that he didn't have the extra strength to marvel at the ethereal appearance of the monk's monastery, which was like a fairyland.

Zhang Li, the head of martial arts behind Fuman, has been in the Wuseng Temple for more than [-] years. He is very familiar with every plant and tree here, so naturally he will not be shocked by this scene.

The examinees behind the two were either surprised or lingering at the moment, and some even directly indulged in this dreamlike scene.

The elite disciples hiding in the dark observed everyone's expressions and gave them good marks one by one according to the score sheet.Only Fuman and Zhang Li didn't get points because of their expressionless faces.

The guide took everyone to an open space, and wrote two words on the smooth stone wall of the cliff—response.

Zhang Li is very familiar with this place, this is the place where the monastery specializes in training monks' reaction power.Don't look at this open space as ordinary, but as long as you walk up, you will find the mystery.This open space is actually composed of stone grids one by one. When people walk up, the stone grids on the ground will be randomly lifted up to a height of two meters.What the monk has to do is to find a way to dodge, and find a place to dodge before the stone grid is raised.

Because the speed is so fast that people can't react in time, many trainee monks have suffered a lot when training their reactions here.

When Zhang Li first entered the monastery, two front teeth were knocked out here, and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen in subsequent attempts.

It took Zhang Li a full two years to develop a lightning reaction, and he could dodge in time when there was a slight movement on the ground, and passed the level perfectly.

Now even though he has changed to a juvenile body, his muscle response and consciousness are still there, and he passed this level with ease.

A smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth inadvertently, he will definitely win the first place in this level!

Then the guide explained the test of this level to everyone, and gave a demonstration to everyone in person.

The guide is like a dexterous swallow, shuttles among the stone pillars that rise randomly and quickly, and quickly reaches the opposite safe area.

During the short distance of 50 meters, the stone pillars kept changing and rising randomly, making people dazzled.

"Okay, you can take the assessment first, and then some candidates will be guided here." The guide didn't continue to wait here, but instead walked towards the deep mountain and disappeared from everyone's sight.

The lead person left suddenly, leaving everyone at a loss, and this is the beginning?

This level is a test of skill and reaction, the bouncing speed of the stone pillar is extremely fast, and it is difficult to guarantee that you will not be injured if you concentrate on it.If it is hit by this stone pillar, it will hurt the muscles and bones in the slightest, and cripple and die in severe cases.

Because there is no queue, some people who think they have better skills squeezed to the front: "Give way, let me do this level!"

For candidates with good skills, they like to see this kind of link, because they can quickly eliminate a large number of competitors.

But he was handsome for less than three seconds, and this confident examinee was sent flying by the stone pillar that suddenly appeared from his crotch because he didn't react in time.

All the contestants gasped when they saw this scene, and everyone felt a pain in the crotch, and even many candidates felt like shrinking back.

Being hit hard by Shizhu, I am afraid that this life will not be complete.

Fuman was so dizzy that he had no time to think about other things. He stared blankly at the front and gasped for breath.The picture I saw was transmitted to my mind, and I didn't have the strength to react and process it.Anyway, Fuman saw a person flying up, and then there was nothing else.

The defeat of the No.1 candidate made the other players frightened.

Instead, Zhang Li took a few steps forward. When the previous contestant challenged, he had already seen Shi Zhu's speed.The speed is [-]% slower than that of the official monk training, and even the damage is much lower.

He can easily pass this level of test.

Zhang Rheni estimated that this level can directly wipe out [-]% of candidates.Without systematic training, if you want to pass this level, you can only do it if you are naturally gifted and have amazing reactions.

And he is such a person!

Zhang Li stepped on the stone pillar area, and every move of the stone pillars on the ground was under the induction of his six senses.

Like a gust of wind, before everyone had time to react, he had already appeared at the end of the test and passed the test unscathed.


Zhang Li left everyone with an extremely handsome back, but in fact, because he overdrawn too much physical strength when he climbed the spiral ladder just now, the sudden explosion just now brought a lot of load to the body, and the muscles and bones came. The labor pains reminded him that he needed to rest now.

Zhang Li struggled with the pain in his head, and disappeared at the end without turning his head, just like when he was leading someone away.

Fuman regained a little strength, and with the recovery of consciousness and consciousness, he finally felt afraid.

This kind of stone pillar is already an impossible challenge for ordinary people. The key is that he is still a fat man with a large body, which occupies a larger area and is easier to be hit by the stone pillar!

For Fuman, this test was twice as difficult!
Fuman wanted to back down, but when he thought of the young master's trust in him, as the young master's most proud servant, how could he take half a step back?
Flexibility is not Fuman's strong point. In this situation, all he can do is to rush over with his eyes closed, and leave the rest to fate.

Fuman stood up slowly, while the other eight candidates were still in shock.

Just when they finished saying that it is absolutely impossible for anyone to pass such a test, Zhang Li passed the test unscathed.

Don't you just open your mouth!

At this time, the fat man Fuman stood up again.

Why, even this fat man wants to give it a try?
Crazy, all crazy.

Zhang Li's skills are amazing, what can you, a fat man, do here?

Fuman crossed his arms in front of him, so that at least he would not hit his face directly when he hit the stone pillar.


Following Fuman's angry roar, he closed his eyes and rushed in...

(End of this chapter)

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