my pet is boss

Chapter 140 The Son of Destiny

Chapter 140 The Son of Destiny
Fuman yelled while running, because it would make him more courageous.

The recovered physical strength just now was like a rapidly discharging battery, and within ten seconds Fuman felt collapsed, his legs trembled and he couldn't use his strength, and he staggered and fell to the ground.

The other candidates standing behind couldn't care less about laughing at the moment, and couldn't help but gasp.

If you fall on the randomly undulating stone pillar examination room, you will be pushed up by the heavy stone pillar in the next second, and then you will be hit by a chicken flying egg.

Fuman fell to the ground in large characters, and the stone pillar jumped up from the gap between his legs, scaring the other candidates' hips.

There was also a stone pillar flying directly from Fuman's ear to the sky, and the extremely fast gust of wind stimulated his ears to buzz.

If the one standing up was the stone pillar next to him, Fuman's entire face would be pushed up.

Fuman was so frightened that his mind went blank, the desire to survive made him get up immediately, and ran forward desperately.

Stone pillars suddenly rose from everywhere, but Fuman just avoided all the stone pillars.

After all, his willpower was no match for his body. Fuman staggered and fell to the ground with a bang while running. Finally, he managed to climb out of the stone pillars. His whole body was ashamed and miserable like a dead dog.

Fuman, who passed the level, didn't stop for a moment. He thought he was in the formation of stone pillars, staggering and staggering while supporting the mountain wall and running away without a trace, leaving behind a group of stunned people.

Although the fat man fell twice in the formation, he was not hit by the stone pillar at all, and all of them escaped narrowly.

Is that okay?

"This guy's luck is too bad, isn't it?"

The guy lying next to the egg held back the severe pain, and after seeing Fuman pass the level in a state of embarrassment, he couldn't help but fainted out of anger.

Why is it all about breaking through the level, and my dexterous body skills can't make it through? A fat man with no brains is on the rampage, in a mess, but he passes the level?
Even the elite disciple who was responsible for recording Fuman was speechless, this guy's shit luck is too strong!

He originally thought that this fat man who worked hard would be eliminated in this level. After all, there are no ordinary people who can enter the monk's monastery, not to mention that this time the assessment is more than ten times more difficult than previous assessments.

You must know that this stone pillar array is the training place for apprentice monks after getting started in previous years. Those who can pass it within two or three years can be regarded as geniuses among apprentice monks.

Now Master Lazy Zen actually uses it as an entry test, which is really terrifying.

The elite disciples in charge of recording still admired Fuman quite a lot. It is commendable for a fat man to have the perseverance to climb the spiral ladder and succeed.But the monastery has always been full of people with great perseverance. If they want to pass this trial, strength and perseverance coexist, just like Zhang Li just now, with his agile and crisp body skills, even the elite disciples couldn't help but say hello, even he felt The No.1 admissions is none other than Zhang Li.

But Fuman slapped the elite disciples in the face severely with his own actions. If he is lucky, he can go against the sky.

The Stone Pillar Formation can be passed without agility and extraordinary reflexes!

The rest of the candidates were shocked by Fuman's luck, and then one by one reacted, they even forgot the troublemaker who had passed out, and gave birth to a feeling that I can do it myself.

As a result, clicks and screams came from the stone pillar array one after another, forcing the elite disciples to signal to the medical staff to take all the candidates down for treatment.

This kind of severed limb injury is common to elite disciples.

As long as they don't die immediately, the Wu Monk Temple can restore them to their original state.

Among the disciples who entered the Zen monastery to practice, who had not broken their arms and legs several times.

The elite disciples kneaded the formula and hid in the mist of the distant mountains to find the two players 666 and 777.

This elite disciple never expected that the candidates who could pass the two tests smoothly happened to be candidates recorded by him. Could this also be regarded as his discerning eye?

Zhang Li was the first to pass through the stone pillar array, and continued to go deep into the mountains.

The Martial Monk Temple is located in the Royal District of the Holy City and occupies a small area. It is the smallest of the three top academies, the Holy Light Cathedral and the Floating City Master Academy.But the Wuseng Temple has a more extensive and exquisite beauty than the entire Royal Garden.

The mountains are vast and stretching for thousands of miles. Zhang Li has not traveled all over this place in the 30 years he has been in the Buddhist monastery.

Entering the Dream of Zen is a gift from the four gods of Tenjin Island to Wuzu when he established a Buddhist temple to promote the way of monks.

The entire Dreaming Zen Realm covers an area of ​​no more than [-] square meters, but there are infinite universes inside.The sun, the moon, the universe, the yin and yang have both qi, which can simulate the way of natural operation, and it is a small world that is completely independent from one side.

Numerous disciples of the Chanyuan are practicing in the territory of Lumeng Chan, and they have traveled thousands of miles to feel the meaning of Zen.

After passing the stone pillar array and continuing to walk inward, you will enter the Dreaming Zen Realm.

This time, the test in front of Zhang Li was very simple. You only needed to walk across the suspension bridge in front of you. At the end of the suspension bridge was a wooden table with a treasure pill on it.

Zhang Li recognized Baodan at a glance. This is a carefully qi-invigorating pill. Eating one can eliminate all negative states in the body and restore physical strength instantly.Even in Wuseng Temple, it is a rare treasure.

Unexpectedly, for this test, the three elders were willing to pay such a high price.

Restoration of qi is only one aspect, the greatest effect of meticulous qi bolus is to increase the cultivation level, and it is condensed from heavenly talents and earthly treasures.Eating one can be worth a year of cultivation.

The cultivation level of a monk can only be increased through martial arts and Zen practice. Eating a treasure pill can equal a year's cultivation level. When he was teaching the head, his master Lan Chan gave it to him.

Quickly walking across the suspension bridge, Zhang Li saw an ax at the end.

This obviously means that the suspension bridge can be cut off, so that the latecomers cannot pass.

Zhang Li chuckled and said, "This kind of test is nothing short of trivial. Only a corrupt person would think of cutting off the suspension bridge to avoid future troubles."

If you cut off the suspension bridge, you will definitely be directly disqualified.

The way of monks emphasizes that people follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature.

Even if there is a glimmer of hope in doing things in the world, those who choose to cut bridges must be the generation who are jealous of talent and ability, and will never become Zen sons.

What's more, Zhang Li is so proud and extremely confident in his own strength. Even if someone can pass the stone pillar formation, he is also confident that the position of the last Zen son is in his pocket.

When he came to the table, Zhang Li saw a note beside him.It turns out that there is more than one meticulous qi pill, as long as anyone who can cross the suspension bridge can get one.

Seeing this, Zhang Li suddenly felt extremely jealous.

He had been in the Wuseng Temple for 30 years before he obtained an elaborate qi invigorating pill.Now everyone can get one as long as they pass through the stone pillar array.

At this moment, Zhang Li really wanted to cut off the suspension bridge.

It's not to monopolize the meticulous qi invigorating pill, but to be so sad that such a treasure has to be wasted on a bunch of trash.

Heaven and man are at war, struggling for a moment, as if a lifetime has passed.

In the end Zhang Li resisted the urge to cut off the suspension bridge, took the Elaborate Qi Bubble Pill and immediately walked towards the next level.

It's just that Zhang Re doesn't know that all his expressions and choices just now have been recorded in detail by the elite disciples hiding in the clouds.

"Heaven and man were at war, struggling mentally, and finally did not choose to make a move, plus 10 points."

After the elite disciple recorded it, he turned to the page numbered 666, and said to himself: "I don't know how this little fat man named Fuman will make a choice. It's really curious."

(End of this chapter)

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