my pet is boss

Chapter 141 Only Children Make Choices

Chapter 141 Only Children Make Choices
The elite disciples never expected that Fuman rushed over with wind and rolling all the way.

The guy rushed across the bridge without even looking at it, and then slammed his head on the table before stopping.

The table at the end of the suspension bridge is made of iron wood, which weighs no less than pig iron.

This impact made the entire mountains reverberate with a dull sound.

Fuman turned dizzy and sat down on the ground. After a while, he felt a lot more awake.

Fuman looked back in panic, and was immediately dumbfounded, wasn't he breaking into the stone pillar array?When did you cross the bridge?

Standing up with the help of the table, Fuman saw a black Dali pill on the table.

Glancing at the content on the paper next to it, Fuman understood that this was a pill for every contestant who passed the test to replenish their physical strength.

"Although it doesn't look very good, it still smells good." Although the stamina bar is almost empty now, Fuman didn't take the elixir directly, but put the elixir carefully into the backpack Here, thinking that such a good thing must be taken back for the young master to taste.

After putting away the elixir, Fuman took out another piece of hard bread from his backpack, sat cross-legged on the ground, and gnawed it.

The elite disciple who was watching secretly frowned slightly, never expecting that the fat man would put away the elixir directly.He originally thought that the fat man, who was extremely tired, would swallow the elixir without hesitation, like the rain after a long drought.Unexpectedly, after seeing the efficacy and explanation of the elixir, this guy put away the elixir without saying a word, and gnawed on the cold and hard bread.

The elite disciple took a look at the scoring book. There were only two options for taking the pill and not taking the pill. It didn't say how to count the pill if it was taken away!

Fuman gnawed on the bread for a while, and felt that his physical strength had recovered a little.

Until now, he didn't know how he got past the stone pillar formation. Anyway, he rested here for 10 minutes, but he didn't see anyone following him.

When Fuman looked around, he suddenly saw something glowing coldly near the suspension bridge.

Putting away the half-eaten cold bread, Fuman put his bag back on his back and walked to the front to take a look.

It’s okay if you don’t look at it, but it’s shocking to see it.

There was a sharp ax next to the drawbridge!

Fuman had worked as a cook in the security brigade of Tuk County. It was easy to burn firewood and carry water every day. He picked up the ax and looked at it for a while. This ax can be said to be the sharpest ax he has ever seen.

"If such a sharp ax is placed next to the suspension bridge, if it accidentally slips and blocks the suspension bridge, wouldn't the next candidates be smashed to pieces?"

Fuman thought about the scene for a while, trembling with fright.

Fuman charged up and threw the ax directly into the bottomless cliff, clapping his hands with a satisfied smile on his face.

In this way, the drawbridge is safe.

Adhering to the traditional idea of ​​not leaving names behind for good deeds, Fuman raised his legs and walked into the mountains.

It was dusk and sunset at this time, Fuman had to hurry up to pass the test and go to the hotel, otherwise the young master would definitely be worried.

Just as Fuman raised his foot and was about to leave, the bottomless cliff suddenly shone brightly, making a ghostly sound.

A glowing old man appeared from the bottom of the cliff, with an extremely kind smile on his face.

If it were Shen Fei, he could already guess the next plot at this moment.

The eyes of the elite disciples brightened. Zhang Li, the last one who passed, did not break the suspension bridge, nor did he throw the ax down. He simply ignored it, so his score in this item was blank.

Desperate for justice, Fuman threw the ax down and activated the hidden mission.

The elite disciples had already turned to the scoring book in advance, waiting for Fuman to make a choice, so that he could unload the first score on the empty pages.

"Brave boy, I am the mountain god, did you just throw an ax down the mountain?"

Fuman nodded, and pointed to the position where the ax was placed just now: "The position of the ax is too dangerous, it is easy to cut into the suspension bridge, so I threw it down the mountain."

The mountain god didn't comment on Fuman's behavior. Instead, he took out three axes from behind and asked, "That boy, is the ax you threw down just now a gold axe, a silver axe, or this wooden axe."

Fuman raised his hand and pointed at the wooden axe, just about to blurt out, when he suddenly remembered the young master's usual precepts and deeds.

"Children make choices, I want all adults!"

Fuman had a flash of inspiration, pointed to the three axes and said, "I threw all three down!"

Shanshen didn't expect Fuman to have such an answer, and was taken aback for a moment.After all, there is no such option for the task assigned to him!
The elite disciples are also stunned, not all of the scorebooks require this answer...

A wooden ax adds 5 points, a silver ax deducts 2 points, and a gold ax deducts 3 points.

What is the answer to everything?
Fuman was still in a hurry to pass the test and go back to the hotel. Seeing the mountain god in a daze, he shook his hands and said, "Forget it, I'll give it to you. I don't want the axe."

Giving an ax would take time, and Fuman didn't have time to waste time with him here.

This time, the mountain god was even more confused. He was only entrusted by the three elders of the Buddhist monastery to let the candidates choose after triggering the task.After waiting for a long time, an ax finally fell from the cliff, and it was his turn to act, but he turned out to be a fat man who didn't follow the routine.

This guy didn't pretend to leave, he really walked hundreds of meters without stopping.

This time the mountain god was completely panicked. As the mountain god who had entered the Zen realm, if he missed this task, he would definitely be laughed at by other gods in the Zen realm in the future.

"Here, I'll give you all three axes."

The mountain god chased after him, appeared directly in front of Fuman, and handed all three axes to Fuman.

Without saying a word, Fuman put the three gold and silver wood axes into his backpack.In terms of quality alone, this golden ax and silver ax can be sold for at least dozens of gold coins when they are fused together.If the young master knew that he had made so much money, he would definitely be crazy.

Thinking of this, Fuman quickened his pace even more, wanting to pass the trial early and go back to ask the young master for credit.

The mountain god and the elite disciples were dumbfounded, what kind of fairy operation is this?
Seeing the surprise of the fairy?What about the joy of getting three axes?
Not at all!

After Fuman loaded the three axes, he ran to the next level...

Zhang Re has reached the last hurdle, and the road in the mountains leads him to the lotus pond where his master Lan Chan is.


Zhang Li was startled, he never expected that the final test would come from his master.

Master Lazy Chan opened his eyes and took a look, then closed them again.

Zhang Li realized his recklessness, and immediately took a step back and clasped his hands together: "Master Lazy Zen."

He is still in the body of a teenager, not the martial arts instructor of the monk monastery.

Master Lazy Zen did not speak, so Zhang Re had to stand respectfully in place.

But when he saw the bracelet on the lotus leaf in the distance, he understood everything instantly.

This bracelet is the symbol of Zen.The bracelet has the blessings of the four elephant gods.Wearing this ring, all evils will not invade, and the progress of cultivation is stronger than others. It also has the magical effect of calming the mind and strengthening the body. In case of a dangerous miss, the bracelet will automatically trigger the function of protecting the Lord.

As long as you get the bracelet, is it Zenzi?
At this moment, Zhang Li's heart beat faster, and he could hardly suppress the impulse in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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