my pet is boss

Chapter 142

Chapter 142
"Don't worry, stay safe and don't be impatient."

Master Lan Chan's words were like a basin of cold water, which instantly chilled Zhang Li's heart.

Don't be impatient, it means that there are still people who have passed the test and are walking this way.

Zhang Li was quite confident in his own strength before, and took the elixir to restore all his physical strength.Rather than saying that he believed in his own strength, it might be better to say that Zhang Li believed in the stone pillar formation.Even Zhang Li, a genius recognized by the Buddhist monastery, took two years to pass through the stone pillars without injury.

Although the stone pillar array here is a weakened version, it is still not something these mortals can pass through.

As a result, now that there are still candidates who have passed the stone pillar array, Zhang Chen's heart is like a big wave.

Doesn't this mean that this guy will pass the suspension bridge in all likelihood and get the elixir that increases his cultivation...

The more Zhang Li thought about it, the more distressed he felt, as if his previous 30 years of cultivation and practice were not as good as an outsider who took part in the assessment for the first time.

Although Master Lan Chan said "Be safe and don't be impatient", the jealousy in Zhang Re's heart has been completely ignited and it is out of control.

Not long after, Fuman's panting voice came.

Zhang Re wanted to see what kind of person could break through the stone pillar array.

But when he saw the fat body, like an old dog exposed to the sun in summer, sticking out his tongue and gasping for breath, he was stunned on the spot as if struck by thunder.

Many pictures of genius boys flashed in his mind, but he never thought that it would be this fat man.

With this guy's size, how did he break through the stone pillar array?Zhang Li's mind was full of doubts and incomprehensions.

"How did you break through the stone pillar array?" Zhang Li really couldn't help asking.

After passing the suspension bridge, the whole way is uphill.Even Fuman, who had been slowed down for a while, was quite overwhelmed by walking uphill continuously.[-]% of his legs will be useless tomorrow, and he will have to lie in bed for a whole day.

"So that's called Stone Pillar Array? I don't know how I got here. I just ran all the way with my eyes closed, fell down twice, and ran to the suspension bridge without stopping."

Zhang Li was speechless and didn't know what to say. When he was starting out, he was called the strongest genius of that class. When facing the stone pillar formation, he also broke his arms several times and broke out several front teeth. It took him two years to hone his mind and will, and finally passed the stone pillar array to become an elite disciple.

As a result, a fat man passed through the stone pillar formation unscathed in a daze, how could he not be jealous?

Master Lazy Zen slowly opened his eyes, there was actually a person behind who passed the stone pillar array, but he cut off the suspension bridge with an axe, and was immediately eliminated, and he did not come to the lotus pavilion to see a few people.

Master Lazy Zen stood up from the lotus leaf, pointed to the bracelet on the huge lotus leaf in front of him and said, "Okay, whoever can get this bracelet will become a Zen master."

The jealousy in Zhang Li's eyes was completely reduced to ashes, and this fat man was no match for him in a one-on-one situation.

Previously, this guy stumbled all the way here by luck, but in the next competition for the bracelet, Goddess of Luck will not favor him, everything depends on strength.

The corners of Zhang Rheni's mouth turned up slightly, his eyes were fixed on the bracelet, and he just waited for Master Lan Chan to start, and he flew out to snatch the bracelet like an arrow off the string.

Fuman was a little taken aback, he had seen Zhang Ren's skills before.Now that the bracelet is placed on the lotus leaf again, wouldn't he be submerged in the water immediately if he walked up it?

"This old gentleman, is it true that you can only be considered a disciple of the Wu Monk Temple if you snatch the bracelet?"

Master Lazy Chan slowly opened his eyes, looked at Fuman and said, "The person who snatched the bracelet is the Zen son of Wu Monk Temple, who will take over from the old man's class in charge of the temple. It doesn't matter if you can't grab the bracelet. See you at this link." Come to me, it means that you are qualified to enter the Monk Temple."

Fuman heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, his face was full of joy, he pointed to himself and said, "In other words, I am now a member of Wu Monk Temple?"

Master Lanchan nodded, and Fuman finally felt relieved.

Since he is already a member of Wu Monk Temple, it means that he has completed the task assigned to him by the young master.

What kind of Zen son, you want him to swim in the water, just a broken bracelet.

Fuman returned his heart like an arrow, and immediately waved his hands and said: "It's fine if you are a member of the Buddhist monastery. Anyone who likes this bracelet will want it. I have to go back quickly, otherwise the young master will be worried again!" After finishing speaking, he returned in a hurry.

Zhang Li, who was standing by the side, was stunned. This guy actually looked down on this bracelet and Zenzi's status.


Zhang Li called Fuman to stop, his tone was extremely stern, as if he forgot that he was now a young examinee, not the martial arts instructor of the Buddhist monastery.

Fuman's heart was like an arrow, and he was so anxious that he didn't understand why the boy suddenly called him to stop.

"Do you know what this bracelet represents? Do you know the meaning of Zenzi?"

Fuman was a little confused by the two-sentence question, according to the young master's words - it's none of my business.

It's just that Fuman knew that this young man was very skilled, and he didn't have the strength of the young master, so he would definitely get a severe beating in exchange for his tongue.

"I know! The bracelet represents the status of Chanzi, and Chanzi is the future master of the Chanyuan. The old man has already said it just now, why are you asking again?"

Zhang Li's veins popped up, and he scolded: "Since you know what this thing represents, then your attitude is showing respect for Chanzi and disrespect for the Chanyuan!"

Now it was Fuman's turn to be confused, and asked quietly: "If I don't compete with you, can't you just become a Zen son? Isn't this what you want most? Why are you still angry with me? I See what's wrong with you..."

Fuman felt that the people in the Monk Temple were weird, anyway, it was enough to complete the task assigned by the young master, and now he had to go back and reunite with the young master.

Fuman's words were like the sharpest sword, piercing directly into Zhang Re's heart, making Zhang Re startled suddenly.

That's right, I begged my master hard, and I took this exam, isn't it just to get the title of Zen son and get the master's approval?

Now the bracelet was placed on the lotus in the lotus pond, another contestant abandoned it like a shoe and hurried down the mountain.Isn't the current situation exactly what I want to see the most?
By the time Zhang Li realized it, Fuman had already slipped away, and he didn't know where he went.

Zhang Li leaped forward, took the bracelet from the lotus leaf as a whole, and then landed on the shore with a beautiful swallow.

"Master, I got the bracelet!" Zhang Li excitedly raised the bracelet, which indicated that he had truly passed the test and became a Zen master.

He had wanted to try the trial of Tianshen Island countless times, but he was stopped by Master Lan Chan, saying that although his martial arts had reached, he had not yet realized the realm of Zen, and rashly participating in the trial of Tianshen Island would be harmful and useless.

Zhang Re was once unconvinced, but because of his master, he didn't say it out loud.This time, he successfully won the bracelet and obtained the status of a Zen master, and finally proved himself in front of the master, proving that Master Lan Chan's stubborn opinions of the previous ten years were all wrong!
Master Lanchan shook his head slightly, a little disappointed: "You look up again."

Zhang Li didn't know why, so he looked up again.The bracelet in his hand turned into ashes, disappearing from his hand like quicksand.

"What, what's going on here?" Zhang Re reached out to grab the bracelet, but he couldn't grab anything except air.

"Zenzi's bracelet can pierce the emptiness in people's hearts, and it will only appear in the hands of those who have no desires. Rhenium, this is also the reason why I have not allowed you to participate in the trial of the gods. Although you are very humble, But the heart is actually deep in self-proving and cannot extricate itself..."

(End of this chapter)

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