my pet is boss

Chapter 143 The white tiger is angry and weighs more than 1 catties

Chapter 143 When the white tiger was angry, more than 400 catties
Zhang Re's mentality completely collapsed, but he still couldn't become a Zen son after getting the bracelet.

A booklet suddenly appeared in Master Lan Chan's hand, he raised the booklet like a leaf fluttering in the wind, and slowly fell into Zhang Li's hand.

Zhang Li didn't know why, why the master gave him a scoring book at this time.

After opening it, all the choices, emotional reactions and ratings made by contestant No. 777 when they passed the level are what you can see.

Zhang Li was taken aback when he saw the number, isn't this his own number?

The elite disciples recorded it in detail, and recorded Zhang Li's expression clearly at what time.The registration book is basically full of positive bonus points, and none of them are deduction points. Now Zhang Li is even more puzzled, why can't he get the favor of the bracelet with such a high score?
His master doesn't agree with him, even the bracelet doesn't agree that he is the next generation of Zen masters.

Zhang Re turned back anxiously, wanting to see why that fat man was stronger than him.

But when he turned to the page numbered 666, Zhang Li was shocked to find that it was blank!
There are no mood swings, and there are no bonus additions or subtractions...

All Fuman could think about was that it was getting dark, so he hurried back to the hotel, maybe the young master needed him for something, and he didn't notice that there was a bracelet on his wrist at all.

The setting sun is slanting west, farewell to the east.

The white walls of the holy city were all covered with a layer of golden veil, shrouded in a golden light.

Underground SI:[-] was even more bleak in the shadows.

The five senior agents sent out all returned to the team. The ambition and arrogance they had when they left the house were completely missing from their faces, and each of them was dejected like a deflated balloon.

The shadow is sitting in the shadow, if it is not for the fierce momentum, there is no one in the shadow.

No. [-] and No. [-] had already reported their gains in less than two hours before, and ended up being spotted by Shen Fei face to face.

Especially Shen Fei's three consecutive questions at that time made Ying Ying wonder if it was time to meet this "quasi-boss".

SI[-] is the sharpest dagger in the empire, and the entire organization serves only His Majesty the King, and His Majesty's words are the highest orders of SI[-].King Lucien said before that the position of the chief executive of SI[-] must be kept.

Now that Shen Fei has really appeared, the position of director is naturally his duty.

No. 30 came back in a daze, asked the reason, and finally confessed that he was caught by the White Tiger God when he was in the hotel, and then he had to roll the dice with the White Tiger God in order to restrain him, but he lost everything.Both number zero and number one indicate that number two is telling the truth.It's just that everyone didn't expect that besides being the god of Tianshen Island, the white tiger is also very spiritual and wise in gambling. He has not lost a game in one afternoon, but took away No. [-]'s [-]-year savings.

Shadow's brows were furrowed in the darkness, no one could see the face of the shadow boss, but the momentum suddenly sank, making several people breathless.

After a while, the shadow said: "Since you are the loss during the execution of the mission, these expenditures will naturally be counted on the head of this mission, and you will not be asked to advance money, but you don't have to go to the appointment tomorrow."

Although Shadow's words were cold, but after listening to No. [-], he felt as if he had trekked for a day in the freezing cold and suddenly entered a warm room. All the pores of his body were opened in an instant, like a spring breeze.

On the way back just now, No. [-] even wondered if he needed to take on a few tasks with relatively high pay recently to alleviate his financial crisis.

Not long after, Number Four also stumbled back.

In the previous reports from No. [-], No. [-] and No. [-], the shadow knew that No. [-] was a pig in Shen Fei's team, so it should not be difficult.But looking at No. [-]'s shocked face, Shadow knew that things were not that simple.

"Boss, Shen Fei's team is simply Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. An unremarkable pig actually has a very high level of art appreciation, and even has an absolute sense of pitch!"

Several senior agents have their own strengths. Among them, No. [-] has the highest talent in music in SI[-]. If this guy retires from SI[-] in the future, he can definitely work as a professor at the Royal Academy of Music.

Then No. [-] recorded everything that happened during his tracking and matching process, even including his hand-drawn sketches.

Everyone was speechless after watching it, not knowing what to say.

Even a pig in Shen Fei's team is a monstrosity comparable to one in a million, and even No. [-] was almost exposed in the end. It seems that there is no one who can follow Shen Fei's side.

"Oops, No. [-] hasn't come back yet, maybe something happened?"

A pig is so powerful, that little fat man who is like a pig must also be a hidden master.

It was said that Cao Cao had arrived, and No. [-] was watching Fuman coming out of the Monk Temple in disgrace, and after returning to the hotel all the way, he hurried back to MI[-] to report.

When asked about the story of monitoring Fuman, No. [-] told the story of Fuman going to the Monk Temple to sign up for the exam, but at the same time, he also explained that in the end he came out disheveled and probably failed.

The other four finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that there was finally an ordinary person in this team.

Only the shadow buried himself in the shadows, thinking it was strange.

Why would a servant take the exam at the Monk's Temple?Obviously, Shen Fei is accompanied by the White Tiger God, as long as he shows up for a while, the whole Wu Monk Temple will not be able to sweep the couch to welcome him?
Thinking of this, Shadow was startled suddenly, and his whole body felt cold.

He almost forgot this point, the Four Heavenly Gods are respected by the Wu Monk Temple, and the White Tiger God is respected by Shen Fei, which means that the entire Wu Monk Temple has to follow Shen Fei's orders indirectly.

Today, Fuman went to take the exam at the Buddhist monastery, probably just to find out.

No, I have to act first.

If Shen Fei contacted the Buddhist monastery first, then the little MI[-] would obviously not be able to get into Shen Fei's eyes, and then in the future in front of the Wu Monk Buddhist monastery, his status might be inferior to others.

After all, a timely gift is better than icing on the cake.

"Okay, let's all go down and rest, the task of monitoring Shen Fei is officially over."

Shadow is thinking about countermeasures. On the one hand, he must ensure the neutrality of SI:[-]. Before Fei Gong and other military ministers have discussed a definite attitude, he must remain neutral, but he still has to find a way to contact Shen Fei in advance to make a good fight. Vaccination, or a sense of presence...

Fuman rushed back to the hotel in a hurry and found that everyone had already returned and was sitting at the table in the hotel lobby having dinner.

The character of the fat tiger and smelly fart has not changed at all, and he still couldn't hold back in the end, and told the story of his killing and killing by rolling the dice, with a majestic appearance, pointing the country.

Seeing that Fuman came back in a state of distress, Shen Fei was not in a hurry to ask how the mission was, and quickly waved his hand to ask him to take a shower and change clothes first.

Only Baihu, who pointed out Jiangshan, discovered the bracelet exuding familiar mana on Fuman's wrist.

"Lazy Zen bastard, I am drafting master!"

 Next chapter after 08:30
(End of this chapter)

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