my pet is boss

Chapter 144 Where is the evil animal?

Chapter 144 Where is the evil animal?

No one expected that Fat Tiger, who was still pointing out Jiangshan and writing impassioned words, would suddenly say such a sentence.

Shen Fei was also taken aback, he didn't stop Fat Tiger from being happy, not to mention that this guy is really talented in this area.Others lose nine out of ten bets, but this guy wins out of ten bets.Shen Fei even thought about it, should he bring this guy to the casino to kill everyone when he is free some other day?
It's just that Fat Tiger suddenly roared and ran out like crazy.

Shen Fei and Pei Qi looked at each other, completely unaware of what happened.

When Shen Fei chased him out of the hotel, he found that Fat Tiger was nowhere to be found.

"This guy doesn't know what happened to him all of a sudden." Shen Fei didn't panic. With Fat Tiger's accumulated mana in the past few days, he wouldn't have any problems in the Holy City, so let him calm down for a while.

After a while, Fuman put on new clothes and came down, gulped down a full glass of water, and said with a long breath: "Master, Fuman is lucky to have fulfilled his mission."

Shen Fei wasn't surprised at all. With Fuman's strength, he was able to enter the back kitchen of the Wu Monk Temple with his hands.

This guy is hard-working, honest and honest, without a mind, and is very popular with all kinds of bosses.

It was only when Fuman talked while eating that Shen Fei found out that Fuman was going to participate in the annual assessment of the Buddhist monastery, and gave him shit luck to reach the finals!

Looking at the gold and silver axes on the table, Shen Fei was very moved - Fuman is really a big treasure.

"Oh, by the way, young master, when we crossed the bridge, there was a elixir for restoring physical strength on the table, and I brought it back after I saw it was good." Fuman said as he took out what he thought was a powerful elixir from the package.

Shen Fei took a look at the carefully scented qi invigorating pill, and suddenly lost his mind.

Elaborate qi pill: After taking it, randomly increase 3 attribute points, increase the upper limit of HP by 50, and increase the upper limit of mana by 50.

Randomly increase 3 attribute points, and also increase the upper limit of health and mana. The most important thing is that this is a purple epic quality pill...

Shen Fei was already speechless from the shock, this was the first time he saw a purple epic item.

Gradually came to his senses, Shen Fei didn't expect that the Monk Temple was rich and powerful, and the recovery elixir in the middle of a level was actually filled with epic medicines. Is this just lip service for fear that others will not know that you are rich?
Without saying a word, Shen Fei took the Elaborate Qi Tonifying Pill. Naturally, the sooner you take this potential-enhancing medicine, the better the effect will be.

power ↑


Spirit ↑

The three attributes are randomly assigned to strength, agility, and spirit, and the upper limit of HP and mana are also increased by 50 points each.

So far, Shen Fei's blood volume has reached a terrifying 1010 points, and his mana value is also 480 points.

It is true that the blood is thicker than the tank, and the blue is more than the legal system.

"Then what's next, what happened after passing the suspension bridge?" Shen Fei asked again, secretly deciding in his heart that the most important task in the future would still be to send Fuman out, how many good things did he bring back this trip?
"After crossing the suspension bridge, it's the final stage. I saw an old man sitting cross-legged on the lotus. Later, he pointed to the bracelet on the lotus leaf and said that whoever can get this thing will be the Zen son of the Wu Monk Temple. , the successor of the next generation. I thought at the time that this test still has to be passed, so I asked the old man if he could enter the Buddhist monastery if he didn’t participate, he nodded and I ran away.”

"The idiot went into the water to pick up a bracelet."

After Fuman finished speaking, he looked at the young master as if asking for credit, and was about to ask Shen Fei to praise him.

When Shen Fei heard that Fuman said that he left without asking for the bracelet, his eyes almost went black with anger, and then he suddenly noticed Fuman's wrist.

"Is the bracelet you're talking about made of brown wood, with patterns of four elephants engraved on it?"

Fuman's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help sighing: "As expected of a young master, you can know everything without leaving home."

Shen Fei's heart beat violently a few times, and he asked again: "Tell me again what Chanzi means."

"It's the next headmaster of the monk's monastery." Fuman scratched his head, not understanding why the young master asked him to repeat it again.

Shen Fei couldn't help but laughed outright, and patted Fuman's shoulder with satisfaction.

What is Fujiang, this is Fujiang!
Originally, Shen Fei just asked Fuman to break into the enemy's interior first, and then find a way to figure it out slowly.Unexpectedly, Fuman signed up for the exam and directly became the Zen son and the next dean of the Wuseng Zen Academy.

Seeing Fuman's bewildered expression, Shen Fei said, "Look at your wrist."

Fuman stretched out his hand and found that there was an extra bracelet on his wrist at some point. Isn't this the bracelet on the lotus leaf in Wuseng Temple?Why in your own hands?


Fat Tiger went out aggressively and went straight to the Wu Monk Temple.

Fat Tiger was really angry. Before that, he thought that Fuman would definitely not be able to enter the Wu Monk Temple. He was the chef of the Wu Monk Temple. They were all real trainee monks. He wanted to enter the Wu Monk Temple without any effort. , go dreaming!
As a result, when Fuman returned, he not only successfully joined the Wushu Temple, but also got the Zen bracelet representing the next dean.

The fat tiger almost ran away with mana.

Fat Tiger still thought that when Fuman's path was blocked, Shen Fei would definitely find him, greeted him with a smile and kindly persuaded him to come out of the mountain.At that time, when he saw Lan Chan'er, he waved his hand casually to settle the matter, completely establishing its unshakable position as Shen Fei's number one pet.

What makes Fat Tiger even more angry is that the four gods have injected body protection mana into this Zen bracelet.

Just at the beginning of this year, Lazy Chan came to the island and said that he would choose a Zen son this year, so he asked the Four Heavenly Gods to give him mana.

For those who are already well versed in the way of nature, Master Lan Chan feels that his life span is at hand, so he begins to support Chan in advance, and when the situation in the Chan Academy is stabilized, his soul can live on Tenjin Island for a long time and serve in the four God's side.

Fat Tiger came to the gate of Wu Monk Temple, put his hips on his hips and yelled, "Lazy Chan boy, you are old and dim, and you don't know people!"

At the monk monastery, all the monks were meditating at night after dinner, when they suddenly heard someone making noise outside the door, they even directly cursed at the most respected elders, picking up long sticks one by one, their veins bulging.

"What kind of bastard, dare to come to the monk's monastery to make trouble!"


As the gate of the Buddhist monastery was pushed open, a group of monks emerged from the gate, directly surrounding Fat Tiger.

Because of the nightfall, the monks only saw the outline of a tiger, but didn't see its appearance clearly.

"Where is the evil animal, rushing in front of the gate of the monk's monastery!"

As the leading monk lit the torch, the light of the fire shone on the fat tiger's face, frightening the entire group of monks to kneel on the ground.

"Bai, the White Tiger God?"

Fat Tiger was angry at this moment, and was provoked by these gatekeeper monks again, with his paws on his chest, his expression was indifferent: "Aren't you an evil animal? Aren't you going to accept me? You are here!"

(End of this chapter)

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