my pet is boss

Chapter 145 Let Shen Fei take the blame at this time!

Chapter 145 Let Shen Fei take the blame at this time!
The monks were all stupefied. Someone came to the monk's monastery to make trouble at night. When they opened the door, they found that it was the white tiger god they worshiped.

This, is this the hell of the night?

But before they could react, the grumpy Fat Tiger insisted: "Don't arrest me? If you don't arrest me, you can leave!"

After finishing speaking, he walked past the crowd and continued to walk into the Zen courtyard, shouting as he walked, "Lazy Chan boy, come out to me like a man, don't hide!"

The other monks were ashamed to hear the gods they worshiped scolding the head of the monastery with all kinds of vulgar words.

After Baihu Tianshen entered the monastery, they blushed and looked around, and when they found no one noticed, they immediately closed the gate of the monastery.

You should close the door and solve the housework by yourself.I don't know what happened to Master Lanchan, but it caused the White Tiger God to descend in person. Although the monks couldn't see clearly at night, but with the torches to illuminate it, it was clear that the White Tiger God descended from the flesh.

What the hell happened, caused the Baihu God to be furious, and he did not hesitate to commit suicide to the Wuseng Temple to confront Master Lanchan.

It's okay to come quietly, but the crusade with great fanfare before entering the door, and now the entire Wuseng Temple is well known.

Master Lazy Zen is practicing bitter meditation.

After the test, Zhang Ren looked at Fuman's blank page and realized something.With a pure heart, Fuman made a decision that circumvented all the listed conditions.Especially when he gave up the bracelet at the end, it was so crisp, even impatient.

On the other hand, Zhang Li couldn't let go of his obsession.

After awakening, Zhang Rheni resigned from Master Lan Chan, intending to go outside to practice asceticism, and to understand life through the unity of knowledge and action.

Seeing that Zhang Re was able to wake up, Master Lan Chan was naturally very pleased.As his own disciple, Master Lanchan watched him fall into the quagmire and self-doubt step by step, and then became more and more eager for quick success. Fortunately, the appearance of Chanzi this time gave Zhang Re a great inspiration. The master also took the opportunity to wake up Zhang Li and face up to his shortcomings.

As the saying goes, what can't be broken can't be built. Zhang Re's going out to experience this time, breaking the previous stubbornness, may have new gains.

After confirming the Zen son, Zhang Li, his own land, also woke up. Master Lan Chan always smiled when he meditated at night.

Just a burst of rude shouting and cursing broke the tranquility of Zen meditation.

This voice may not be clear to others, Master Lan Chan almost fell off the futon.

This is the voice of the White Tiger God, that's right, it's just why this guy suddenly appeared in the monk's temple, and he was full of hatred for himself after hearing the voice.

Master Lazy Chan stood up and was ready to meet him. Fat Tiger had already found Master Lazy Chan under the guidance of other monks.

Kicking open the door and rushing in, he grabbed Master Lan Chan's collar in a blink of an eye: "Lan Chan, you should explain to me the Zen bracelet on Fuman's arm."

Lazy Zen was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that the Fuman Baihu was talking about was the little fat man who was officially designated as Chanzi by the bracelet today.

The bracelet is made of thousand-year-old spiritual wood, and infused with the body-protecting mana of the four gods. It already has a certain degree of spirituality, and will automatically choose from among the candidates who have the root of wisdom and a pure mind to recognize the Lord.Fuman is the identified owner of the bracelet, so he is naturally the next Zen son.

Master Lan Chan said: "So you know that little fat man, no wonder..."

"I didn't dare to do whatever I wanted to determine the assessment of Chanzi this time, so I made a simplified version of the Tianshen Island test. He and Wu Jiaotou are the last ones among all the people."

Fat Tiger was at a loss for words for a moment, this guy Fuman's shit luck is really amazing.Originally, it wanted to complain that Master Lazy Chan's question was too mentally retarded, but he didn't expect this guy to use the simplified version of the God's Trial directly in order to be lazy.If you spray on this point, wouldn't you be spraying yourself?After all, for the Tianshen Island trial, Fat Tiger also set up a level trial, which is the stone pillar array of the first level.

Fat Tiger was stunned, how did Fuman get past the first stone pillar formation?I didn't realize that this guy had such agility!
Master Lazy Zen didn't say much, and brought Fat Tiger to the lotus pond in the backyard.

He uttered a mantra in his mouth, made a mudra with his hands, and tapped lightly on the surface of the pool. Immediately, the entire surface of the lotus pond was shimmering, and the dancing moonlight was scattered on the surface of the pool, forming a beautiful picture scroll.

"This is the picture of Zenzi clearing the level in the afternoon, please take a look." Master Lan Chan used the printing method to create a picture of flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water, recreating the whole process of Fuman's level.

Fat Tiger saw that Fuman climbed up the stairs to save money, then passed the stone pillars in embarrassment, hid the pill and threw the axe, and then tricked all three axes away, and finally came to the lotus pond without the slightest nostalgia , chose to give up the bracelet to Zhang Li, and then left without stopping.

After reading it, Fat Tiger was silent.

Fuman's luck is really against the sky, and his heart is extremely pure.

The combination of the two is an invincible weapon!

Not to mention the castrated version of the Tianshen Trial made up by Master Lanchan, it is the real Tianshen Island's trial. Fat Tiger thinks that this guy, Fuman, might pass it.

With strong luck against the sky and the heart of a child, as long as you don't kill yourself, you can't die at all!

Fat Tiger was silent for a while, and then said after a while: "Even so, I still don't agree with him becoming a Zen master."

Master Lan Chan was very puzzled, why Fat Tiger cared so much about Fu Man becoming a Zen master, and asked tentatively, "Is there any grievance between God and this young man?"

Fat Tiger thought to himself, this grievance will be serious!
If Fuman is really allowed to confirm this Zen son, then Shen Fei's influence on the Wuseng Temple will be fully formed, wouldn't it be nothing to do with Fat Tiger?
The identity of Fu'an Chanzi seriously hindered Fat Tiger from becoming Shen Fei's number one favorite.

If Shen Fei heard the news, it would be equivalent to being thrown into limbo.

"Don't worry about our grievances, anyway, this person can't be a Zen son!"

Master Lanchan was speechless, he had never seen such stubbornness of Baihu Tianshen.

But his time is approaching, and when everything is arranged properly, he can go to Tenjin Island to serve the gods wholeheartedly.

Moreover, Master Lanchan had explained to Guixianren about the selection of Chanzi, and Guixianren also agreed.Why is it that the White Tiger God came out of the island in person and came to the door, one bite at a time?
One is Guixianren, the other is Baihu Tianshen, both of them are the four gods believed by monks, who should listen to?

Master Lazy Chan thought for a while, and bowed together and said: "The matter of dismissing Chanzi is of great importance, I need to discuss it with Guixianren again..."

When Fat Tiger heard the word "Guixianren", he immediately trembled.

If Lazy Chan'er was asked to find Gui Xianren, wouldn't he know that he had abandoned his godhood and escaped?When the time comes, talking by yourself won't work, and you must not let Lazy Chan find Gui Xianren.

Fat Tiger suddenly had an idea, secretly called himself a genius, and thought of a way to get the best of both worlds!

In this case, it's okay to just throw the blame on Shen Fei!

(End of this chapter)

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