my pet is boss

Chapter 146: Zhuge Fat Tiger, Countless Strategies!

Chapter 146: Zhuge Fat Tiger, Countless Strategies!
The seriousness on Fat Tiger's face gradually eased, replaced by a flattering smile.

Fat Tiger put his arms around Master Lan Chan's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Little brother, to tell you the truth, I really know this Fuman, otherwise I wouldn't come here angrily to talk to you."

Master Lazy Chan was stunned, Baihu Tianshen's face-changing speed is a bit fast!

Just now, he was just a child, but now he is directly a little brother.

But what can Master Lazy Zen do?According to his seniority, he is really a child.

When I became a Zen master 80 years ago, after the master returned to the west, I accompanied the master's soul to Tenjin Island, and saw the four gods who were not illusions for the first time.At that time, I was still a teenager in my twenties, so I was just a kid in front of the White Tiger God.

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief!

A line of words floated in Master Lanchan's mind, but he didn't dare to say it, he just looked at Baihu Tianshen, not knowing what tricks he was going to do.

"Fuman really can't be this Zen son!"

After talking for a long time, he finally went back to the starting point, and Master Lanchan asked, "Is there something unspeakable?"

Fat Tiger's brows were wrinkled, and he had been stealing meat for several days. Now the word "Wang" on his brows wrinkled into a "one".

"To be honest, Fuman is just a servant, he can't decide his own destiny."

Master Lan Chan didn't think this was a problem. The Wu Monk Temple has a lot of status and status, as well as wealth, which can completely make Fuman a free body again.

"The point is, Fuman voluntarily became that person's servant."

Fat Tiger's words gave Master Lan Chan a headache, thinking of the scene when Fuman came to the lotus pond at dusk today.This guy rushed over in a hurry, and finally asked if he could become a disciple of the Zen Academy if he didn't fight for the bracelet. After getting a definite answer, he left without looking back, obviously he was worried.

It is easy to sign a contract to become a servant, but it is a bit difficult to be willing to be someone else's servant...

But this is only slightly trickier, not completely unsolvable.

But what the White Tiger God said next made the [-]-year-old old man explode in cold sweat.

"I forgot to tell you, I am also that person's pet..."

Fat Tiger is sure that he has never seen Lan Chan's eyes open so wide, and a flash of light gushed out of his eyes, as if it was dawn.

"God, you're not kidding anymore, are you?"

The fat tiger loosened his shoulders, and patted the little brother's shoulder: "Do you think I'm a tiger who jokes about this kind of thing?"

Fat Tiger was still secretly happy in his heart, he didn't expect that his news would trick Lan Chan into opening his eyes, it's not a loss or a loss!
Even the two guys, Yang and A Li, have never seen Lan Chan open his eyes, after all, he still made money.

Master Lazy Chan felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. The White Tiger God they believed in turned out to be someone else's pet.The Zen son who was just selected today is also this person's servant, this...

But immediately master lazy Zen had an idea.

Just now, I saw in Mirror Flower, Water Moon, that Zenzi's every move and every choice seemed to be inseparable from that person.

Even the White Tiger God is willing to be his pet, so this person must have a predestined relationship with me!
Why don't you let him be the dean of the monk monastery after you die!
Just imagine, it is more than enough to teach such a person as Fuman, who is quite intelligent and spiritual, and can also convince the arrogant Baihu God.Even in the hands of this person, the Chanyuan might flourish!
Master Lazy Zen couldn't help applauding his wonderful idea.

Lazy Chan originally wanted to ask the White Tiger God, but when he met its gaze, he only saw four words - a child can be taught.

It seems that the White Tiger God also thinks so.

Even one of his servants can pass the test, and he is still the Lord of the White Tiger God. Such an identity will soon be recognized and accepted by all the monks, and even the entire Zen Temple worships the new headmaster more than Master Lazy Chan Even higher.

"Then I'll go and discuss with the two elders, Ai Chan and Bei Chan."

Fat Tiger patted Lan Chan on the shoulder, and sure enough, this little brother was on the road, and he thought of a solution after a little click.

That's right, Fat Tiger's idea is very simple.

You can't let Fuman become a Zen son, and directly push the blame on Shen Fei, let him directly become a Zen son, and become the next dean of the Wuseng Zen Academy.

In this way, Fuman has no credit at all.

Who dares to object to sitting in the monk's temple as the white tiger god?
At that time, it will be my own contribution to maintaining stability, and the contribution will be the first, hahahaha!

Fat Tiger smiled and patted his dog's head. When he came out of the monastery, he couldn't help sighing: "Sure enough, the wisdom I have cultivated for 93 years is unmatched by anyone!"

After eating, Shen Fei praised Fuman fiercely, took away the gold and silver axes at the same time, and left the wooden ax to Fuman.According to Shen Fei's words, this trial was full of difficulties, and this wooden ax was right to commemorate this difficult trial, so that Fuman could firmly remember the strength of struggle and persistence.Besides, this wooden ax is extremely sharp, and it can also be used for chopping firewood.

Fuman shed tears of emotion when he received the gift of the wooden axe. This was the second gift the young master gave him!

Mountain God:? ? ?
Mountain God: Something seems wrong.

After the meal, Shen Fei went back to the house alone, and Fuman and Peiqi also went back to rest.

Shen Fei is not worried about Fat Tiger at all now, this guy is messing around, but he still knows the severity, let him play, and he will come back when he is tired.

According to Fat Tiger's current mana, even if he provokes the Archbishop of the Holy Light, Mailer, or the Lord of the Floating Void City, Jordan, he still has the power to fight.

Shen Fei's harvest today can be described as flattering. When he was short of money, Fuman brought two axes. Tomorrow, he will find a smelting site in the holy city and ask someone to melt these two pieces of gold and silver into gold bricks and silver bricks. Buy them and exchange them for money. Make a fortune.

The second is the meticulous qi invigorating pill, which is simply a god-level pill.

Not to mention randomly adding 3 points of attributes, but also adding 50 points of life and mana, which is equivalent to 5 points of stamina and 5 points of intelligence in disguise.

A elixir is equivalent to adding 13 attribute points, which is equivalent to the addition of Shen Fei's 4th level, and one more.

Now Fuman is the Zen son of the Wu Monk Temple, and he will become the head of the Temple in the future. Wouldn't he have as many such pills as he wants?
Shen Fei was so beautiful that Fat Tiger went upstairs and pushed the door in. After entering, he closed the door and lay down on the bed.

"Are you back?" Shen Fei raised his eyebrows, looked at the "dejected" and "negative" Fat Tiger, thinking that this time he finally taught him a lesson, so that he would be arrogant in the future.

The fat tiger buried the whole tiger's head in the quilt, pressed his face and tried to make himself unable to breathe, because he was afraid that after taking a breath, he would not be able to help laughing.

Shen Fei touched the fleshy tiger's head, and said: "If you come back, then I will go offline."

After finishing speaking, he went offline and disappeared on the bed.

Fat Tiger turned his head sideways and opened his eyes to observe, and after confirming that Shen Fei went offline, he laughed loudly.

Just wait, there will be a good show tomorrow morning!

I, Zhuge Fat Tiger, have no plans left!

 I stayed up all night to write this chapter, and I guarantee that the two chapters will be delivered first.Today I am going to meet up with my friends during the day, and it will be evening when I come back. I am not sure if I will be drunk, so I don’t know if I can write after I come back.If I wake up at night, I will write more overnight, if I don’t update it, it means I passed out...

(End of this chapter)

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