my pet is boss

Chapter 147 The High-Profile Zen Temple

Chapter 147 The High-Profile Zen Temple

Master Lazy Chan discussed with his two younger brothers, Ai Chan and Bei Chan, and made a total calculation.

Originally, both of them raised their hands in favor of selecting Chanzi according to the standards of the Tianshen Island trial.Chanzi is the future successor of the monk monastery and the preacher of the way of nature, so he must be cautious.There is no better way than the trial of Tenjin Island.

It's just that neither of them expected that Zenzi, who was selected according to the trial of Tianshen Island, was actually a servant.What's more, they didn't expect that the White Tiger God they admired and worshiped had also become this person's pet.In the end, the three of them summed up together, Master Lan Chan expressed his opinion, and the three of them decided to let Shen Fei lead the Wu Monk Temple in the future.

Although the monk monastery in the holy city is the largest in the human empire, Master Lanchan can still give a sentence or two to the four gods of Tianshen Island.However, there are thousands of temples and courtyards in the entire continent that believe in the way of monks, and the temple of monks is not the most authentic.

The elves are born with the ability to be in harmony with nature, and they are better than humans in understanding the way of nature.Therefore, the martial monk monastery of the elves is the highest in both Zen theory and martial arts.But it is different now, with Shen Fei as the master of the gods, and even the gods sitting in the monastery, the status of the holy city monk monastery can be said to be rising.

No matter how powerful your elven monastery is, are there gods sitting in it?
If not, pretend to be the first!

The three elders never doubted Shen Fei's ability at all. Even one of his servants could easily pass the test of the gods, and the god Baihu was willing to serve him. It is conceivable how deep the master of the gods understands the way of nature. .It would be perfect for him to be the next dean of the Wuseng Temple.

"Since the selected Chanzi is a slave who voluntarily follows Shen Fei, it is all right to let Shen Fei be the Chanzi. This matter must be settled as soon as possible. My time is running out." Master Lazy Chan suspended His heart finally settled down, and when his physical body was shattered, he could go to the island of the gods with peace of mind, and often accompany the gods to listen to the teachings.

"It's not too late, we'll bring Shen Fei back tomorrow, and we'll give him an official title first!"

Although the three elders practiced the way of monks, they knew their personalities by looking at their names, such as lazy, sad, and sad.

But in terms of the development of Wuseng Temple, the three elders are quite active.

According to the words of Master Lan Chan, there is no high or low Taoism, but there are high and low realms of Taoism.In order to improve the ranking of the Zen Academy in the mainland and improve their strength, they also took great pains.

Early the next morning, the Monk Temple sent out the most magnificent lineup and scene ever.

The three elders of the hidden world were dispatched together, bringing all the elite disciples and inner disciples of the Buddhist monastery, and paved the road from the entrance of the Zen monastery to the hotel in the civilian area.

As one of the six major powers in the holy city, Wuseng Temple usually attracts everyone's attention with every move it makes.Wuseng Temple has always kept a low profile as its requirement, except for the annual entrance examination, it will not cause any sensation among ordinary people in China.

But today the three elders of the Chanyuan and all the elite disciples were dispatched, the long road was covered with flower petals, and the fragrant chariot followed behind, obviously to welcome a certain noble existence.

"With such great fanfare in the Chanyuan, this battle is even bigger than welcoming the king's triumphant return back then!"

"Yesterday, the Chanyuan recruited students once a year, and today it has made such a big show. It seems that the Zenyuan has kept a low profile for too long, and wants to make big news."

Passers-by looked sideways.In my memory, the last time the Monk Temple had such a big momentum was decades ago after the Owendale victory, when the monks greeted His Majesty the King and the warriors who returned in triumph.

This time it's Hualuxiangche again, and it's not insignificant.

The news of the sudden grand welcome by the Wu Monk Temple immediately appeared on the desktops of the leaders of other major forces.

MI[-] was the first to discover the anomaly. When Shadow got the first-hand information, he cursed angrily: "I never thought that the three elders in the hidden world would look at the world and be independent. They are all cunning and cunning things! Knowing Shen Fei's identity, he acted resolutely, and prepared to label Shen Fei as a monk monastery."

The shadow paced back and forth, he thought that the Monk Temple would know Shen Fei's identity, but he never expected that these old fellows would strike so quickly, they didn't even care about the faces of the three colleges in the Holy City, and they acted resolutely and made a big show.

Now the Xiangche Flower Road has been paved to the entrance of the hotel, making the hotel owner look confused.Numerous monks meditate at the door under the leadership of the three elders.

If there is no Xiangchehualu, this posture is just like a door-to-door debt collection and a sit-in protest.

The shadow is against the chin, and now the people of the Buddhist monastery have arrived at the door. I believe that not only the MI[-] got the news, but also the military, the Countess' Chamber of Commerce consortium, the Holy Light Cathedral and the Floating City Mage Academy, and even the royal family must have got the news , wait for what happens next.

"No! You must have first-hand contact with Shen Fei."

Shadow remembered that there was an exit from SI[-], which happened to be at the hotel where Shen Fei was staying.

Now all the monks are waiting outside the hotel, and now I rush to contact Shen Fei in front of the monk's monastery...

The shadow quickly disappeared in place, turned into a fast flowing black shadow on the ground, and arrived at the secret door of the hotel in an instant.

The black shadow on the ground gradually climbed up the wall, forming a human silhouette. The shadow stepped out of the silhouette, gracefully pushed open the secret door, and quietly blended into the wine room on the first floor of the hotel.

The shadow looked around, most ordinary people were lying at the window watching the bustle and whispering, no one noticed the ordinary shadow.

The appearance of the shadow is very ordinary, the kind that you have known him for a long time, but you are asked to describe the characteristics of him, and you can't find the answer after thinking hard for a long time.

The shadow walked in the corridor of the guest room on the second floor. Every time he passed two doors, a small group of shadows would separate under his feet, and quickly sneaked into the room from under the crack of the door to investigate the situation inside.If Shen Fei and his team were not found, the shadows would immediately emerge from under the door and reintegrate into the main body.


After Shen Fei got up, the first thing he saw was the Fat Tiger who was sleeping drowsily beside him.

Looking at it from Shen Fei's point of view, if the orange peel is replaced by a flesh-colored body, it will be no different from matching.

Shen Fei was going to raise his hand to slap Fat Tiger and call it to wake up, but then he thought something was wrong, he hadn't calmed down yet, so he put away his hand.

Fat Tiger turned his back to Shen Fei, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

In fact, it was pretending to be asleep, and this stingy guy still remembered the grudge for not helping him yesterday.

Be careful!
Shen Fei stretched his waist, and said in a sleepy voice: "This guy Fuman is also struggling. He was originally asked to lurk in the kitchen of the Wu Monk Temple, but he didn't expect to become the next successor of the Temple. Hey, there is Time really is to plant flowers intentionally but not to bloom, but not to plant willows and willows to make shade!"

Fat Tiger's face was completely collapsed, this guy was showing off early in the morning, it's amazing!
Fat Tiger is still pretending to sleep, letting Shen Fei continue to dream of his Spring and Autumn Dream.

(End of this chapter)

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