my pet is boss

Chapter 148

Chapter 148
Shadow found the room where Fei Shen was, but he didn't knock on the door hastily, but tidied it up.

Shen Fei stretched after getting up, then packed up and prepared to go out.

Shen Fei was going to find a way to try to contact MI[-] today, and Fuman went to the Wuseng Temple to be his Zen son.When the opportunity is right, take advantage of Fuman's identity and take him to the "crime scene" preserved in the Floating Void City to see if he can find any clues.

To be honest, Shen Fei didn't expect to find any valuable information from the "crime scene" that had been preserved for two or three years.After all, this "crime scene" has been thoroughly checked by too many people. Unless all wise men are asses, it is impossible to miss any information.

But from the news heard at the family dinner of the Lawrence family, Shen Fei was sure that this incident was not done by hostile forces, but by the inner ghost.

First of all, Shen Fei couldn't think of the possibility that any hostile forces could sneak in and assassinate them. What's more suspicious is that after they succeeded, they didn't publicize the kidnapping of King Lucian in order to hit the self-confidence of the human empire. There is no way to explain their motives.Even the frost-cold orcs in the north only learned of the disappearance of the king of the human empire in the past year, and they began to move around.

Only insiders are the most likely to commit crimes.

King Lucian is missing, so who's in the best interest?
The answers undoubtedly all point to one person—the Grand Duke Ferdinand.

Once the king disappeared, Grand Duke Ferdinand, who held military power, would have the military power to deter the entire empire.At the same time, neither the Holy Light Cathedral nor the Floating Void City can be regarded as secular forces. They will only focus on investigating the cause of the king's disappearance, and will not interfere in politics.

The remaining Countess, Margaret, is in charge of the empire's economy and laws. The only forces under her command are chambers of commerce and consortiums. She has no military power at all, and is completely unable to compete with the Grand Duke.

The little prince was young, and the grand duke supervised the country and controlled the government.In addition to not having a definite identity, his power is as great as that of a king.

What Shen Fei suspects the most now is the powerful Grand Duke of the Holy City, but it's a pity that he has no power and no evidence.

The best way is to break into the elite group of the holy city, and have the ability to fight against them, so as to have a chance to seize the handle.

Shen Fei pushed open the door and walked out of the room. There was no one in the corridor. He could hear the non-stop rustling downstairs, as if people were gathered together to discuss something in a low voice.

Shen Fei knocked on the door of Fuman's room opposite, he was sure that this guy definitely wasn't helping downstairs today.After finishing the monk trial yesterday, I was exhausted several times, and today I must be lying in the room in pain.

Not long after, there was a scream like a pig being slaughtered in the room, making it impossible for Shen Fei to tell whether the source of the sound was Fuman or Qiqi.

"Master, wait a moment, I can't get up because of the pain all over my body!"

Shen Fei stood in the corridor and waited with his hips on his hips. He heard the sound of crashing on the ground from inside, followed by a series of tinkling sounds of bottles and cans, pots and pans.

At this time, a staff member pushing a cleaning cart suddenly appeared from the corner of the corridor, walked up to Shen Fei and asked, "Excuse me, are you a guest of the hotel?"

Shen Fei glanced at the middle-aged uncle in hotel overalls, and nodded.

"This is the cleaning sign of our hotel. If you need to clean the room, just hang this sign on the doorknob."

The middle-aged uncle gave Shen Fei three cleaning cards in total, and Shen Fei took it and thanked him.

Then I watched the middle-aged uncle push the cart from the end of the corridor into the staff passage.

Shen Fei stood there bored, flipping through the three cleaning cards.

The first card was the cleaning card for the hotel, but when he saw the second card, Shen Fei's brows suddenly became sharper, and he ran towards the staff passageway at the end like flying.When Shen Fei ran to the employee aisle, he saw a small trolley in the corner wearing work clothes, but he couldn't see the uncle just now.

Shen Fei tried his best to recall, but in less than a minute, he couldn't remember the face and characteristics of that uncle just now.

There was actually a bright red hammer and sickle symbol on the second cleaning card, which was exactly the same as the kraft paper Sean gave him at the time!
On the third cleaning card, a simplified version of the map was drawn.Shen Fei looked at it for a long time, and found that this simple map is the map around the hotel, and there is a point marked on the map, which must be a secret door or something.

Shen Fei put the three cleaning cards into his backpack. He never thought that SI[-] would contact him. It seems that SI[-] already knew about his coming to the holy city.

And from the contact with that person just now, all actions were straightforward, Shen Fei didn't notice any abnormalities or suspicions.The level of SI[-] is still a bit powerful!

Fuman opened the door in embarrassment, his hands were almost holding the doorknob, his legs were trembling as if an electric switch had been switched on.

As for the preparation, he lay down in the corner of the room and stared wide-eyed, clearing up the possibility of his screaming just now.

"You look like this, lie on the bed and rest today..."

Before Shen Fei finished speaking, Fat Tiger appeared out of nowhere, and poured a bit of mana onto Fat Tiger's Zen bracelet.

The mana from the same source is like a key, which immediately unlocks the protection mechanism of the bracelet.A stream of light blue mana surrounds Fuman, and it can be vaguely seen that the light blue mana has condensed into a translucent green dragon.

Fuman instantly felt that his body was extremely refreshed, and the sore muscles were nourished by the coolness, gradually relieving the pain of muscle overload, and repairing every overdrawn cell.

After a while, the light blue magic power disappeared, and Fuman was in high spirits, completely unable to see that his body was overdrawn yesterday.

After Fuman found out that he was wearing the bracelet yesterday, he originally wanted to return the bracelet. After all, he never planned to ask for this thing.

But under Shen Fei's flickering, Fuman limped directly, and accepted the fact that he became the Zen son of Wu Monk Zen Academy.

"Let's go, today you will go to the monk's monastery to report, what you have to do is to be a good Zen son. I still have things to do later."

Fuman listened carefully to the task assigned by the young master, and Fat Tiger on the side wanted to laugh several times.

After Fat Tiger came out of the house, he used his magic power to penetrate the house, and saw the three Zen elders sitting quietly waiting outside the hotel door, as well as many elite disciples of the Zen monastery.

Seeing that Shen Fei is calm and composed now, he will definitely be dumbfounded when he goes out later!

Shen Fei's main itinerary today is to contact MI[-] to see if he can get any useful information.By the way, let's take a look at MI[-]'s attitude towards itself.

But when everyone went downstairs, they saw many people pointing at the windows.

Shen Fei was still wondering what they were looking at, but as soon as he opened the hotel door and went out, he was shocked by the scene before him.

Immediately, Shen Fei saw Fat Tiger's sly smile.

Shen Fei slapped Fat Tiger's chubby tiger's head with a slap, and asked, "Is it your fault?"

The scene in front of me was extremely grand. The three respected principals and elders of the Chanyuan were all behind them were the elite disciples and the backbone of the Chanyuan.

Cherry blossoms, peach blossoms and various flower spots are flying in the sky, paving a flower road leading directly to the Buddhist temple.

Master Lanchan saw that the white tiger god was slapped on the head, even though Jingxiu had seen countless big scenes over the years, his heart shook slightly at this moment.Looking at the calm expression on Shen Fei's face, he gave a very high evaluation to this Lord of the Gods. He deserves to be a person whose servants can pass the trials of the Gods. His every move reveals the most reasonable and thought-provoking.

(End of this chapter)

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