my pet is boss

Chapter 149 1st Dynasty Famous World Knows

Chapter 149 Once you become famous, the world knows
In Master Lan Chan's view, all of Shen Fei's actions coincided with the way of nature.

If it were them, they would never dare to slap the White Tiger God on the head. This is an act of blasphemy.But as far as Shen Fei is concerned, all living beings in the world are normal, and everyone is regarded as one, so why not shoot it?
Do whatever you want and follow your heart closely, which is the most appropriate interpretation of the way of nature.

Master Lazy Zen also tried to go this way, but he found that he had fallen into the shackles of the director of the monk monastery. All he thought about in his mind was how to make the monastery develop and how to spread and cover the way of the monk monastery. wider.Although these things are excellent, they still can't get rid of the word "fame and fortune".

This is why Master Lan Chan is eager to find his successor Chan Zi as soon as possible, so that he can consummate his merits and virtues. After death, his soul will leave his body and go to Tianshen Island to concentrate on practicing his way of monk.

Compared with cultivating with a physical body, these old guys in the Zen Academy are more looking forward to the immortality of the soul and to explore the truth of the way of nature.

"Tell me, what are you doing again?"

Shen Fei glanced at the huge crowd, and he was sure that these people definitely did not come to pick up this Zen son Fuman.

No matter how you say it, Zenzi is just the next successor of the Zen Academy, and the key training objects will definitely not be greeted by the three elderly elders in person, not to mention the ten-mile flower road that stretches to the end of the road. Also more than enough.

Coupled with Fat Tiger's sinister smile, Shen Fei knew that Fat Tiger must have done nothing good when he went out last night.

Master Lan Chan took a step forward, put his palms together respectfully: "Scholar Shen Fei, the Wu Monk Temple specially invites you to have a talk at the Wu Monk Temple."

After that, countless monks bowed their heads and put their hands together in a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

The tourists in the hotel, as well as the residents of the civilian area, were all shocked by the scene in front of them, and they all speculated about Shen Fei's identity.

How respectable is this person's status to be able to welcome Master Lanchan of the Wuseng Temple with a group of his most important disciples in person?
Shen Fei gouged out Pang Hu's eyes, and finally got into the car with Pang Hu, Fu Man and Bi Qi.

Shen Fei got into the car and took a deep breath, there was a faint scent of heavy wood in the car.

Fragrant cars and BMWs are all over the road. I am afraid that the dean of the Wu Monk Temple may not be able to enjoy such standard treatment.

Shen Fei grabbed Fat Tiger's furry ears and asked, "What did you do last night?"

Now that the matter has come to an end, Fat Tiger simply confessed: "I just talked to Lazy Chan about the old days, and then accidentally told the story that Fuman is your servant and I am your pet."

Although Shen Fei grabbed the ears, but now this fat tiger looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, and even picked its nails.

Shen Fei let go of Fat Tiger's ears. He didn't expect this guy to play a combination of cards and throw out the biggest hole card. Now he completely understands that almost all the members of Wu Monk Temple came out to welcome him.

The master of Zen, the master of gods.

The blessing effect of this dual identity is definitely one plus one greater than two.

"I'll just forgive you this time, next time you can't decide on such an important matter!"

Facing Shen Fei's "severe" warning, Fat Tiger just nodded obediently.

Anyway, this time I still made meritorious service and kept my position as the number one favorite under my seat, I am very happy.

Fuman's eyes lit up, he didn't want to be a Zen master at all, it was all tasks assigned to him by the young master, but from the bottom of his heart he still wanted to follow the young master, busy before and after.Not to mention being a Zen son, if you say something disrespectful, he wouldn't even be a king if you gave him a king!
"Master, the Chanyuan treats you very politely. Does that mean that I can stop being this Chanzi?" Fuman said as he wanted to take off the ring and hand it to the Young Master. After all, the Zenyuan attaches so much importance to the Young Master now, so the Chanzi should be the young master to be the best. suitable!
Shen Fei slapped Fuman on the head casually: "You mean to let me become a Zen master? Then I must be a generation younger than the dean and the others, just a head shorter than others? You, a Zen master, cannot escape , not only can’t escape, but you have to do a good job for me, don’t embarrass the young master.”

Fuman was so wronged that he was about to cry, he absolutely had no thought of being disrespectful to the young master.

His suggestion was rudely and ruthlessly rejected, Fuman could only bow his head in grievance, accept the fact that he could only be a Zen son, and resigned to his fate!

The carriage has been specially treated with magic runes, so even if the outside shakes, the inside of the carriage will not feel the slightest jolt.

Shen Fei wouldn't know that the last time the monk monastery dispatched a carriage, it was the soldiers who greeted Owendale's victory outside the city, and the carriage contained King Lucian.

Wu Monk Temple suddenly made a big move, and there was no intention of covering up the extravagance all the way.

On the desks of the leaders of the major forces, all the ascertained information was received.

The shadow of the leader of MI[-] has returned to the ground. Although the whole person is hidden in the darkness, the cheerful atmosphere in the air cannot be concealed at all.

The shadow came into contact with Shen Fei before the Monk Temple.

If nothing unexpected happens, Shen Fei will visit SI[-] in these few days.

Even though Yingying and Fei Gong had a verbal agreement, before finding out Shen Fei's attitude towards the empire, they should maintain an objective and neutral attitude as much as possible.

But the group of old fellows in Wuseng Temple acted vigorously and decisively, and their decision-making and execution were not like their names at all, lazy, sad, and sad.

On the contrary, there is a firmness and decisiveness that only young people can have.

Even this group of elites who lived almost a hundred years old had to be ahead of others, no matter what the shadow said, it was impossible to be inferior. After all, how could Shen Fei be the nominally highest officer of MI[-], how could his shadow let him go Outsiders get there first?
I poured myself a glass of red wine, sat on the sofa in the shadow, and accompanied by the classic vinyl record played on the record player, the shadow gently swayed the wine glass in the dark, allowing the red wine to fully contact with the air to ferment the most wonderful taste.

"The three old fellows of the Wu Monk Temple, this sudden attack is really unexpected..."

In the Duke's Mansion, the military personnel also learned the news of the Wu Monk Temple for the first time.

When Ferdinand looked at the report in his hand, his brows were tightly frowned, and his face seemed solemn, and things seemed to be gradually getting out of his control.

He told the Shadow Agent yesterday that he should not act rashly until he found out Shen Fei's attitude towards the empire, but in the blink of an eye, the three elders of the monastery confronted him and went to pick up Shen Fei with great fanfare, and he almost took the loudspeaker to speak to all the big forces. : We now have a true God sitting in our monk monastery!
"Fei Gong, in this situation, do you want to discuss countermeasures with SI:[-]?" the intelligence chief of the military department asked.

Ferdinand raised his hand to stop the intelligence chief of the military department: "No need, MI[-] must have got the news before us. According to Shadow's character, he will definitely not let the Monk Temple get there first. He is likely to be ahead of the three elders. Shen Fei got in touch. As for the other forces, I'm afraid they all know about it by now."

Ferdinand took a sip of unsweetened black tea, stood up from his seat and sighed softly: "I originally hoped that this matter could be resolved in private, but it seems that I made things simple..."

At this moment, the same documents were placed on the tables of the leaders of countless forces in the Holy City.

It was also at this moment that the first reaction of the leaders of these forces was: "Who is Shen Fei?"

 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (5/30)

(End of this chapter)

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