my pet is boss

Chapter 150 Update title

Chapter 150 Update title
Not to mention the leaders of these forces, but the ordinary people on the streets of the holy city are all curious at the moment: "What is the origin of the young man who was received by the highest standard of the monk monastery just now?"

"I just heard Master Lan Chan call Shen Fei Layman..."

"So, who is Shen Fei?"

Today was an ordinary day in the Holy City, but the Monk Temple, which has always been low-key early in the morning, gave everyone a big surprise.

Therefore, "Who is Shen Fei" successfully squeezed out the two greetings "Have you eaten" and "The weather is good today", and became the most frequently asked sentence by the people of the Holy City today.

Similarly, this sentence also appeared in the mouths of the leaders of the major forces.

Holy Light Cathedral, Archbishop Mailer put on his reading glasses and began to read the news reports compiled today.

There are many people in the empire who believe in the Holy Light, and there are more than tens of millions of believers.Many people have the habit of worshiping every day, so the cathedral is an easy place to collect information, and it belongs to the intelligence system of the Holy Light Cathedral.

Archbishop Mailer was eating his favorite sandwich with double bacon and double eggs, bathed in the warm sunshine at nine o'clock in the morning, and reading the newspaper that had just been delivered.

On the top of the newspaper are the four characters "Holy Light Morning Post". The Holy Light Cathedral also has many industries in the secular world. Among them, the "Holy Light Morning Post", which is best-selling in the empire, is a newspaper under the Holy Light Cathedral industry.It published some classic quotations of Archbishop Mailer, or daily current affairs news, followed by some auspicious days for weddings and funerals recommended by Archbishop Mailer.

This newspaper is very popular in the holy city and surrounding cities, and it is usually a guarantee of sales.

In the holy city, the sales volume of "Holy Light Morning Post" is second only to "Economic Financial Report" run by Countess Margaret.However, some surrounding cities, such as Mithral City and Flaubert, have always been the pillar industry of the Holy Light Sect and the main source of income.

In the newspaper held by Archbishop Mailer, there is a line of small words in the lower right corner of the "Holy Light Morning Post" - special edition.

The special version of the morning newspaper is printed on special paper with the prohibition of holy light.If ordinary people get this newspaper, what they see is the ordinary version.But for people with a very high Holy Light rank, as long as they use a little magic to unlock the restriction, the content in the newspaper will change and become a special edition news.

To open the Holy Light Restriction, you basically need a Holy Light level of bishop and above.

Of course, bishops in remote areas are not included, and powerful bishops are basically scattered around the holy city.The bishop of the Holy Light Cathedral in the marginal area, although he is called a bishop, is actually only at the same level as the elite disciples.

Archbishop Mailer soon saw a piece of incredible news.

He adjusted his presbyopic glasses, and saw the news that Wu Monk Temple was going to welcome a young man named Shen Fei at a hotel in the downtown area with great momentum.

The news caught his attention.

"Lazy Chan, what are they doing? They are mobilizing people to welcome a young man." Archbishop Mailer continued to look down, and the feeling of fullness brought a good mood for the whole day.

After eating the sandwich and taking a sip of tea, Archbishop Mailer also read all the information in today's newspaper.

He took off his reading glasses, sat on his seat and thought for a while, then pressed the small bell on the table: "Check out the origin of this Shen Fei."

Archbishop Mailer got up and walked to his office with his hands behind his back. On the way, he was no different from other old men, and began to babble: "Lazy and sad, the elders are only a little older than me. The last time I saw the third The old guy feels that his mind is still clear, he won't lose his wits in just a few months and start doing stupid things, right?"


In the meeting room at the top of the Imperial Bank, a woman in a coquettish red dress with heavy makeup and red lips crossed her hands on her chest. Through the glass, she saw the flower path paved by the Monk Temple and the carriage carrying Shen Fei.

"I need all the information about the activities of the Monk Temple today, as well as the identities and details of the distinguished guests in the carriage."

Ten minutes later, Countess Margaret had all the information.

Including the composition of Shen Fei and his party, as well as all their whereabouts.

Everyone in the world thinks that SI[-] is the largest intelligence organization in the empire, followed by the eyes and ears of the military, but in fact, the imperial consortium and chamber of commerce in the hands of the wealthy countess Margaret is the huge intelligence comparable to SI[-]. organize.

After all, businessmen seek profit, and a region may not have military troops, but it is absolutely impossible to have chambers of commerce and banks.Where there are these institutions, they can be regarded as the countess' intelligence network, which is a truly complete and systematic financial and intelligence network.

Margaret leaned against the seat, flipping through the information of Shen Fei in her hand with great interest.

The footprints from Shen Fei Novice Village to Tuke County, and then from Sentinel Fort to Holy City.All the great things Shen Fei has done and the people he has come into contact with are recorded in the data.

"It's not an exaggeration to call a hunter with a true god's pet a legend..."

Countess Margaret closed the file, looked at the flower path blown away by a gust of wind, and couldn't help but sigh: "The holy city is about to change."


Floating City Mage Academy.

Because the archmage Jordan was out, Edward, the vice president of the college, stood at the top of the mage tower, using a short time magic in the crystal ball to trace back what happened to the mage of the monk monastery in the morning.

The always low-key Monk Temple is uncharacteristically, which itself is doubtful.

When he saw a "immature" face of only fifteen or sixteen years old, and Master Lan Chan's attitude towards this Layman Shen Fei, Edward became confused.

Recalling what happened in the morning, Edward sat in the secret room to recover his mana, thought for a while about the magic network built on the top of the mage tower, and sent a message to Archmage Jordan: There are changes in the holy city, please come back quickly!

Shen Fei got off the carriage, looked at the grand gate of the Wu Monk Temple, and an antique aura came over his face.

Walking into the Zen courtyard, the misty clouds, harmonious collocation of buildings and plants do not feel abrupt at all, giving people a feeling of being in a fairyland.

"Layman Shen Fei, this way please."

Master Sad Chan, the youngest among the three elders, led the way, and Sad Chan and Lan Chan were accompanied by Shen Fei at the far right.Just a standing position to welcome guests, it can be seen that Wu Monk Temple attaches great importance to Shen Fei.

The outer disciples and inner disciples in the Zen courtyard all looked at the scene in amazement.

Their old dean and two elders are respectfully entertaining a young man at this moment.

Even if the little prince came to learn boxing kung fu, under the guidance of elite disciples, he took the initiative to go to the dean, so there would be no such standard welcome.

"Who is this young man?"

Soon Shen Fei's attention was drawn away from the scenery of the Buddhist monastery, because the system suddenly gave him another title - the Lord of the Gods.

Lord of the Gods: You are the master recognized by the White Tiger God, and the favorability of all creatures who believe in the way of monks is automatically full.

At the same time, Shen Fei also opened several favorability information here.

[Warrior Monk Temple]: Worship
[SI[-]]: Friendly
[Imperial Consortium]: Neutral
【Grand Duke's Mansion】: Neutral
[Holy Light Cathedral]: Neutral
[Floating City Mage Academy]: Neutral
【Imperial Guard】: Neutral
 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (6/30)

(End of this chapter)

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