my pet is boss

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

It turned out that Shen Fei still took the system title seriously, but since he knew that the system was originally composed of his own aura, his joy at the system prompts was greatly reduced.

The system is composed of its own aura, and its function is to assist players to more easily familiarize and master the game.

For example, it's like the concepts of kilograms, degrees Celsius, and numbers set by humans themselves.Originally, these are things that actually exist in nature, but in order to facilitate understanding and cognition of the world, human beings set many parameters for objects to understand these things more clearly.

Can you say that because there are no weight parameters and settings, the real weight of the object does not exist?Weight itself still exists, but for humans, without parameters and settings, weight is a vague concept that can only be judged by experience.But with the introduction of parameters and settings, it becomes a concrete concept.

Similarly, these titles are just the things that people know by word of mouth and are presented to the players in this form.

These titles are just the result of Shen Fei's cause.

Accompanied by the three elders who "cared for everything", Shen Fei came to the Tingtao Pavilion of the Wuseng Temple.

The first time Shen Fei saw the Dreaming Zen Realm, he was also shocked by the magnificent design, giving people a feeling of having everything in his sleeves.

Tingtao Pavilion is located on the highest peak of the Hundred Thousand Mountains in the Dreaming Zen Realm.

But it took less than a quarter of an hour for everyone to go up the mountain, and they didn't feel tired at all when walking on the steep mountain road as if they were walking on flat ground.When Shen Fei came to the top of the mountain and looked down again, he found that he was already standing on a mountain peak thousands of meters high, sitting and watching the clouds roll and the clouds relax.

In the realm of Dream Zen, the holder can change all the rules, just like his own dream, which can control everything.

The elite disciples were all guarding outside Lumengchan, and Fuman followed behind Shen Fei, but his eyes kept looking around. He had never seen such a magnificent scenery.

Fat Tiger is used to these things, so he came to Tingtao Pavilion and found a place to sit down, and poured a cup of hot tea to warm his stomach.

It is even more unrestrained when it is complete, and it goes directly to the gazebo on the top of the mountain, where the lady sits and looks at the sea of ​​clouds.The two big ears fluttered with the wind howling on the top of the mountain, like a prodigal son who sees through emotions.

The third elder watched the movements of the creatures around Shen Fei, and took a deep breath.

The white tiger is a god, so it is understandable that his behavior is eclectic, and it must be full of endless Zen.But the three of them glanced at this pig. It was a very ordinary pig. It didn't have any aura fluctuations, but its movements were crisp and neat, and it wasn't timid. A pig with a story.

Looking at Shen Fei again, the mountain wind was rustling, blowing the corners of his clothes, Shen Fei had the demeanor of a grand master with his hands behind his back.

The three elders all sighed in their hearts: If there is such a master, there are such subordinates.

The White Tiger God will not be mentioned for the time being, just looking at Fuman's understanding of Zen and this maverick pig, one knows that all of this must be influenced by Shen Fei.

The three elders invited Shen Fei to take a seat in Tingtao Pavilion. Through the slits in the bamboo slips and curtains, Shen Fei could see the endless sea of ​​clouds covering the mountains.

After brewing a pot of Ningshen tea unique to the Buddhist monastery, Master Lan Chan started the most important topic of the day.

"Lady Shen, what do you think..."

Master Lan Chan hadn't finished speaking when he was interrupted by Shen Fei raising his hand: "If you want me to be a Zen disciple, don't even think about it. Fuman can participate in the Zen Academy registration and win in the end. It's all his own ability and chance. , has nothing to do with other people. I can't deprive him of his chance just because I am his young master."

Fat Tiger was shocked, he never expected Shen Fei to say that.

Didn't he want to investigate Er Gouzi's disappearance through the status and background of Wu Monk Temple?It was totally unexpected that he would refuse such a good opportunity.If it wasn't for the presence of outsiders, Fat Tiger would have wanted to ride directly on Shen Fei, grabbing his collar and asking why.

Master Lan Chan didn't expect that Shen Fei would flatly refuse, without giving him a chance to finish speaking.

Looking for Fat Tiger's opinion, Fat Tiger just shrugged helplessly, expressing that it didn't understand why Shen Fei changed his mind midway.

"Every drink and peck will have a fixed number. This is Fuman's own chance. He is worthy of Zen."

Master Lan Chan naturally knows that Fuman is worthy of being a Zen master. After all, this is indeed Fuman's own breakthrough all the way.

But the biggest purpose of the three elders this time is to lure Shen Fei into the gang.

As long as Shen Fei is successfully drawn into the Buddhist monk's monastery, it means that Baihu Tianshen is also successfully drawn into the monastery, so that they can stand up and call themselves the orthodox sects of all the monasteries in the whole continent!
It doesn't matter if you don't want to be a Zen master, anyway, everything is easy to discuss!
Master Lazy Chan began to use the strategy of saving the country with curves, and said: "The words of Layman Shen made people suddenly enlightened. It is because you set an example and unite knowledge and action, which deeply influenced Fuman, so that he can pass the test and become a Zen son. Only then can the White Tiger God be subdued and be willing to be favored."

"That's why we want to specially hire you as the Supreme Elder of the Wuseng Temple. In the future, we can give lectures to the disciples of the Temple and teach them the truth of nature. I think no one is more qualified than Layman Shen."

Supreme Elder, this name sounds good, but I don't know the status and treatment...

Seeing that Shen Fei didn't refuse, but was thinking about it, Master Lan Chan hurriedly said: "The qualifications of the Supreme Elder are one level higher than that of me, the dean, and the other two elders. After all, the Wu Monk Temple believes in the four gods, and you He is also the lord of the gods, and his status is far higher than that of the monks."

"Trigger the mission 【Elder Supreme】."

"Task content: Become the Supreme Elder of the Wu Monk Temple, discover more talents in the Wu Monk Temple, and make the Wu Monk Temple's reputation surpass that of the Holy Light Cathedral and the Floating Void City Master Academy."

"Task requirements: successfully select 50 elite disciples from the outer sect and inner sect, and cultivate 2 or more elders from the elite disciples. Make the monk monastery more prestigious than the other two sects."

"Mission Duration: One Year"

"Mission reward: 100 million experience points, Tenjin Island favorability and friendliness"

"Special rewards: Unlock all the permissions of Dreaming Zen, open the mission line of Tianshen Island, and the broken godhead"

"Then I'll do what I can. As the Supreme Elder, he can also be regarded as supervising Fuman. After all, he is still young, and he still has a lot to hone." Not to mention accepting the mission.

100 million experience is a trivial matter, the favor of Tianshen Island, the task line, and even the full authority to enter the dream Zen realm, these are all trivial matters.

The broken godhead is the key!
Possessing a godhead means being recognized by heaven and earth (mastermind) and possessing extraordinary power.

Even a broken godhead can be regarded as a demigod no matter what, and it is enough to pull Shen Fei and other players apart.

 Thank you for the salty fish meeting fried rice, I am very grateful!In addition, there are other big rewards, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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