my pet is boss

Chapter 152 is a ruthless man

Chapter 152 is a ruthless man
Hearing that Shen Fei agreed to the plan proposed by Master Lan Chan, the three elders could be said to be elated.

After successfully pulling Shen Fei onto the "thief ship", Wu Monk Temple will be free from worries in the future.

Shen Fei also got the identity he wanted.The identity of the Supreme Elder is in the entire Wu Monk Temple, and it can be said that he can do whatever he wants. Even the three elders of the Temple can't hinder his decision, which is a bit comfortable.

Of course, the combined age of the three elders is nearly [-] years old. The people they have met and the things they have experienced are written in books. It is estimated that a library cannot fit them, so they are definitely not fools.

Although I don't know Shen Fei's temperament, but from Fuman and Baihu Tianshen, I can get a glimpse of it.

At least with the credit endorsement of the White Tiger God, the three elders believe that Shen Fei will definitely not make any trouble.

After all, the magic power of the White Tiger God comes from the power of faith of the believers.If Shen Fei acts recklessly, it will ruin the strength of the White Tiger God, which is equivalent to lifting a rock to shoot himself in the foot.It can be said that there are advantages and no disadvantages for pulling Shen Fei to the chariot of the Buddhist monastery.

"I figured out that ten days later will be an auspicious day. When the time comes, a grand ceremony will be arranged in the Zen courtyard, and foreign guests and common people will be invited to officially announce the happy event of the Supreme Elder and the Chan son, and have fun with the people." A hint of excitement.After the handover is successfully completed, you can serve the gods without any worries and explore the way of nature.

Anyway, with Ai Chan and Bei Chan assisting at that time, the monastery will only prosper.

Now Master Lan Chan is full of thoughts about passing away, and when the time comes to listen to Taoge Mountain by himself and find an open space to sit down, it will be considered a beautiful thing.

Next, Ai Chan directly took out a picture scroll map, slowly unfolded it in front of Shen Fei, and specially explained to Shen Fei the location of the Supreme Elder's Garden.

Bei Chan took out a waist card made of black black iron from his arms. The waist card was guarded by a god on the top, bottom, left, and right, and the four big characters of the elders were written in the middle.

There is an old saying that goes well.

When you planned carefully and took off your clothes with the beauty at the hotel to prepare for a big fight, you suddenly found that the beauty was wearing a complete set of underwear.Don't doubt it, you are the one being raped.

Shen Fei has this kind of feeling now.

Obviously it was designed by myself, from Zenzi to a supreme elder whose status is unparalleled, it stands to reason that I should have won.

But why does Shen Fei always have a feeling of being calculated.What's with these prepared villas and tokens?

Ai Chan kept emphasizing that the Supreme Elder’s Bie Yuan prepared for Shen Fei was the only geomantic treasure in the Wu Monk’s monastery, and even the aura of cultivation was stronger than other places. Pavilions and waterside pavilions.After the introduction, Shen Fei's head was already dizzy, and there were only three words "buy, buy, buy" left in his head.

If Master Ai Chan is going to sell houses, he will definitely be the star of sales.

Even a stingy guy like Shen Fei can be fooled into disarming and surrendering, so who else can say no?

Sad Chan enthusiastically handed the token to Shen Fei, held Shen Fei's hand tightly, and said some weird words such as "The future of the Wu Monk Temple depends on you", which made Shen Fei doubt whether he was the right one. The one who got fucked.

Then the three elders led Shen Fei to the gate of Xiaozhuxuan Bieyuan, and said goodbye one by one. Same match.

"Hiss, why do I feel like I've been tricked?" Shen Fei said to himself.Fat Tiger came over from the side and hooked his shoulders, "Don't think about it so much, go in and have a look at the house first, and get a return point by the way."

Fat Tiger's words brought Shen Fei back to reality.It's too late to wonder if I've been tricked. Now that I have received the token, I have become the Supreme Elder of the Wu Monk Temple, and I have even accepted the task. It doesn't make any sense to think about it.

The style of Xiaozhuxuan is extraordinary, as soon as you enter the door, there is a feeling of spring breeze blowing against your face and full of vitality.

Green bamboos, green trees, ponds, and pavilions in the middle of the lake.

Promenades, waterside pavilions, attics, and small bamboo pavilions.

The more Shen Fei walked inward, the more surprises he had.The scenery in each courtyard is unique, with vitality in spring, blooming in summer, mature beauty in autumn, and calmness in winter.

Such a living environment can be regarded as the level of a king.

Although there were no maids or housekeepers, Shen Fei successfully tied the return point to the boulder in the courtyard.

Shen Fei also heard from Master Ai Chan just now that this house is protected by 32 layers of prohibition, hostile people cannot enter, and it can also isolate dust, so the entire villa does not need to be cleaned at all.

"You guys just stay in the Bieyuan to familiarize yourself with the environment. I have something to do when I go out."

Fuman earnestly fulfilled his servant's accusation. Although the whole villa is spotless, the place where the young master lives still needs to be tidied up.

Fat Tiger waved his hand impatiently, telling Shen Fei to get out of here immediately.

Pei Qi didn't know when he jumped into the boat alone, floated to the pavilion in the middle of the lake, and lay down on the ground thinking about life.

All the disciples on the way out from Bieyuan clasped their hands respectfully and lowered their heads when they saw Shen Fei, and timidly called out "Elder Supreme".

Not long ago, Master Lanchan summoned all the inner and outer disciples, and released the news about the Supreme Elder of the Chanyuan, which stirred up a thousand waves for a while.Everyone lamented that the elder Taishang was so young, but he was also impressed by his act of having a god as a pet.

Even the gods can surrender, is that still a human being!
Later, Master Lan Chan's words shocked everyone present.

"Before the White Tiger God became the Western White Tiger God, the Supreme Elder had already tamed it."

There was a sudden "boom" in the audience.

All monks must understand the way of monks and the history of the four gods before entering the monastery to practice.

Of the four gods of the previous generation, three of them perished on the God-Mie Day, so the only remaining Guixianren took the remaining will of the previous three gods and found three successors. The White Tiger God was found at that time.According to the historical time recorded in the scrolls of monks, it has been 92 years.

Considering the age of the Supreme Elder who surrendered to the White Tiger God, that is to say, the Supreme Elder who looks like a child is actually over a hundred years old!
This can no longer be described as the art of retaining the face, it is completely the posture of a god.

According to the words of the disciples, this Supreme Elder is a ruthless person!

All the way out of Shen Fei's other garden, all the disciples looked in admiration and awe.This made Shen Fei couldn't help but think that it was time to pick up his deceitful career which had been put on hold for a long time.

At this time, Shen Fei only had free time to look at the task of [Taishang Elder].

Although the rewards are generous, the difficulty of the task is not low.

Among the three factions, Wu Monk Temple has the lowest reputation.After all, a holy light and a magic are all aimed at the high-end market, full of compulsion.The same monk, priest, and mage are present, and the monk must be the one who will be laughed at for only using brute force.

The second is the standards for elite disciples and elders. Shen Fei knows that it is very difficult to cultivate two elders. You can see it by looking at the two elders, Ai Chan and Bei Chan. But what kind of standard is an elite disciple, Shen Fei really does not know clear.

Before leaving the monastery, Shen Fei caught a monk and questioned him.

"Hello, Grand Elder!"

This disciple was wearing the clothes of an inner disciple, and after being stopped by Shen Fei, he was trembling when he spoke nervously.

Shen Fei put his arms around the shoulders of the inner disciples, tried his best to squeeze out a pleasant smile and said: "Don't be nervous, I just want to ask you something!"

(End of this chapter)

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