my pet is boss

Chapter 154 I Came For Revenge

Chapter 154 I Came For Revenge
Probing can't change the result, but it can affect Yingying's attitude towards Shen Fei.

Shen Fei looked at the wall in front of him, but didn't find anything unusual at all.Usually this kind of entrance mechanism should be nearby, and in some inconspicuous corner.But Shen Fei observed carefully for two seconds, and still did not find any abnormalities.

"Fuck you! Give people a map, but don't explain the location of the organ and how to enter it." Shen Fei kicked the wall angrily, but heard the sound of rattling bricks and stones.Looking at the place where he just stood, the brick was dented by his kick.

Afterwards, Shen Fei also heard the rattling sounds of mechanical gears, and every brick and stone on the moss-covered wall began to change and rotate, opening a two-meter-high secret door.

"Is this all right?" Shen Fei is not a fool, he immediately realized that the kick just now must have hit the secret door in the wall, opened the secret door of MI[-], and rushed into the secret door without saying a word.

Shadow, who was observing in the basement, had an extremely exciting expression on his face at the moment, he immediately stopped his watch and saw the time.

6.82 seconds.

Even if you can't see the shadow's expression in the dark, you can feel the shadow's emotional changes from the rapidly changing atmosphere around you.

"How on earth did this guy do it?"

Unbelievable was written all over Shadow's face.Even for a well-trained senior agent, if he wants to test out the mechanism of this wall, it will take at least 30 seconds to analyze and crack these bricks.

Even if he discovers a new mechanism, it is absolutely impossible to see through the mystery of the mechanism within 8 seconds.

Shen Fei only observed for 6 seconds, and without any extra temptations or actions, he kicked the mechanism brick to open the secret door of MI[-].Such a precise observation ability, even the shadow is ashamed.

The shadow was still shocked by Shen Fei's decisive opening of the secret door, and by the time he reacted, he had already heard footsteps coming from the secret passage.

Every ten steps or so in the dark passage, there would be a light bulb above his head, and Shen Fei followed the sign to arrive at the door of an extra-thick round iron gate with a cipher.

The shadow under the shadow's feet suddenly seemed to come alive, like a nimble little snake on the ground, it climbed up to the handle of the iron door, and the big iron door was slowly opened by the shadow of the hand, opening the last barrier between the shadow and Shen Fei.

Shen Fei saw a mass of deep blackness in the pitch blackness, and following the sound of the snapping switch being activated, the entire SI[-] basement showed its true appearance.

In the huge office area, there are a lot of materials piled up on the secret agent's desk, and on the board next to it are all kinds of personal information that is being executed or will be executed, environmental geography, recent whereabouts analysis, etc.

Shadow opened his arms, with a slight smile on his face, as if welcoming the return of the new emperor: "Welcome to SI[-]."

Shen Fei looked at the ordinary face of the shadow, frowned slightly and said: "This uncle, do we know each other?"

Shen Fei originally thought that he would meet the middle-aged uncle who was disguised as a hotel staff yesterday, but he did not expect that it was another special agent who received him at SI[-] today.

The lines that Shadow was going to greet were choked by Shen Fei's words.

I had a face-to-face meeting at the hotel in the morning, and I forgot about it in less than 12 hours.

Shadow is silent and speechless, and his appearance has no characteristics, which are his biggest characteristics.It's just that he didn't expect that the features he was proud of when performing the mission would make the scene extremely embarrassing at this moment.

"At the hotel this morning, I handed you the cleaning card." Shadow tried to wake up Shen Fei's memory, and narrowed the distance between the two.

Shen Fei frowned again. In the morning, an agent in disguise handed him the cleaning card, but Shen Fei didn't remember it was the uncle in front of him.

As for what the middle-aged agent looked like, Shen Fei couldn't remember clearly, anyway, he definitely didn't look like this.

"Although I don't know why you want to pretend to be the middle-aged agent in the morning, I'm curious why SI:[-] would choose to contact me at this time." Shen Fei walked down calmly and sat directly on the large On the leather sofa, with Erlang's legs raised, the whole person's demeanor is relaxed yet sharp, instantly breaking the passive and turning to the guest.

Shadow felt that he had been hit by another arrow in his knee, why Shen Fei just refused to believe that he was the cleaner in the morning, a deep sense of powerlessness welled up in his heart.

"A hunter with a god as a pet suddenly broke into the holy city. As the power of the empire under the night, SI:[-] naturally had to find out the facts and determine whether the other party was hostile, so that many forces could decide their attitude and next move. "

Shen Fei didn't show off after entering the Holy City, but he already knew who was behind the investigation.The first thing you came into contact with when you came to the Holy City was the Grand Duke's Mansion, followed by the Monk Temple.The fact that SI[-] was able to contact him before the Monk Temple must have been instructed by Grand Duke Ferdinand to investigate Shen Fei's ins and outs.

"So did MI[-] find anything?" Shen Fei was very interested, wanting to know how the organization he suggested at the time had developed to.

Through the previous contact with Xiao En, Shen Fei felt that the development of MI[-] was not as good as he imagined.Even the intelligence agency's strongest brain, the dagger-level assassin Sean, could be killed because of his whereabouts leaking. One can imagine the situation of this organization.

Shadow's mouth curled into a smile.Although MI[-] has never been the most powerful organization in the Holy City, in terms of intelligence gathering and investigation capabilities, MI[-] ranks second, and no one dares to call it number one.

During the investigation, he did find out many unknown secrets.

The stone statues in Neihai, super-S-level authority data, the master of the gods, the teacher of Zen, and even the pig with absolute pitch.

"We found out that you are the owner of the seat that has been left vacant." Shadow just snapped his fingers, and the high-light lights in the distance flicked on. There was a separate office not far away, and the door said Director office.

Shen Fei raised his head and glanced, this voice-activated light is quite awesome.

"His Majesty the King established MI[-] back then. Since the establishment of this institution, the position of Director has been vacant. His Majesty the King said that this position will always be reserved for one person." Shadow kept staring at Shen Fei's eyes, wanting to He could see a little trouble from it, but it was a pity that he was disappointed in the result.

Shen Fei raised his hand to interrupt Shadow, he came to SI[-] to do business, not to play charades with Shadow.

"To be honest, although this organization was first proposed by me, including the icon structure and system, I designed it all by myself, but the current MI[-] has deviated from the original idea, and it is also lackluster in terms of professionalism. Build a tree."

SI[-], which Shadow is proud of, was belittled as worthless by Shen Fei, and his eyes became sharper, and he wanted to refute one by one.

But Shen Fei took the first step and didn't let him speak: "You don't have to seduce me with the position of director. The position of the highest officer of MI[-] means nothing to me. As long as I want, I can pull it up again at any time." A stronger intelligence organization. I am here for revenge this time, and I need all the files and information when Lucian disappeared."

After finishing speaking, Shen Fei crossed his fingers and stared at the shadow: "Just a kind reminder, this is not a request, but an order."

(End of this chapter)

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