my pet is boss

Chapter 155 All Crawled Under My Feet!

Chapter 155 All Crawled Under My Feet!
Shen Fei is just greedy for money, not a fool.

Only telling him that there is a secret door, but not how to open the mechanism, is obviously testing him.

From Xiao En's parchment and his mouth, Shen Fei learned that SI[-] only had the post of deputy chief, and he issued all orders on behalf of the chief.Combined with MI[-]'s "way of hospitality", Shen Fei already felt full of temptations.

It's a pity that Shadow guessed a little wrong, Shen Fei didn't have much interest in the ownership of SI:[-].

All he needs now is the dossier and information sorted out from Lucian's disappearance three years ago.

Shadow didn't expect Shen Fei to be so strong, which was completely different from their analysis after they got the information yesterday.

Although being ridiculed by Shen Fei, Shadow did not lose his mind.For an agent, a calm mind is everything.Keep calm at all times, so as not to affect his judgment.

There was a nervous smile on Shadow's face, he didn't know what the confidence behind Shen Fei's "order" was.

The White Tiger God did not come out with Shen Fei, and now there are only him and Shen Fei.As the king of secret agents and a dagger-level assassin, he also has a treacherous and hard-to-find hidden image technique.As long as he wanted, he could take Shen Fei's life at any time.

But not necessary.

Shadow admitted that Shen Fei had unparalleled strength in insight and investigation, and it took less than 7 seconds to discover the secret door that opened MI[-].But as the top agent and assassin of the empire, he also has his own pride.

Except for the former deputy chief, the real "double master" Sean, he has never been afraid of anyone in one-on-one fights and assassinations.

At first, it was in a commanding tone. He wanted to retrieve all the dossier information compiled after the king disappeared, and he also belittled the development of MI[-]. Who did he think he was?

"The secret information of MI[-] is only eligible to be retrieved by the agents of MI[-], and other outsiders have no right to read it."

"You can read it if you want, just get this bunch of keys in my hand."

Shadow took out a bunch of keys and hooked them in his hands. The silver and copper keys collided and made a crisp sound of jingling.

Shen Fei was about to reach out and take out the bow and arrow, but he withdrew his hand after thinking for a while.

Using bows and arrows to cooperate with [Luna's Blessing], it is no longer a key, I am afraid that the hand holding the key will be shot down with the arrow.The dignified deputy chief of MI[-] became a disabled person, Shen Fei didn't want to see such a scene.Shen Fei extremely hoped that the current scene was a dungeon, so that he could take action without any burden.

Shadow saw the hesitation flashing in Shen Fei's eyes, and said with a smile: "If you apologize for what you just said, for the sake of His Majesty the King, I am still willing to provide you with all the information for free."

Shen Fei couldn't stop laughing when he came back to his senses. The confidence that he didn't know where the shadow came from made him apologize: "Sure enough, after staying in the holy city for a long time, don't you know how vast the sky outside is? I was just hesitating just now. It’s not about shooting it down with your hand, but I think it’s better to give Lucian some face later.”

The round keychain slid down Shadow's slender fingers and got stuck at the knuckles at the base of the fingers.

A strange tone came from the hands clasped together, and then the brightly lit basement was illuminated by lights, and countless darkness poured out from the corners, immediately burying the light.

dong dong dong dong!
There was a dull sound echoing in the basement. This was the sound of the high-power lighting fixtures extinguishing overhead, and the entire basement fell into deadly darkness.

The only thing Shen Fei could hear was his own breathing.

He squatted down and placed a freezing trap under his feet.

The freezing trap exuded azure blue ice crystal flames, which provided Shen Fei with light in a radius of about one meter.But this kind of light highlights the surrounding darkness even more. Under the swaying blue cold light, it seems that the last bit of light is about to be swallowed.

Shen Fei heard the rustling of the wind, it was the sound of shadows moving at high speed through the wind.

The voice was still in front of him one second, and suddenly appeared behind him the next second.The voice was erratic, like a ghost.

Shen Fei's face was extremely calm. After entering the secret door, he had already thought that he might face such a situation, and even thought of countermeasures.

He really had too many cards in his hole, Shen Fei had no less than five ways to subdue the shadow and grab the key.

However, Shen Fei chose the one with the least damage.

After all, when Er Gouzi is found in the future, knowing that Shen Fei has injured the deputy director of MI[-] that he personally arranged, he will definitely not be able to bear it.

The shadow escaped into the darkness, and every cell in the body was excited.

The sharp knife brought out a clear caressing sound while galloping, mixed in the gust of wind, like an elegy for the loss of life.

Of course, the shadow will not be cut off with a single knife, he just wants Shen Fei to have a long memory, MI[-] is a lot of secret agents and assassins, and the great reputation earned by fighting with blood does not become the number one intelligence organization of the empire by relying on His Majesty's handbook.

Shen Fei's words undoubtedly tarnished all the dead agents and denied their achievements.

The night cannot stop the shadow, because in the night, his latent image technique can be released indiscriminately, and all darkness is the source of his strength.He clearly saw that Shen Fei didn't draw out his bow and arrow, he didn't even draw out the sword from his waist, he just stood there without turning his head.

"Do you underestimate people so much?" Shadow gritted his teeth and whispered.

He didn't even draw out his weapon, obviously he didn't take him seriously.

But the shadow in the dark is the king!
All darkness and shadows are at his disposal.Even Archmage Jordan once said that he would never fight in the shadows with the king of agents and master assassins like Shadow. This is completely putting his life in the hands of others.

The shadow moved at an extremely fast speed, and the spoken words gradually became blurred during transmission, thus forming a spreading vibration, and the sound came from all directions.

"It's not underestimation, it's attention..."

Shen Fei said something slowly, and suddenly he folded his hands together and began to accumulate energy in his chest.

At this moment, the shadow also moved suddenly, appearing in the blind spot behind Shen Fei's head. This is the blind spot that is hardest for people to notice. Whether it is hearing, vision or smell, the perception and protection of this part are the weakest.

The dagger uttered a beautiful cry like a nightingale in the gust of wind, this would definitely be a sound that Shen Fei would always remember for the rest of his life.

The corner of Shadow's mouth slightly raised, and appeared behind Shen Fei the next moment.

"All, crawl under my feet!"

Shen Fei suddenly let out an incomprehensible voice, this force shook the air, and the entire basement trembled.

Shadow suddenly found that his body was completely locked by some kind of force, unable to move!What made him even more astonished was that in his mind, a black dragon appeared, with a huge figure covering the sky and covering the sun, breathing out the dragon's breath and acting recklessly.

The evil dragon spread its wings and galloped down from the sky. Its huge body fell in front of him, and everything behind it was reduced to ashes.

The shadow stared at the dragon's slender and evil eyes, and his soul was trembling!

(End of this chapter)

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