my pet is boss

Chapter 156 The whole city is on alert

Chapter 156 The whole city is on alert
Hallucinations appeared before his eyes.

The dragon's pupils seemed to have evil power, which made his soul tremble.

The dragon's head gradually approached, and the shadow seemed to be able to feel the fiery breath from the dragon's breath, rolling up the surrounding vegetation and turning everything into ashes.

Shen Fei's dragon language was unreserved, not only the entire basement of MI[-] was trembling, even the entire holy city was plunged into the huge dragon power at this moment.

Countless pedestrians on the street could feel the ground trembling, and the sound from the ground made everyone's hearts palpitate, and they couldn't even control their bodies.

All the houses were shaking, the windows were shaking violently, the wine glasses on the tables in the tavern were shaking, and the delicious yellow beer in the glasses even spilled out.All the guests in the hotel ran out like crazy, some even had no clothes on, and a man and a woman were wrapped in a quilt in embarrassment.

The civilian area is already in chaos, and the wealthy area in the middle of the holy city is also in chaos.

The palpitating dragon language came from the ground, and everyone's heart trembled violently. Their legs trembled in the words full of dragon's power, and they couldn't help but fell to their knees.

In the Grand Duke's mansion, Ferdinand, who was reviewing the documents, saw the black tea on the table, which was as calm as a mirror, suddenly rippled, and then splashed a little back and forth, spilling on the memorial.Ferdinand recognized the language of the dragon, coupled with the tremor of the earth, his brain instantly burst into paleness - there is a giant dragon under the holy city!
There is no need to say how powerful the dragon is. A full-grown dragon with pure blood can even directly destroy a country!
Ferdinand barely stood up with his hands on the table, and he had already made two handprints about one centimeter deep on the wooden table.

When Ferdinand was young, he had seen the dragon, and he still clearly remembers how everything felt like an ant in front of the dragon.Now the power of the giant dragon in the underground of the holy city seems to be stronger than what he has seen before!

It's a pity that he is very reluctant to stand up now, let alone notify his subordinates to gather an army for defense.

I am afraid that at this moment these soldiers have all been crushed by the huge dragon power and cannot move.

In the Holy Light Cathedral, when Longwei struck, the holy light shining on the dome of the church trembled for an instant, and quickly converged into a small ball.

Archbishop Mailer dragged his trembling body to the center of the cathedral, and unfolded a huge holy light shield with his bare hands, enveloping the entire cathedral.All the priests under the holy light finally took a breather, got up from the ground in embarrassment, each released the holy light and began to cooperate with Archbishop Mailer to strengthen the defense.

In the Floating Void City Mage Academy, the moment the dragon language sounded, the air in the entire Holy City was shaking, and the magic runes of the Floating Void City that were suspended in the mid-air of the Holy City even slightly ruptured.

Vice-principal Edward's first reaction was that there must be some students who illegally learned Dragon Language and caused confusion, but when he ran out of the vice-principal's office, he found that all the disciples were pale, and some were trembling all over, unable to even speak.

Edward immediately realized that there was no such powerful dragon language book in the Mage Academy.

A teleportation technique appeared at the core hub of the Floating Void City, directly opening the arcane barrier to resist the dragon power coming from the holy city.

Many disciples who practiced balance on wooden stakes in Wuseng Temple fell into the pond like dumplings. There were also many meditation disciples who were forcibly pulled away by Long Wei and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Seeing this, the three elders of the Buddhist monastery and Bai Hu immediately got together and set up a four-element formation, bringing the entire Buddhist monastery into the formation for protection.

The three elders and the white tiger communicated with each other through spiritual thoughts. At this moment, their faces were serious, and the fat tiger took the lead to ask: "Why, there is a giant dragon under the holy city, can you play like this?"

But as soon as Fat Tiger finished speaking, the word "Wang" on his head was huddled together and turned into a bold "One".

Why does this dragon language sound so familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere before...

Suddenly Fat Tiger realized, isn't this the dragon language of the Lonely Mountain Evil Dragon who helped the dwarves counterattack their homeland before!Why did it suddenly appear in the holy city?But soon, Fat Tiger understood the ins and outs of the matter, it must be this guy Shen Fei who did it!
At that time, Shen Fei pulled the evil dragon out of the lonely mountain all by himself, and used his dexterous body skills to pull the evil dragon around the nearby stone circle. The soldiers of the coalition forces behind him used all their firepower to finally kill the evil dragon successfully.

In the Battle of Gushan, Shen Fei contributed the most.It was also because of this achievement that Shen Fei was instructed by the High Priest of the White Elf, and mastered all the dragon language spoken by him to kill the dragon, and later by chance, he even received a gift from the Moon Goddess.

Fat Hu was very sure in his heart that the person who made this moth was Shen Fei!

It's just that it can't say it now!
The Wuseng Temple has become like this, so is there any need to talk about other places?I am afraid that all the forces can already feel the power of the evil dragon by now.

Fat Tiger scratched his head irritably, and said to himself: "This guy is really worry-free, you can use the gift from the Moon Goddess, but I can't think of using this trick..."

The majesty of a normal giant dragon is enough to destroy civilization, let alone a pure-blooded evil dragon occupying a lonely mountain.

That is the coalition of the three clans, the existence that can only be killed by all the strong ones, and its position in the dragon clan is at the forefront.Speaking of such a dragon language, I am afraid that few people in the entire holy city can resist it.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm and did not cause any casualties. The people suppressed by Longwei just had a surge of energy and blood, and they could recover after a short rest.

Everyone felt the pressure on their bodies disappear. Almost at the same time, the major forces began to exchange information. Grand Duke Ferdinand activated the emergency plan and began to call many powerful people in the holy city to discuss how to deal with the crisis.At the same time, a small team was sent to investigate the truth about the underground dragon.

In the basement of MI[-], Shen Fei had already got the key and turned on the lighting facilities at the same time.

The shadow froze in place, he was the closest person to Long Wei, and he was naturally the most affected.

His body and will seemed to be completely separated, and his will could no longer control his body, as if he had lost consciousness after being disconnected.

"Don't struggle, you'll be fine in 10 minutes."

Shen Fei took the key and opened the door of the database, and began to search for the required information on his own.

Shadow never expected that Shen Fei was actually a dragon whisperer, and this powerful dragon power even suppressed his spirit.He didn't talk big just now, the shadow now is the fat on the pallet, Shen Fei can slaughter it at any time.

Even the way of placing the materials was suggested by Shen Fei to Lucian at that time, and he quickly found Lucian's data box.

"It's useless for you to get the box. There are restrictions on this box. Without a high-level identity, you can't see the information inside."

Shadow is still talking hard, he has never beaten Shen Fei, and now he has even become a "prisoner", but this does not affect Shen Fei's belittling of SI:[-] just now, and his disgust towards Shen Fei.

Shen Fei just glanced at the shadow, shook his head helplessly and said: "How did SI[-] fall so low that you were appointed as the deputy director. After Xiao En's death, SI[-] is really full of talents!"

 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (8/30)

(End of this chapter)

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