my pet is boss

Chapter 157 Relics

Chapter 157 Relics
With the words "plenty of talents", the angry shadow trembled and wanted to vomit blood.

He found that provoking Shen Fei was completely a mistake. He deliberately provoked Shen Fei when he didn't know him well, and he had committed a big taboo for agents.What Shadow didn't even expect was that Shen Fei's words could be so vicious, like an awl, ruthlessly gouging into his heart, and still spinning back and forth inside.

And now he can only stand still and talk, and can't do anything!
But immediately, the shadow was startled, a cold current rushed straight from the tailbone to the forehead, the whole body shivered, and the face was full of disbelief and astonishment.

"How did you know Sean?"

Only now did Ying realize that Shen Fei was even more terrifying than he had imagined, and with just a few words, he had grasped the aura and controlled the whole situation.What made him even more unexpected was that Shen Fei also mastered many things that he said he didn't know, this is the most terrifying thing!

As the leader of the Empire's SI:16, Shadow can be said to be the person who knows the most secrets of the Empire.Deputy Director Xiao En accidentally disappeared when he was out on a mission [-] years ago. Since then, he has not been heard from, and MI[-] has searched in many ways but found no clues.

Such a name suddenly appeared from Shen Fei's mouth, what does it mean?It means he has met Deputy Director Sean!

"Boss Sean is still alive?"

The shadow was extremely emotional, and at this moment, the reason of the agent king was trying his best to suppress the surging emotions in his heart.

For Shadow, the smile on Sean's face is like his own brother, and his back is more like a father. The dagger in his hand is the most reassuring thing when performing tasks.

Shadow remembers that he had joined SI[-] for five years, during which time he showed amazing talent in intelligence gathering and spy surveillance, and the person who taught him to train and lead the team was the then Deputy Director Sean.After Sean discovered Shadow's talent, he cultivated it completely according to the standards of successors.

For Shadow, Sean is his father, his mentor, his brother, and his best friend.

Shadow's eyes remained calm all the time, but at this moment there was a glimmer of movement.Even killer agents, like normal people, have a softness buried deep in their hearts that they don't want outsiders to know.If not, then it is not a human being, but a pure killing machine.

Shen Fei didn't answer Shadow, and continued to walk towards the office area.

Although the matter of intelligence information encryption was in Shen Fei's previous conception, but he went offline before the Sanshan Council, and he didn't know exactly how it was done afterwards!

Fortunately, the shadow reminded him that opening the information requires permission.

Shen Fei found Shadow's desk, looked around, and seemed to be looking for something.

Shadow thought that Fei Shen was looking for a way to open the box, but Fei Shen was actually looking for something related to Xiao En.

Although the shadow was already very restrained, Shen Fei still felt the strongly suppressed emotions in his heart.

Finally, Shen Fei found an old iron box under the pile of documents beside the desk.

Hundreds of patterns are engraved on the iron box, in a disorderly manner, and some patterns have even been eroded by oxygen, showing spots of rust.

Shen Fei glanced at the shadow, and found that there was nothing unusual in his eyes, just like he raised his hand to pick up other things.

"The agents of SI[-] still have two skills." Shen Fei sighed in his heart, at least this department has done a good job of calmness and emotional control.

It's just that Shen Fei also has his own logical thinking, and various important materials are placed in the position of the deputy director. This old iron box itself is already abrupt enough.What's more, Shen Fei paid such a high price, no matter what, he will gain something today.Otherwise, wouldn't it be a loss-making business?

Dragon language is powerful, just like the blessing of the Moon Goddess, it is naturally limited.Otherwise, everyone would have learned foreign languages ​​together, and the fights would all depend on confrontation.

The pronunciation of dragon language is special. All dragon language that can be spoken and exert effect must be the words spoken by the dragon himself. Only when it is recorded and learned can it have the same effect.

Simply put, dragon language is not creative, only imitative.

To put it in a simpler way, Dragon Language is like lines. You can only read the lines as they are written, or you can make small changes, but the effect will also be reduced accordingly.What's even more amazing is that in a rare language like Dragon Language, there are fewer sentences to speak.

The same sentence, if you say it once in Dragon Language, will lose its effect completely when you say it a second time, and there will be no dragon prestige.

So, the essence of being human is...

The sentence that Shen Fei said today, "All crawl under my feet!" is the "famous saying and aphorism" of the Lonely Mountain Evil Dragon.

The level of this sentence can be said to be a big killer. It was the first sentence that Shen Fei said when he saw the coalition forces of the three clans after he led the evil dragon out of the lonely mountain. The momentum was extraordinary.

If the power of the dragon language is divided into four levels of 1-4 increasing in order, then the words of the Lonely Mountain Evil Dragon can be classified as a power of 3+ or above.And Shen Fei's sentence in the library against the administrator was entirely from his own temporary adaptation, so the effect can be described as "insignificant", and the effect is only to neutralize the administrator's Long Wei.

Shen Fei is also looking for stability. After all, Shadow is a level 50 human elite with the title of deputy director of MI[-] and the king of secret agents. It was him.

Shen Fei of the fourth-level dragon language can only speak one sentence, which is the strongest venom and threat before the death of the Lonely Mountain Evil Dragon, and its power is naturally the greatest.

Next came a few words of the third-level dragon language. To be on the safe side, Shen Fei used the most powerful sentence in the third-level dragon language when he was fighting against the shadow, successfully deterring the shadow.

After paying such a high price, Shen Fei naturally wants to get back all his capital and interest, otherwise... he will have trouble sleeping and eating!
The rusty iron box that was pressed under all the materials was just what he wanted.

People always put the most important things in places that are close to them or where they are easy to find, so that they can feel safe.

Shen Fei swept over Shadow's desk just now, and there were a lot of "Top Secret" materials lying on Shadow's desk in a mess, without any intention of gathering them up.

Only this iron box was pressed at the bottom of a pile of materials, and even the corners of the iron box perfectly coincided with the corners of the table, which shows that it was placed with care, and it is naturally a very important thing.

If it's not important, why put it on the table so carefully, even carefully aligning and overlapping the corners.It is in stark contrast to the scattered documents stamped "Top Secret".

Shen Fei looked at the box carefully, looking at the strange patterns printed on it.

Almost everything that can be seen in daily life can be seen on this box.In addition, Shen Fei also discovered that these small patterns can be pressed down with a little force.The seemingly ordinary or even shabby appearance does not hide the fact that it is a delicate iron box.All the small engraved patterns can be pressed down with a little force, and will bounce back after releasing the hand.


The shadow has slowed down at this moment, but he did not stop Shen Fei's movements.This box is very important to him. It is a relic left by Deputy Director Xiao En before his last mission, and he has kept it to this day.

(End of this chapter)

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