my pet is boss

Chapter 158 Young People Don't Be Proud and Complacent

Chapter 158 Young People Don't Be Proud and Complacent

Shadow's mood was a bit complicated, as if two conflicting consciousnesses were tearing apart.

On the one hand, he saw Shen Fei looking at the relics of Boss Xiao En, and felt extremely disgusted in his heart.On the other hand, he really hoped that Shen Fei could really open this box, and he also wanted to know what the last relic left by Boss Xiao En was.Perhaps he already knew the severity of this mission before he performed the mission for the last time, and had no plans to come back alive.

These two feelings kept pestering him. On the one hand, he rationally told Shadow that he had studied for more than ten years and had no clue, and Shen Fei just played around for a while, how could he open the box.

On the other hand, he also hoped that Shen Fei, the master of the gods, the teacher of Zen, and the dragon talker, could create miracles again.

So standing in place at this moment is the only choice Shadow can make.

Taking a step closer, he was afraid that he would not be able to resist taking back the iron box.

One step closer, and he was afraid that he would lose.

Therefore, standing still and "watching with cold eyes" is the most balanced choice he can make.

The effect of Longwei disappeared, but the shadow still stood in place.Shen Fei knew that he was acquiescing to his actions, if he still dared to come up, Shen Fei didn't mind showing him a foreign language, anyway, the principal and interest would be paid by MI[-].

The patterns on the iron box include weapons, sun, moon, stars, flowers, and various animals and plants. These patterns are all over the iron box, whether it is on the front, back or side.

Shen Fei held the box in one hand, raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the shadow, a faint joke flashed in his eyes: "Have you kept this box with you for a long time? It looks like you haven't opened it yet?"

Judging from Shadow's performance just now, this box is very important to him.But the quality of the King of Agents is not covered, and the shadow chose to remain silent.The more you talk, the more you reveal.

Shadow took the initiative to ask about Shen Fei and Xiao En just now, and he has already lost the wind. He needs to win this round!

Shen Fei didn't expect this guy to be so tolerant, and he wouldn't fight back at all when faced with provocations.It is estimated that even if Shen Fei said that he was short and fast, this guy might not be able to restrain himself from speaking.

Forget it, let's figure out a way to fiddle with it...

When Shen Fei saw the pattern of a roaring tiger on the iron box, he felt a sudden stab in the head, and always felt that he had missed something important.

But soon Shen Fei saw the overlapping muskets and firearms, and the memory was like a firework rising into the sky, exploding and blooming directly at the highest point of the brain.

"Tigers, roses and guns!"

Shen Fei's eyes suddenly lit up, like a searchlight turned on to the maximum power on the square at night.

After pressing the tiger and gun buttons, Shen Fei immediately started looking for the rose pattern, and then pressed them.

The three buttons were all recessed, and there was a sudden clicking sound inside the iron box.

The lid of the iron box popped up slightly, Shen Fei looked at the box, then looked up at Shadow, he didn't expect that the box was left by Xiao En, let alone that the box would appear on Shadow's table.

Shadow was also stunned, and he heard the click of cracking the mechanism very clearly.Shen Fei easily opened the mechanism that I hadn't figured out for many years, what is the reason...

Opening the iron box, Shen Fei also figured it out.That's what Sean left him in return.It's just that he didn't expect this thing to be on Shadow's table, nor did he expect to open it on such an occasion.

The shadow standing in the distance really froze now.

His current position is extremely embarrassing, and there are two villains in his heart who are frantically pulling their hair and tearing.

The one called Curiosity wished to rush to Shen Fei's side immediately to see what relics Boss Xiao En left behind.

But the other villain named Face was pulling wildly.How can I save face if I walk over like this now?Where is the dignity?

The shadow's eyes are flickering, which is the external manifestation of the shaking of the heart.

Shen Fei didn't wait for the shadow to come over, and put the iron box directly into his backpack, not giving the other party a chance to get close at all.

Shen Fei didn't pay attention to what was inside, anyway, it wouldn't be too late to take a look at it after going back.

Seeing Shen Fei's actions, Shadow wanted to vomit blood, he was sure that Shen Fei did it on purpose.Even if Shadow is unwilling, he must admit that this guy's words and deeds are much more lethal than Long Wei.

For the shadow, Longwei is equivalent to an anesthetic, at most it will make him unable to move.

But Shen Fei's mouth is completely like a sharp scalpel, stabbing you in the heart while you are not paying attention, and the angle is extremely tricky!It won't make you bleed or die, but it will definitely make you die.

There was a faint smile on Shen Fei's face. Based on Ying Ying's understanding of psychology and behavior, Shen Fei's smile was just mocking him.

The subtext is "Young people, don't be proud and complacent, the boy is still far from fighting you."

This look once again hurt the shadow internally, the key is that there is no way to refute it.

This is a man who has sworn to conquer the world with King Lucien, and he is at least a hundred years old. It is not arrogant to call him a boy.

Shen Fei walked in front of the shadow, pointed to the box containing King Lucien's materials on the table, and did not speak.

In today's face-to-face confrontation with Shen Fei, he was suppressed by Shen Fei's momentum and words from the beginning to the end, and did not take advantage of it at all.

Shadow snorted and exhaled heavily, without looking at it, he stretched out his left hand and put it on the iron box containing King Lucien's information.

"Sure enough, ginger is still old and hot." Ying Ying said without any emotion, and he was convinced.

The iron box has undergone several changes, and finally turned into a diamond box representing S-level authority data.

The box opened automatically, and Shen Fei got all the information about Er Gouzi, threw them all into his backpack, and went back to study slowly.

The shadow was still standing there, and Shen Fei was about to leave and passed by.

When they were standing side by side, Shen Fei listened to the footsteps, and put his hand on the shadow's shoulder: "Young man, let me give you some advice. Xiao En is already a dead person. Instead of spending time looking for a dead person, it is better to investigate carefully. The head of the Seventh Division went out to perform a secret mission, why was he suddenly assassinated. This is what you should do."

Shen Fei said it very implicitly, but Shadow grasped the key point at once.

Their subordinates naturally had no way of knowing about the mission that Boss Sean personally carried out, but that didn't mean that other people didn't know about it.

Boss Xiao En disappeared during his mission. Although we don't know who the murderer is, there must be an inner ghost in the upper echelon of the empire, and we want to get rid of it quickly!
Shadow nodded heavily: "Thank you for your advice!"

Just now when Shen Fei talked about Boss Xiao En, the shadow was indeed shaken, all the attention was on Boss Xiao En, but he forgot to trace the origin.Although he could reflect it afterwards, but now that Shen Fei personally pointed it out, it can be regarded as repaying his act of opening the box just now.

(End of this chapter)

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