my pet is boss

Chapter 159 This Damn Fairy

Chapter 159 This Damn Fairy
Shen Fei didn't stay longer, because he knew the power of the third-level dragon language, and I'm afraid someone will find the source of the voice soon.

The skin must be skinned, and as for the pot, let the shadow carry it on its back.

Shen Fei left SI[-] with the information contented.As for the clues of the "Holy Light Sect's Wealth" suit, Shen Fei didn't rush to inquire.

Although there was a little quarrel with Shadow today, in the end the two each gave way to get out of the car, and the formal meeting ended amicably.

There is an old saying that goes well, if there is a loan, there is a repayment, and it is not difficult to borrow again!

When Shen Fei returns the materials, it's not just a casual thing to mention.

After Shen Fei left MI[-], he went straight back to Wuseng Temple, greeted Fuman and prepared to order food. As soon as Shen Fei closed the door, he immediately began to study Er Gouzi's information.

It's just that Shen Fei didn't know that the Longwei that came from the ground just now had caused the whole holy city to fall into a state of panic and panic.

Now that His Majesty the King is missing, the Human Empire can no longer afford any loss.If it weren't for Lucian's blood, I'm afraid that the various places have already established their own sects and become kings.

Even the archbishop Mailer, who had seen the dragon once, put away the ring of holy light, supported his old waist and gasped for breath: "Hey, the feng shui of the Holy City is a combination of several masters. dragon?"

Soon, people from the Grand Duke's Mansion invited the Archbishop of Holy Light, Mailer, to the Duke's Mansion to discuss how to deal with the underground shock.Archbishop Mailer explained a little, and followed the secret envoy to the Grand Duke's mansion without stopping.

The Grand Duke's Mansion, which was originally sparsely populated, suddenly became lively because of the underground turmoil in the holy city, with various luxurious carriages and honor guards flocking in an endless stream.

When Archbishop Mailer arrived, he saw that several other military ministers had already arrived.

Putting the magic staff in his hand on the edge of the table, he raised the seat at the waist of his robe, and nodded slightly to everyone: "The dragon power of this dragon is much stronger than the one I subdued decades ago."

Everyone here knows that Archbishop Mailer and Archmage Jordan have subdued a dragon with their own hands decades ago.Archbishop Mailer compiled the dragon language he heard into a book, and Archmage Jordan invented the dragon's breath technique based on the dragon's breath. These two pioneering works have brought human beings to a higher level in the mastery of spells and power.

Grand Duke Ferdinand said: "I have sent the military department to investigate, and found that the epicenter is the underground MI[-] headquarters. According to the senior agents of MI[-], Shadow sent all the agents outside early this morning, leaving him alone. Alone at headquarters, seems to be meeting someone."

At this time, Edward, the vice president of the Mage Academy, said: "According to the intensity of the earthquake and Longwei, I infer that the accident should be caused by an unregistered dragon whisperer, not a real dragon."

Grand Duke Ferdinand said: "So just to be on the safe side, this time I made a special trip to invite the archbishop and the vice-principal Edward, and I also ask you to help."

Archbishop Mailer helped his reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, and stood up "tremblingly" with his staff in both hands: "The deputy director of MI[-] is also involved, let's go now before it's too late. , I will trouble you, Edward."

Edward nodded slightly and smiled, "My honor, Archbishop."

Edward condensed two balls of arcane energy with his hands, and a circle of difficult and incomprehensible runes emerged under everyone's feet to form a magic circle, and then a stable and peaceful energy was released from the arcane runes to envelop everyone.

The lavender that is unique to arcane energy is like the lavender formed after a milky milk is sprinkled in a puddle of milky white milk.

When the light reached its strongest, half of the Duke's mansion was shrouded in arcane energy.In the next second, the rays of light quickly converged and disappeared, leaving traces of the energy emitted by the magic circle on the lawn. The soil and turf were clearly separated, as if the gardener had specially trimmed it.

Edward teleported everyone directly to the nearest entrance to MI[-].

Ministers of military aircraft also have a way to open these general entrances.As everyone entered the complex underground secret passage of MI[-], everyone who hadn't seen each other for a long time was chatting relaxedly, and there was no sign of facing an enemy at all.

"Lazy Zen, I heard that a big man has come to your Monk Temple?" Archbishop Mailer leaned on his staff in one hand, and with the other hand supported by Countess Margaret, he staggered at the end of the team. noodle.

Speaking of this, Lan Chan showed an unconcealable smile on his face: "I will send invitations to everyone tomorrow, and ten days later I will watch the ceremony at the Wu Monk Temple, and meet the elders of our temple."

"The Zen Academy has established a Zen son, and there is a new Supreme Elder sitting in charge. I am afraid that your heart is flying to Tianshen Island now?" Archbishop Mailer said jokingly.

In terms of age, Archbishop Mailer and Master Lanchan are the oldest here, followed by Archmage Jordan. It is a pity that he is still traveling outside and has not returned. In the eyes of these two people, the remaining few belong to the younger generation.

"Well, after preparing the ceremony, I will go to the island to serve the gods and pursue the supreme way."

The Grand Duke Ferdinand frowned slightly, and couldn't help but said: "Master Lanchan, the empire is currently in internal and external troubles, and it is time for you older generation to sit in charge..."

Lazy Chan smiled and said: "Don't worry, the Supreme Elder is much more powerful than me. With him sitting in the Buddhist Temple and the Holy City, you should be more at ease."

Everyone already knew the origin of Shen Fei, he was a man with a true god!

"I'm more interested in the Supreme Elder of the Zen Academy. I really hope that ten days will come sooner." Countess Margaret, who was supporting Archbishop Mailer, said.

Edward couldn't help but interjected: "It is said that this Supreme Elder is good at maintaining beauty, and he looks no different from a teenager at the age of more than 100 years. Mary, you don't think you want to exchange your beauty experience with Elder Shen?"

Margaret pulled some broken hair at the end of her hair, and her coquettish red lips and big waves showed more charm.A long red dress will vividly show the bumpy figure in front of everyone.

"For a woman, nothing is more important than maintaining her appearance."

Immediately afterwards, there was a series of low and swallowing voices in the corridor of MI[-]. Even Archbishop Mailer couldn't help taking off his reading glasses and jokingly said: "Mary, you can stop exuding charm, I'm afraid we won't be here later. I don't have the strength to fight."

Mary had a satisfied smile on her lips. Nothing makes her happier than being complimented by charm.

Five slender jade fingers, like green onions, gently stroked the hair, and then everyone felt the pressure around them disappear, and they all let out a breath of turbid air.

Several people sighed in their hearts at the same time: Mary, the damned elf!

(End of this chapter)

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