my pet is boss

Chapter 160

Chapter 160

Mary looked at the embarrassment of several people, and felt infinitely emotional in her heart: Hey, this damn charm!
The closer to the basement of MI[-], mottled dust, gravel, and even cracks appeared on the wall from time to time under the corridor wall, which shows how terrible the energy that the dragon language just said was caused.

"Archbishop, what do you think?"

Those who have seen the dragon with their own eyes include Archduke Ferdinand and Archbishop Mailer, but only the Archbishop and the absent Archmage Jordan fought and won.

Archbishop Mailer helped his reading glasses and said, "One sentence of Dragon Language can throw the entire Holy City into chaos, so this Dragon Speaker must be an old guy." 40 years ago, Mailer and Jordan were in Green Tooth Peak expelled the only evil dragon in the territory of the human empire.This battle lasted for three days and three nights, from the Green Tooth Peak to the quiet forest five hundred kilometers away, before finally killing the evil dragon.

At that time, what they killed was still a juvenile dragon.

So far, no evil dragon has endangered villages and towns in the territory of the human empire.

The third-level dragon language came with his mouth open. The dragon talker who caused panic in MI[-] at least learned the dragon language of an adult dragon, and it was an extremely powerful adult dragon.

There are more and more debris in the secret passage, and some places even have landslides. A huge boulder half a person's height has been smashed into the center of the secret passage, even affecting the passage.

Edward walked around the crowd and walked to the front, with his hands and five fingers spread out, and the magic energy overflowed between his fingers, forming an unstable mixed energy like electro-optical magma.

"Restored as before!"

The mixed energy permeates through the lengthy secret path, leaving a thin layer of energy on the surface of all objects.Immediately afterwards, all the rubble and gravel, as well as the boulder blocking the obstacle, all objects were reversed and recovered according to the trajectory that fell before, and the boulder was re-embedded in the secret path above the head.

Archbishop Mailer opened his eyes wide, helped his reading glasses, and couldn't help saying with emotion: "It's a great invention that integrates time magic and arcane magic, which are completely different in nature, and finds a stable energy point. The magic works."

"It's still not as good as the various spells created by the dean, and they can only be used to repair things."

Although Edward's mouth was modest, the corners of his mouth were still slightly raised. After all, this was indeed a pioneering spell.The point is not the spell itself, but the complex and profound theory behind it. The compatibility of two magics with completely different natures can be regarded as opening a new direction for magic theory and practical research.

Countess Margaret on the side silently leaned forward and began to exude her charming charm again.

"Eward, can your spell repair other things? For example..."

Margaret winked like silk, and gently rubbed his arm with one hand.On the other hand, Edward froze in place, with blood boiling all over his body. I am afraid that even if he cast an ice barrier to wrap himself in ten thousand years of ice, it would not be able to cool down the boiling blood.

Edward trembled even when he spoke, but no one in the tunnel laughed at him, because everyone was resisting Marguerite's damned charm.

"Time magic requires huge mana as a basis. To restore the state earlier, you need even more mana..." After Edward finished speaking, he looked up at Margaret, and his face turned red all of a sudden.

Margaret raised her hand, and gently stroked her delicate cheeks with the back of her white and slender hand, her tone was full of earnestness: "So, can my face return to its original state..."

"Okay, Mary, I think what you need is not a method to restore your face, but a magic to make everyone lose their memory, so that we don't know your exact age. It's important, we need to speed up, these things you and Edward privately You can talk too."

The Grand Duke Ferdinand interrupted Margaret, and praised her without a trace.

Margaret quietly blinked at Edward, indicating to talk in private, which made Edward froze again, falling from the head to the end of the line, walking slower than Archbishop Mailer, and his walking posture was very strange. strangeness.

But that doesn't matter right now, the important thing is that they will soon be in the basement of SI:[-].

The password door to the basement of MI[-] was open, and they even saw the shadow standing there.

Margaret helped Archbishop Mailer to the front. Mailer helped his reading glasses and squinted his eyes for a while: "The person is still alive, and there is no sign of injury on his body."

Everyone walked into the basement and saw the shadow standing alone, all the lights in the basement were turned on as if it was dawn.

Shadows usually like to hide in the shadows. Even in the high-level meeting of the empire, this guy always hides in the shadows, only hearing his voice but not seeing him.

Standing abnormally under the light now, this scene is absurd and bizarre, and everyone suddenly has an urge to eagerly record this scene.

Grand Duke Ferdinand glanced back and forth, but didn't see anyone else, and asked, "Shadow, what's going on with Longwei underground?"

Shadow came back to his senses and glanced at all the high-ranking officials of the empire. Although there was no expression on his face, he was extremely stunned in his heart.

"Why are you all here?"

Everyone's brows were black. The movement in the basement was so loud that almost everyone in the holy city knew it from top to bottom.It is also rare that the shadow of the person in charge of MI[-] even asks questions.

Shadow reacted quickly, and from the expressions in everyone's eyes, it seemed that this matter had become a big deal.

It seems that Shen Fei made a big fuss just now, not long after Shen Fei left, all the ministers of military aircraft arrived, this is almost the highest level of security in the empire.

Shadow is not Fuman, and often carries a scapegoat behind him.

It is impossible for him to take the blame for endangering the safety of the holy city and triggering the highest level of vigilance in the empire.

Shadow's expression was as usual, and his tone was extremely calm: "I was talking to the person in charge of MI[-] just now, maybe something happened."

Ferdinand's pupils shrank suddenly, and he asked urgently, "Is it confirmed?"

He had discussed this matter with Shadow before, and he needed a detailed background investigation and analysis of Shen Fei to confirm that he had no hostility or other intentions towards the empire before he chose to formally accept him.Unexpectedly, Yingying would now make his own claim and directly identify Shen Fei as the person in charge of MI[-].

This is the most important intelligence organization of the empire, controlling almost all the secrets of the empire.It is too hasty to suddenly hand over the highest authority to someone who has only known him for less than two days!

Several other people looked at each other in blank dismay, and the conversation between the two was clouded.

Isn't the shadow the top leader of MI[-]?And what does the Grand Duke mean by being sure.

What exactly are these two people hiding from everyone?

PS: I was bored in the afternoon. I read the novel I wrote again. Except for the rubbish writing, the poor writing, the sappy story, and the boring plot, everything else is still very good!
(End of this chapter)

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