my pet is boss

Chapter 162

Chapter 162
After Shen Fei came out from the secret door of SI[-], he found that many common people were hiding outside the house, with terrified expressions on their faces.

In addition, there are cracks in the walls of some houses, and the people are talking about the roar of the dragon, feeling the pressure all over the body, and so on.

With his head down, Shen Fei went back to Xiaozhuxuan in the Buddhist monastery in a "disappointed" way, locked himself up and hurriedly researched the information.

There was a thick stack of Er Gouzi's materials, Shen Fei skipped other materials, and directly found the dossier that recorded Er Gouzi's disappearance.These files accounted for one-third of Ergouzi's total information, which shows how detailed the investigation was after his disappearance.

From the insider of the itinerary at that time, to the detailed family records of all the guards, Shen Fei discovered that these materials are still being updated, which shows that MI[-] has not given up on finding the whereabouts of the king.At the same time, he was also vigilant to investigate whether the crime was committed by an inner ghost. After three years, he was still investigating the soldiers who were in charge of the king's security at that time, but still found nothing.

The people he came into contact with during the outing and the surrounding farms were almost all that Shen Fei could think of, and files could be found in the materials.

Shen Fei kept flipping through the files until the evening, until the system was prompted to go offline, and then Shen Fei unwillingly put away all the files, lying on the bed and going offline.

Shen Fei has read more than half of the case file, and the records are quite detailed.Even going back to within three generations of all the suspects involved in the case, there was nothing wrong with it.

Shen Fei went offline unwillingly, and when he went online again, Shen Fei buried himself in the study and spent a day checking all the files.Apart from making myself dizzy, I didn't find any useful information, let alone clues to the crime.

Everything Shen Fei could think of was recorded in the dossier.And looking at the dictation and testimony of all the guards, no loopholes were found.

Shen Fei closed the file, fell back on the bed, and let out a helpless sigh.

I can't find any possibility from the dossier.

Moreover, Shen Fei didn't think he was extremely smart. The countless intelligent people in the entire holy city couldn't see any flaws in these confessions and files. Years have not been found.It is obviously impossible to investigate the case through the file.

The only remaining channel is on-site investigation.

However, Shen Fei already knew in his heart that he might not find any useful information even if he went to the scene to investigate.

The crime scene for a few miles was all moved by Archmage Jordan to the garden of the Floating Void City to isolate and protect it with a magic circle. After three years of investigation and evidence collection, I am afraid that there will be no useful evidence left behind.

Shen Fei had one head and two big heads, he absolutely couldn't figure out why Er Gouzi would encounter such a thing.

Without any evidence at hand, we can only speculate on motives.

In this way, the scope of crimes with motives is much smaller, and basically concentrated on a few "powers" in the Holy City.

Just how to investigate, this is a headache for Shen Fei.

Lying on the bed and staring in a daze, the excessive concentration these two days has made him feel a great physical load, and lying on the bed at this moment is the most comfortable and relaxing behavior for him.

Suddenly, an unread message popped up on the system interface in front of Shen Fei.

Leng Ling: Shen Fei, you are famous!You actually caught a god as a baby! ! ? ?
Shen Fei was stunned when he saw the news about Leng Ling, where did Leng Ling get the news.

To save trouble, Shen Fei directly sent an emoji of Nick Young with a black question mark face.

In less than ten seconds, Leng Ling's message came back immediately.

Leng Ling: We have arrived at Sentinel Fort, and heard the "legend" about you from General Ross.

Shen Fei's eyelids jumped a few times, he didn't expect Leng Qingqiu and the others to arrive at Sentinel Castle so soon.

What Shen Fei didn't know was that because Leng Qingqiu's team had clearance strategies, they had always been far ahead of other teams in the library dungeons.In addition, Leng Qingqiu, the president, is willing to spend money, and the skill books and blueprints produced by two dungeons every day are all transformed into the combat effectiveness of front-line members.In terms of library dungeon competition, it has always been in the first position, which also made Leng's group famous and attracted many casual players to join the guild.

DowDuPont has also achieved corner overtaking in the alchemy of the human race, rubbing BASF chemicals on the ground.

Because of Shen Fei's explanation before he left, DowDuPont employees could enter and exit the hanging tree room at will, learned the following basic formula early on, and instantly monopolized the alchemy market in Tuk County.On the other hand, BASF Chemicals... Now there is a joke in Tuk County, that is, if you see a player with lifeless eyes and loose eyes on the street, it must be an employee of BASF Chemicals.

Because they couldn't enter the tree hanging room to learn the next alchemy formula, these were professional alchemists, and they basically didn't do much to fight monsters, let alone rely on them to download dungeons.

And the security team responsible for leveling can only scan two dungeons a day. The entire security department has a total of 50 people. It can't produce much in one day at full capacity. In addition, the library dungeon is difficult, which directly blocks their progress. , like a stick in the throat.

As a result, our arrogant Minister Mao was directly fired by BASF Chemicals.Less than a minute after the notification was issued, he was directly kicked out of the guild.

Shen Fei chatted with Leng Ling for a while, this girl was just playing with Shen Fei's words, she was asking about Baihu God again.

Originally, players didn't know much about this kind of world BOSS, but the White Tiger God is special, and is the god of all monk professions, so they know a little more than other BOSS in the indigenous world.

Hearing that Shen Fei took their beliefs as pets, the mentality of these monk players collapsed.

The god they worship every day has become someone else's pet.This status must be two generations lower!
But thinking about the close relationship between Shen Fei and their president, last time, in order to thank Shen Fei, the eldest lady almost mobilized the power of the plenary meeting to create a suit of leather armor and mail it to Shen Fei.If they have a good relationship with Shen Fei, will they be able to directly get the guidance of the White Tiger God...

"You talk too much nonsense, call your sister to chat."

Shen Fei typed out, and got Leng Lingfa's angry expression and a string of garbled characters.

After a while, a bubble popped up in the chat window of Qingqingqiu, and a question mark was sent.

Shen Fei chatted with Leng Qingqiu for a while, but Leng Qingqiu didn't mention anything about the White Tiger God, which made Shen Fei feel very comfortable.

Look at this elder sister, and then look at this ignorant younger sister, the difference is simply heaven and earth.

"After the development of Sentinel Fort, the next destination should be the Holy City. When the time comes, come over and give you a surprise."

When the players start to enter the Holy City, Shen Fei can't wait to see Leng Ling's astonished and surprised face, and Leng Qingqiu's congratulations with a slight smile.

 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (10/30)

(End of this chapter)

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