my pet is boss

Chapter 163 7 Deadly Sins

Chapter 163 The Seven Deadly Sins

Being forced or not pretending is like a night walk in brocade clothes.

Shen Fei is not familiar with other players, so it's a pleasure to pretend to be aggressive. Only when you pretend to be aggressive in front of people you know, will you highlight the coolness.

Of the people Shen Fei knew, there were only Leng Qingqiu and others left.

The dossier could not find any flaws, so Shen Fei rearranged and installed all the materials.He can't enter the Floating Void City Mage Academy for the time being. He will be eligible to apply to enter the Mage Academy to investigate the blocked scene after nine days when he succeeds the Supreme Elder.

Shen Fei's investigation has come to a standstill, but he has a feeling in his heart that the more secretive the other party's handling, the less traceable it is, indicating that there is a huge conspiracy behind it.

Opening the door for the first time in two days, the fresh air and cool wind blowing outside the room immediately rejuvenated Shen Fei's dull brain.

Shen Fei kept reminding himself that the investigation of Er Gouzi's disappearance should not be rushed. The problem has not been found out in two years. It is absolutely impossible for him to solve it in a short period of time. A more reasonable way is to find players with experience in solving crimes. Or people with careful thinking form a small team to jointly solve the case.

This is the second method Shen Fei found, relying on the strength of the elite group to solve the problem, and now his identity does have this ability.

As soon as Shen Fei walked out of Xiaozhuxuan, he met Master Lan Chan who was passing by.

There was a warm smile on this guy's face, but Shen Fei didn't know why, but felt that the smile was weird.

It wasn't until Shen Fei came to SI[-] to return the materials again that he learned that he was "represented" and became the top leader of SI[-].

Looking at the senior agents in the basement of SI:[-] and the shadows standing behind everyone's quilts, Shen Fei was expressionless.

Old drivers also have a day of overturning.

He took the information and pretended to force him to leave, but he didn't expect to be swayed by the shadow in the end.If it was announced unilaterally by the shadow, it would be fine for Shen Fei not to take office.In the end, the shadow told him that after leaving yesterday, all the ministers of military affairs came over, and he announced the matter in front of everyone.

Shen Fei also finally understood what Master Lan Chan's meaningful smile meant. It turned out that this guy knew the news a long time ago, so he was secretly having fun?Of course, any "passing by" is naturally false.

"The current state of MI[-], I was originally unwilling to take over, but seeing that you are so loyal to the empire, and the deputy chief Ying knelt down and cried and begged again and again, I reluctantly agreed."

Shen Fei's tone was neither salty nor bland, as if he was describing a very ordinary incident.

But these words were no less than a tsunami-level storm in the ears of senior agents.

Their aloof shadow boss, for the sake of the future of SI:[-], chose to give up his dignity and kneel in front of Boss Shen Fei?

The senior agents Qiqi turned their heads to stare at the shadow boss, with surprise, admiration, and disbelief in their eyes, countless complicated eyes revealed, and finally all turned into emotion.

Shadow was dressed in a black robe, with a black hood on his head, and only his hands were exposed all over his body.

The corners of his mouth were still slightly raised just now, not to mention how enjoyable it is to see Shen Fei deflated.Never expected that Shen Fei would tell him backhandedly, what is real framing!

Where did he kneel down and cry to beg Shen Fei?
This is insulting!Outright insult!

The corner of Shadow's mouth was twitching, and his mind was buzzing violently.This pot of dirty water was splashed over, and I couldn't avoid it, let alone wash it off.

Could it be that at this time he jumped out and told all the senior agents that he didn't kneel down, and didn't cry and beg Shen Fei to come back?
But in the morning, he was obviously himself, and he notified all the senior agents that Shen Fei returned to serve as the chief appointed by His Majesty the King before his disappearance, to serve in MI[-] and lead everyone.

So, on this basis, the false also becomes true.

"Captain Shadow is really worried about the development of MI[-]!"

"I didn't expect that the boss of the iron man also has a tender side, and he didn't hesitate to kneel down and beg."

The senior agents were discussing in low voices. At this moment, they felt that the shadow boss was taller and taller.

Shen Fei still had a sullen face, but he was actually laughing wildly in his heart.Shen Fei is a person who will not suffer. He was forced to be the chief of MI[-] by the shadow routine, so he had to find a way to get back his position?

"The daily operation of SI[-] is still managed by the shadow. If you have any higher-level problems, please come to me."

After the senior agents had dispersed, Shadow stepped up and said, "SI:[-] is no small matter."

Shen Fei didn't expect the shadow to be so serious, he thought for a moment and said: "The daily operation is still the same, and you are reporting to me for S-level tasks."

Shadow looked at the back of Shen Fei leaving, showing complicated eyes, always feeling that he had found a shopkeeper who had left his hands.

Shen Fei returned to the Wu Monk Temple, thinking about grabbing Fat Tiger who was lying on the sofa and eating bananas for a moment.

"Come on, come with me to the illusion assessment of Dream Zen Realm."

The clues to find Er Gouzi are completely cut off, and if you want to enter the Floating Void City, you have to wait until nine days later, so there is no rush.

Shen Fei simply put his attention on the task of [Taishang Elder], training fifty elite disciples from inner disciples a year.For this reason, Shen Fei decided to go to the illusion to experience it first, to see if he could make some targeted training for this illusion trial, so as to improve the pass rate of the inner disciples.

Before Fat Tiger could react, he was dragged out of Xiaozhuxuan by Shen Fei.

Shen Fei found Zhao Ritian again, and this time asked in detail about the illusion trial.

"Illusion has been tested for seven days, and there will be three waves of monsters every morning, noon and evening. You must not be touched by these monsters, otherwise you will be aroused from the original negative emotions in your heart. It is easy to get lost in the illusion and cannot break free. But the ether There will definitely not be any problems with the strength of the elders..."

Shen Fei then led Fat Tiger directly into the cave for the illusion trial.

In Zhao Ritian's narration, Shen Fei learned that during the seven days of trials, every day the monsters would have a negative emotion.

Lust, gluttony, greed, laziness, rage, jealousy, arrogance.

The seven most original negative emotions deep in the human heart are called the seven deadly sins.

Shen Fei still remembered Zhao Ritian's scrutinizing eyes after he finished speaking.Unexpectedly, this kid Zhao Ritian still has two brushes. He actually passed the first level of lust and the second level of gluttony, and finally knelt on the third day of greed.

It's just that Zhao Ritian's subsequent explanation made Shen Fei messy. This guy actually lowered his head and blushed and said that he was a pussy. In addition, he moved sharply and did not let the monster touch him, so he barely passed one or two levels.

Shen Fei and Fat Hu walked into the trial cave, to be honest, Shen Fei still wanted to try it out, what would happen after being touched by the monster on the first day.

"Fat Tiger, no, don't shoot yet. I'll see what hallucinations you will have after being hit, so that I can better come up with a solution and improve the pass rate of inner disciples."

"Hey, I work so hard as the Supreme Elder, and I don't know if these disciples can understand my hard work."

The fat tiger was so bored that he lay down beside the fire like a tiger who had nothing to do, with a speechless expression on his face.What is Shen Fei's purpose? No one can fool him if he can deceive it!

(End of this chapter)

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