my pet is boss

Chapter 164 People must learn to save themselves

Chapter 164 People must learn to save themselves
The illusion trial seems to be a limited space, but it is actually an endless fog after entering.

It's just that there is a bonfire burning at the foot, and there are seven stacks of firewood neatly piled up beside it.Each pile of firewood can be burned for one day. In this foggy space where you can't see the surroundings at all, you can calculate the time based on the number of firewood piles.

Shen Fei patted Fat Tiger's buttocks, letting him look at the surrounding mist with his magic eyes, but Fat Tiger lay lazily beside the fire, swept his own buttocks with his tail and said: "Don't look at it, this is an illusion, an illusion It’s an infinite distance, and you can’t see the end, so I advise you not to bother looking for it, and have a good rest. As for Beyond the Illusion, it’s just an ordinary cave.”

Shen Fei watched the height of the burning flames gradually decrease, like a child who was arrogantly showing off his newly bought toy in front of other children, the next second the toy fell to pieces, he lowered his head in aggrieved pain and remained silent, his breath weakened.

Adding a piece of firewood, the flame jumped again, all Shen Fei could do now was wait.

In the illusion trial, even the chat system was completely blocked, and it was impossible to find someone to talk to.

There are six pieces of firewood in a stack, and they are stacked in three layers in the form of a pyramid.

Not long after Shen Fei threw the firewood, he suddenly felt that the mist in the illusion gradually thinned, and his field of vision gradually expanded, but he also heard a faint sound of wind in the quiet space.

"This trial is a bit interesting."

From the perspective of assessment, this kind of anxious waiting can best exercise the monk's state of mind.A powerful monk must be both mentally strong and physically strong. Only strong mentality or strength cannot be counted as truly powerful.Of course, this mode in which players can become stronger by upgrading their exploding skill books is not under discussion.

Indigenous NPCs in the game do not have the ability to upgrade. If you want to become stronger, you have to work hard, and hard work may not necessarily yield results.

But for players, hard work can become stronger, this is an identity.

If you want an inner disciple to be promoted to an elite disciple, you need to think from the perspective of an NPC.

Patience, this is the first thing Shen Fei realized.

Except for the three time points when the monster appeared in one day, the rest of the time can only be in the illusion space.Surrounded by endless fog, it is a great test for a person's character.Just thinking about staying in this space for 7 days, Shen Fei felt a kind of regret and despair.

The treacherous illusion requires constant vigilance and precautions, but it is completely unnecessary for Shen Fei.

There is a "fake" god lying beside him, if he is not vigilant at all, Shen Fei can shame Fat Tiger to shame.

It was as if a super-strong team that was regarded as a champion suddenly lost to a third-rate team that planned to travel in the quarter-finals, with no excuses other than food.

Fat Tiger naturally does not allow this to happen, this is related to the dignity of the tiger, the dignity of the gods.

Shen Fei lay on the ground and kicked his fat buttocks, causing most of his body to tremble.

_(:3 ”∠)_
"Fat Tiger, aren't you bored?"

The flames didn't show signs of weakening at all, who knew that only a few minutes had passed, and Shen Fei suddenly felt that it was a mistake for him to rush in, and that he should use his status as the Supreme Elder to give the green light to these inner disciples.Anyone who wants to challenge can sign up, and then come to two waves a month, directly using the Sea of ​​Questions tactic, you can also force fifty elite disciples to come out, right?

Why risk yourself and try it yourself?
Before the monster attacked, Shen Fei was already sleepy.

Fat Tiger sat up cross-legged, opened the invisible pocket on his belly, took out a good-looking pickled deer leg and gnawed it.

Anyway, for Fat Tiger, the life of sleeping, eating, eating and sleeping is full of joy, so that he will not feel bored.

"Do you think I look like a boring tiger?"

One sentence made Shen Fei speechless, this guy regards eating and being lazy as his life ambition, wishing he could be lazy for ten days and half a month.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the mist, making Shen Fei shiver.

Fat Tiger pointed at the distance with the deer leg: "The first wave of attack is coming, but there are not many. We have ten monsters approaching from all directions." Fat Tiger is like a tiger-shaped radar, constantly Give Shen Fei a report.

When Shen Fei vaguely saw the figures of these monsters from the mist, they were already within 50 meters.

Originally, the mobs that Shen Fei thought represented lust would definitely be projected in the image of lust in his mind, such as a young lady in a bikini, or a naked healthy girl in a celestial bathing place, or a middle school student wearing dead water, only pink and fat. It's a pity that Shen Fei didn't have any of these things that Shen Fei imagined.

A mass of inexplicable gray gas was formed, like cotton candy in constant motion inside, or a mass of water plants, with many strange things extending out of the mass.

You tell me this thing is called lust?
Even if Shen Fei was killed, he would not believe it.

As for the feeling of being beaten, it's gone.

"Fat Tiger, get up and work."

Fat Tiger opened his pocket, stuffed back the half-eaten pickled deer leg, patted the tiger's paw, shook all the fallen meat crumbs in the palm of his hand, and sucked it all up with his tongue: "Why, don't want to be beaten?"

The level of these monsters surprised Shen Fei. He originally thought that the level would be very high, but he did not expect that the first wave of mobs would be level 20 just like him.

A venomous snake sting hit, and these air mass-like things did not accelerate towards them, and continued to maintain a constant speed and slowly approached the encirclement.

Fat Tiger was not in a hurry, he took out a file and sharpened his nails, and then blew on the fingernails. When these air masses approached, a tiger roared and the air trembled.

After the shock, these air masses rotated several times on the spot, and all the breath was like quicksand, and it seemed to be out of control, and it all fell on the ground and disappeared invisible.

Without any extra movement, all the mobs in the first wave were killed by Fat Tiger's slap.

Don't doubt, this is the strength of a boss-level pet.Even without mana, Fat Tiger's own jumping, roaring and acceleration skills can cause huge damage to mobs.

The difficulty of the first wave of mobs is not low. After all, there are ten mobs at the same level as your own. On the premise of avoiding contact, you must quickly defeat them one by one. There are certain requirements for attack power and movement skills, otherwise you will be killed Surrounded in the middle, it is very difficult to break through.

After writing down his feelings and experiences in a small notebook, Shen Fei fell into boredom again.

The end of the first wave of mobs meant that he would be stuck in a boring-boring-boring cycle for the next few hours.

The monk can still meditate, but he is a hunter, he meditates with a hammer!

Fat Tiger continued to take out its deer leg and started to chew. Seeing the background of it turning its back to protect the food, Shen Fei fell into deep thought...

(End of this chapter)

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