my pet is boss

Chapter 165

Chapter 165
"Fat Tiger, there is something, let's discuss it?"

When Fat Tiger heard Shen Fei's tone, his back trembled in fright, and the fat on his back trembled like jelly.

Whenever Shen Fei spoke in a questioning tone, nothing good would happen.

Fat Tiger's fat head slowly turned back, his eyes were a little frightened: "What should I say first..."

Shen Fei stepped forward and put his arms around Fat Tiger's edible back, and his tone was full of magic: "This matter, I say you do it...hehehe."

after an hour……

"Shen Fei, lend me a life! Just one!"

"Don't be reckless, hide behind me and watch me wink and act." Shen Fei said and lent his life to Fat Tiger, and a small person rolled down from the sky on the screen formed by spiritual energy.

God helps those who help themselves, Shen Fei was extremely bored and thought that last time Fat Tiger used aura to imitate and build a player interface just like him.

This time, Shen Fei directly taught Fat Tiger to make a two-player online Contra.

The screen built directly with spiritual energy, Shen Fei talked about the setting, and Fat Hu made it by hand, and finally successfully made this game appear on the screen.

Although the game made with aura is still a horizontal 2D game, the picture quality is exquisite and lifelike, and the picture quality is much higher than the previous pixel picture quality.

Moreover, Shen Fei also discovered that there is no need for any programming platform or software at all, and Reiki itself is a stable, fully compatible platform that is not rigid in form and can undergo many changes.

After two hours of narration by Shen Fei, the two finally played this classic masterpiece under the control of Fat Tiger.

Another gust of cold wind blew, Fat Tiger swayed his tail, and poked Shen Fei's shoulder: "The second wave of mobs is here."

Shen Fei shook his shoulders, shook off Fat Tiger's fat tail, and kept his eyes on the spiritual energy: "You can just deal with this kind of little monster casually, do you want to lend your life to you later?"

With an excuse, Fat Tiger patted his ass and got up, swept away all the mobs in the second wave, then quickly returned to his position and took out the aura handle to continue working.

"Didn't you come here to try out the difficulty of the illusion, and then give advice to the inner disciples? Why don't you even turn your head now..." Fat Tiger grabbed a piece of firewood by its tail and threw it into the fire, and the fire slowly ignited stand up.

Shen Fei pressed the pause button, sighed and looked at Fat Hu: "Fat Hu, I thought you would understand my good intentions, but I didn't expect that even you would misunderstand me, hey..."

Fat Tiger panicked when he heard that, he was determined to be Shen Fei's number one favorite, if even Shen Fei didn't understand, then what qualifications would he have to be the number one favorite?It will definitely be laughed to death by Fuman, maybe even Shia will use this trick to mock it in the future.

Fat Tiger's eyes flickered, he felt guilty, but his fat weight gave him confidence: "Who said I don't understand? I don't think the atmosphere is warm enough, so I want to find something to talk about!"

After defeating the final boss, Shen Fei asked with a sigh of relief: "Is your mana still enough?"

Fat Tiger patted his shoulders: "No problem, this aura interface doesn't consume much mana. I run the interface 24 hours a day, and it only consumes one-tenth of what I absorb every day."

Ten percent of a day's charge, which is still running at full load, is basically negligible...

Another hour later, under the leadership of Shen Fei, the two successfully cleared the Contra level. After finishing the game, Fat Tiger still couldn't get enough of it: "This game is too simple, there is no challenge at all!"

Shen Fei's head is full of black lines. How does this guy have the face to say that he basically borrows his life for every level, and he will die in waves within 3 minutes of each level. It was only after the response was typed, and after the typing, he said lightly, "This is too simple", to cover it up, Shen Fei just wanted to ask - where's the face?
Fortunately, Shen Fei didn't tell Fat Tiger Contra's life-enhancing secrets, otherwise this guy would be bragging about it.

Shen Fei looked at the number of piles of firewood, reckoning that he would be offline in an hour or two, and he didn't know if this fantasy space would stop or what. Afterwards, Fat Tiger must be bored here alone.
Shen Fei had an idea, and a devilish idea kept growing in his mind.

"Fat Tiger, I have a new game in my mind..."

When Fat Tiger heard about the new game, his ears immediately perked up.With the previous "programming" experience, Fat Tiger got started quickly this time, and made the game according to Shen Fei's idea.

"It's still a horizontal 2D version, but this time it's a checkpoint..."

Fat Tiger entered various settings according to Shen Fei's description, and there were many obstacles in this game.

Fat Tiger couldn't help sticking out his red tongue and licking the tiger's beard, the whole tiger became excited: "I like challenging games, Contra's game is really too simple!"

Shen Fei was speechless, who did Fat Tiger learn this shameless energy from?Why don't you learn from him to be modest and prudent, open-minded like a valley, he must have been born in Huainan, and he has acquired these bad habits in Tianshen Island.

Finally, the eight-level game was designed, and Shen Fei saw that there were more than ten minutes left in the countdown to offline, so he simply touched the fleshy tiger's head and said: "I will log off first, you play first, don't forget Add more firewood later, remember to clean up when there are monsters."

Fat Tiger didn't turn his head back, and was still annoyed: "I'm so annoying, I know, I know, you should go offline immediately."

Shen Fei looked at Fat Hu like this, why did he always have the feeling that he personally raised a young tiger with Internet addiction, and that he lifted a rock to shoot himself in the foot.

Shen Fei took the initiative to log off in advance, just lying on the ground and chose to log off, but heard a series of prompts from the system.

[You are now in an illusion, you must complete the trial before you can go offline. 】

Shen Fei froze for a moment, shouldn't...

In the past, the logout was extremely smooth, and even when the time came, no matter where it came from, they would be kicked out decisively. Why can't they even log off this time?
Immediately afterwards, Shen Fei's face changed, what if he didn't go offline and enter a frozen state, and his brain was overloaded and became cerebral palsy?
After thinking about it, there should be nutrient solution in the freezer...

But if you don't go offline for seven consecutive days, what's the trouble?
The key is that if you don't pass the illusion test now, you can't go offline at all.In addition, the freezer at the end of the D area had a precedent of failure before, sending Shen Fei into the game ahead of time, Shen Fei didn't dare to guarantee that the freezer would protect him well.

Shen Fei thought for a while, and although he couldn't log off, he still needed to replenish his energy, so he just lay down on the ground and closed his eyes to sleep.

Fat Tiger at the side glanced at Shen Fei, and found that he hadn't gone offline and disappeared, so he took a scan with his mind, and Fat Tiger also found the reminder given by Shen Fei's system before.

Anyway, there are not many skill points in game production, and the aura hacker hacking, Fat Tiger is self-taught on the contrary.

Seeing the shrunken version of himself enter the game, Fat Tiger is gearing up, he must beat this game named "Super Tiger Leo" by Shen Fei today!

 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (11/30)

(End of this chapter)

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