my pet is boss

Chapter 166 One Immature Idea

Chapter 166 A Little Immature Idea
Not long after Shen Fei lay down, he really fell asleep, leaving only Fat Tiger who was concentrating on studying the game.

The operation of this game is similar to the previous Contra, the only difference is that it lacks the means of long-range attack, and can only rely on jumping to avoid the enemy, and there are two characters in Contra, one is Shen Fei and the other is Fat Tiger. This has become a game that only one person can experience.

"Just kidding, how could I not be able to beat the game I made myself?" Fat Tiger thought that the game was made by him, and Shen Fei just added a little bit of insignificant creativity to it.

Ten seconds later...

"Hey, this game is interesting, I never thought there would be a mechanism in this location!"

Fat Tiger's palms were full of sweat, he wiped it on his body casually, and then continued to fight.

Gaining wisdom by eating a pit, directly avoiding the trap just now, the corner of the mouth can't help but raise a smug smile: "Let me just say, how can this kind of game stop me, here is a mushroom to eat."

Because I played Contra just now, the edible things in it must have enhanced effects. Fat Tiger jumped up to catch the mushroom without saying a word, and the subsequent situation was beyond his expectation. The little fat tiger in the picture was eating the mushroom Finally, he grabbed his own throat, fell directly on the spot, and was poisoned to death by the poisonous mushroom.

"What kind of broken game is this, I am a dignified white tiger god, so I won't be poisoned to death by poisonous mushrooms, this is too unnatural!"

Having said that, Fat Tiger clicked to restart the game and shrank his neck. There were two layers of swimming rings piled up on the back of Destiny's neck. This guy looked serious!
"I was numb and careless before, and I really have to be serious from now on!"

Shen Fei slept soundly this time. When he opened his eyes again, the first thing he saw was gray mist and dust, and then he opened his arms and stretched vigorously. The spine and sternum on the back seemed to have not been relaxed for a long time. There was a clicking sound, which made people feel that the body was revived and revived.

This is something that you cannot feel when you are forced to go offline and sleep in the freezer.

"This is sleep and rest..." After Shen Fei got up, he found that the first pile of firewood had been completely burned out, and Fat Tiger was still concentrating on the spiritual energy screen, constantly manipulating the little fat tiger on the screen to break through the level.

As a whole piece of wood fell from the sky, Fat Tiger didn't dodge, and the character was killed again. The number of lives displayed after the black screen had reached -1327.

After re-starting, the previous difficulty has been familiarized by heart. After a sharp operation, he came to the place where he died just now. He took small steps to test, and retreated immediately after triggering the trap. Finally, the corner of Fat Tiger's mouth was exposed. There was a trace of a gratified smile, but before he could get a good mood, the smile on his face froze suddenly, and a trap suddenly appeared in the place after he retreated, and he dropped it when he relaxed his vigilance.

It is impossible to guard against!

Fat Tiger's breath became extremely heavy, and he greedily took a big mouthful of fresh air to suppress all the anxiety and anger in his heart.

Even the majestic White Tiger God is restless, one can imagine how perverted this game has become.

Shen Fei thinks that he is already very kind. After all, this "Super Tiger Leo" does not restart from the first level after death. As long as you have patience, you can pass it with your life, and it will give you a feeling that there are pits everywhere.

If Shen Fei wanted to play bigger, he would directly play "Digging the Ground for Ascension" to Fat Tiger.

But looking at Fat Tiger's state and persistence, Shen Fei has some new immature ideas...

In addition, Shen Fei also made another surprising discovery, that is, after the first day of trials, his current level has reached level 22.

"This upgrade speed is a bit fast..."

The three waves of wild monsters made him soar to level 2 directly, just lying down to level up.

After Shen Fei completes the Illusory Realm Trial, it will be no problem to reach level 30.

Fat Tiger was still concentrating on the game "Super Tiger Leo", while Shen Fei sat aside and began to sort out his thoughts.At first, Shen Fei's purpose of making the game was just to pass the time, but later in the process of making the game, Shen Fei had some inspirations, and now is the time to make a good summary.

Fuman also heard that the young master entered the illusion trial, and wanted to pass it for seven days.

He and Peiqi are the only two people in Xiaozhuxuan every day. Every day, Fuman will go to the entrance of the dreamland of Dreaming Zen to see if the young master has come out, and then follow the outer disciples to practice.

Fuman is acting strictly according to the young master's arrangement. After all, the young master is now the Supreme Elder, and he is the Zen son of the Wu Monk Temple.According to the words of the three elders and the young master, he will be the dean of the monk monastery in the future.

Shen Fei told Fuman before that it's okay to start from the basics and practice with these disciples.Others thought that Fuman obtained the status of Chanzi through his strength, but only Shen Fei knew that Fuman was completely lucky by his own shit, and became a Chanzi by mistake.

After all, he will be in charge of the Wu Monk Temple in the future, how can he not know anything?
There is no harm in taking advantage of this opportunity to learn more.

Of course, Shen Fei still has other small goals. What if Fuman is really a genius and becomes a powerful monk?

In the next few days, Shen Fei kept thinking about the game development, his brain opening became bigger and bigger, and he even wrote down the detailed process in a small notebook.

In the end, looking at the densely packed dozen or so pages in the book, Shen Fei couldn't help sighing: "This trip out of the illusion will definitely set off a bloody storm in the entire Holy City."

As for Fat Tiger, he hasn’t even gnawed on the deer’s legs these two days. He just stares at the aura screen without thinking about food and drink every day. Soft, just like a teenager with Internet addiction.

Shen Fei shook his head resignedly: "You're a loser!"

But after a few days, Fat Tiger's reaction ability has improved a lot, and he basically knows the general routine when he sees the obstacles in front of him.

The mood has also changed from the initial irritability to the current peace.

Shen Fei didn't bother Fat Tiger, after all, no one knew better than Shen Fei, the bitterness of being suddenly interrupted at the last moment, and then restarting the game.

After adding the last piece of firewood, Shen Fei knew that the next battle would be the last wave, after which he could leave the illusion and pass the level successfully.

A gust of evil wind suddenly blew in the mist, Shen Fei bowed his bowstring and nocked an arrow, and was ready.

Shen Fei didn't let Fat Tiger take action every time. Such dense monsters were also a challenge for him.Shen Fei was also practicing with these monsters, and mastered all the skills he had learned.

There were 20 monsters that appeared this time, and they were all at level 34, five levels higher than Shen Fei!
Fat Tiger's "Super Tiger Leo" has also played to the middle and late stage of the eighth level. At this moment, all his mind is concentrated on the game, and he is at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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