my pet is boss

Chapter 167

Chapter 167
When the Fat Tiger game reached the end, successfully killed the princess, and lived a happy life with the "dragon" Sia, he immediately felt a strong sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. After a quick chemical reaction, it finally turned into a mouthful of refreshment and exhaled.

"Shen Fei, I've cleared the level!" Fat Tiger's smile hadn't hung on for ten seconds, and all the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment just now was exhaled with that breath, and at this moment, only endless boredom and sense of loss remained.

"This game is really boring."

Fat Tiger got up and turned around, and saw Shen Fei who was sitting sprawled on the ground panting, his distressed appearance was worse than that of "Tiger Leo" in the game, as if he was crowded in a crowd and was trampled on by a thousand people one after another. In the past, even a big-hearted tiger like Fat Tiger couldn't stand it anymore.

Shen Fei let out a long breath, but fortunately, with the "Counterattack Storm" and "Strafing" learned from Jax, he can be immune to damage and group attacks.

Shen Fei was still pondering, he had practiced solo skills for five years, and today he almost stumbled in an illusion trial, is it because he hasn't practiced his skills for a long time?But it's not right to think about it. I played very well in Novice Village and [Rise of the Human Race] dungeon before. How come I can't do it in the illusion trial?
But fortunately, the last level was passed. Even Shen Fei had such a difficult time single-handedly. Those inner disciples could imagine that, among the [-] inner disciples who could pass eight of the inner disciples, Shen Fei couldn't do it. I think the ratio is a bit too high!

Shen Fei got up from the ground and exhaled, looked at the stunned Fat Tiger beside him, and waved his hand: "The trial is cleared, have you finished the game yet?"

Fat Tiger never had any doubts about Shen Fei being able to kill these monsters alone.After all, he was the man who used to pull the dragon to run, but now he just leapfrogged to fight monsters, so what's the fuss about.

Fat Tiger squinted at 45 degrees, took a long time out of his belly pocket, tore off a piece of meat from a deer leg, put it in his mouth, and said in a tone of Dugu seeking defeat: "The games you designed are really too simple. It doesn't make any sense."

Shen Fei's eyes were as big as copper bells, as if he had heard some extraordinary words.

Fat Tiger is too shameless, isn't he?It took 6 days of sleepless nights to finally pass the game. Who gave you the courage to say that this game is boring?

This is too real, right?
If he had known that Shen Fei should have gone directly to "Digging the Ground for Ascension", let Fat Tiger have a good experience.

Shen Fei stepped forward and patted Fat Tiger on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I have a game with a higher degree of difficulty here, I will tell you next time."

Shen Fei felt Fat Tiger's thick shoulders tremble slightly, and even shuddered: "Hiss, this illusionary cave is a bit cold, I have to go out to bask in the sun quickly..." After finishing speaking, he ran out quickly.

Shen Fei walked out of the illusion, and immediately saw Fuman waiting at the door.

Fuman pinpointed the time for the young master to leave the customs today, and asked the outer disciples to help him take leave early in the morning, and waited at the entrance of the illusion cave.

Zenzi studying with them has already made everyone speechless, and now asking for a leave of absence will naturally pass smoothly.What's more, the outer disciples don't really want to study with Zen Zi now, and studying with him is simply looking for abuse!
Shen Fei didn't expect that Fuman would be waiting outside the cave, and he was surprised that this guy must have been guarding outside the cave for seven days and seven nights, right?

It was only during the subsequent conversation that Shen Fei learned that Fuman had been practicing the way of monks with the outer disciples these days, and today he made a special trip to ask for leave to greet Shen Fei as soon as possible.

"You have practiced with the outer disciples these few days, have you experienced anything?"

Shen Fei was very happy that Fuman could have his own business to do, although this guy called him young master, but Shen Fei never regarded him as a servant.The position of Zen Master is all obtained through his own sweat and shit luck, if you want to do it, you have to do it well, so Shen Fei suggested that Fu Manduo should follow the disciples of the Zen Academy to understand the way of monks.

Fuman scratched his head in shame and said, "I try my best every day."

Hearing this, Shen Fei probably understood, and comforted him: "It doesn't matter, your foundation is weak, you just take your time."

After all, there are no ordinary people who can enter the monk's monastery.Fuman can practice with the outer disciples, as long as he makes progress.

"Okay, go and do your homework with the outer disciples. I'll talk to my three nephews."

Fat Tiger has already rushed back to Xiaozhuxuan to catch up on his sleep, recovering from the excitement of the game, even with mana added, he is already extremely sleepy this time.Back in Xiaozhuxuan's bedroom, he fell asleep with his mouth open, his powdery tongue drooped out along the side of his mouth, it looked like silk.

During the past few days of getting along, Fuman also developed feelings for the outer disciples.With the young master's permission, he immediately went back to class excitedly, but it was hard for those outer disciples to see that frightening figure again in less than half a day.

"Didn't Chanzi say that today he went to welcome the Dreaming Zen Realm to pick up the Supreme Elder? Why are you back?"

"It's over. I thought I could relax this afternoon, but it seems that I will be shrouded in the shadow of terror again."

"I'm afraid that if we continue to study together, my confidence will collapse completely."

"When will Zenzi go to the inner sect to study, so that the grandchildren of the inner sect can also feel the fear of being dominated by Chanzi."

The outer disciples whispered, and even the teacher who taught the outer disciples, seeing Fuman rushing over happily, had complicated emotions on his face. It's broken, I'm afraid none of them will be able to enter the inner door by then.


After Shen Fei came out of the Dreaming Zen Realm, he went directly to the place where the three elders lived.

"Lazy Chan, Sad Chan, Sad Chan, you all come out quickly, I have something to discuss with you."

During the few days in the illusion, Shen Fei was impressed by watching Fat Tiger playing games. After a few days, he finally came up with a plan to improve the quality of inner disciples. Overall quality.

Although I said that I don't need to report anything to the Supreme Elder, but this kind of important matter related to the monastery, in order to show respect to Shen Fei, I still tell the three elders, as for whether they agree or not, it has nothing to do with Shen Fei anyway.

"Since I am the Supreme Elder now, I must also do my part in the development of the Zen Academy. This is not the seven days of the illusion trial, watching Fat Tiger playing games, I finally thought of upgrading our Zen Academy A good way to improve the quality of disciples."

The relief on Master Lanchan's face was beyond words, and Aichan and Beichan next to him admired the senior brother's decision even more.In just one week since Shen Fei took office as an elder, he had personally gone to the illusion to practice and investigate, and even thought of a way to improve the overall quality of the disciples of the Buddhist monastery.Originally, Master Lan Chan wanted Shen Fei to be the Supreme Elder, so that he could keep the White Tiger God in the monastery as a patron saint.

Unexpectedly, Shen Fei didn't eat too much and be lazy, and he didn't just sit and wait for death, but he was always thinking about the Zen Academy.

This, this is great compassion and great wisdom!
"As expected of the Supreme Elder, we are ashamed to be so sincere!" The three elders Qi Qi bowed their heads to Shen Fei, showing respect from the bottom of their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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