my pet is boss

Chapter 168

Chapter 168
Seeing three old fellows whose combined age was nearly [-] years old bowed to him and a young man, Shen Fei felt embarrassed, and quickly waved his hands and said: "Oh, the three nephews are being polite, I, Shen Fei, am modest and low-key, just Thinking that I can contribute a little bit to the Chanyuan, just like the candles in the house, I am satisfied with only a little bit of light to illuminate the house. But you are like this, it seems that I have done something that shines like a sun panel, so I can’t help it. , I can't do it!"

Lazy Chan, Ai Chan and Bei Chan were even more ashamed when they heard Shen Fei's words. Uncle Master has a sincere heart and a noble personality. No wonder even a servant around him was able to pass the test of Tianshen Island. , Become a Zen son with a pure and flawless mind.Now he has not officially succeeded, but he is already doing his best to plan for the Wuseng Temple.

On the other hand, Lazy Zen has completely shepherded the sheep these days, and is waiting for Shen Fei to officially announce the grand ceremony as the successor of the Supreme Elder, and find a good day to sit down on the spot, return his soul to the island of the gods, and go to serve the gods.

And Shen Fei did his best before taking office, and he has let himself go before resigning.

With such a comparison, Lan Chan was already so ashamed that he wanted to plunge into the ground.

"Uncle Master is doing his best for the Buddhist monastery, and I will definitely support it. Compared with Uncle Master's contribution, the three of us are mediocre and mediocre. Uncle Master, you can just do it boldly, and the three of us will wave the flag for you. If there is anything Need assistance, just order us!"

There were crystal tears in the eyes of the three elders, as if they had already seen the glorious future of the Wuseng Temple.

"Then you all give me the authority to enter the Dream Zen Realm."

"I did some research before. The ratio of our inner disciples being promoted to elite disciples is too low. Only eight disciples are promoted a year. How long will it take to grow the monastery? Afterwards, I personally went to the illusion trial to investigate. Fan, I found that the difficulty of the seven-day illusion trial is quite high!"

The three elders looked at each other in dismay, and heard that the uncle meant that he was preparing to change the difficulty of the illusion trial...

Reducing the difficulty of the illusion trial can indeed increase the pass rate of the inner disciples, but once this is done, the gold content of the elite disciples will shrink, and it is meaningless to forcefully complete the quota.

But the three of them just said that they support all the actions of the uncle, and they still want to wave the flag behind.

This is embarrassing!
"Give me all your authority, and I will design a few more basic trials in the Dreaming Zen Realm. Through these trials, the disciples' abilities will be enhanced and their chances of passing the illusion trial will be improved."

The third elder was stunned for a moment. It turned out that it was not to modify the difficulty of the trial, so it would be easy to handle.

Apart from anything else, they handed over their respective authority to Shen Fei, and repeatedly told Shen Fei not to act too hastily, if the body was delayed due to work, then the gain would outweigh the loss.

Then Ai Chan, who was good at alchemy, gave Shen Fei three meticulous qi-invigorating pills, asking Shen Fei to take care of his body.

Originally, Shen Fei was going to order more meticulous qi invigorating pills, but after seeing the instructions, he lost interest in an instant.

Because he had taken the Elaborate Qi Tonifying Pill before, he had to wait until a year later to see the effect.This kind of elixir that increases attribute points actually has a cooling time! ?
Now that Shen Fei has the maximum authority of the Dreaming Zen Realm, he can almost transform the Dreaming Zen Realm at will, turning it into any appearance he imagined, so that his plan can be implemented.

In Shen Fei's expectation, as long as the disciples can withstand the trials he designed, and then go to the illusion trial at the end, the pass rate will definitely be greatly improved, and the annual fifty task indicators will be completed ahead of schedule.

Shen Fei was about to leave when the teacher in charge of teaching the outer disciples hurried in with a long gown.

"Dean, two elders, I have something about Chanzi here, and I ask the three elders to make a decision!"

The old master had just finished speaking and found that Shen Fei was also here, so he hurriedly bowed his head to greet Shen Fei.

"You just said that you have something to report about Chanzi, so go ahead." Master Lanchan asked him to continue.

The old master glanced at Shen Fei, with hesitation in his eyes, not knowing whether to speak or not.

Shen Fei didn't expect that this old master was actually talking about Fuman, and he probably guessed it in his heart.It must be that Fuman is too stupid and has poor physical fitness to keep up with the rhythm of the outer disciples. Now that he is disgusted by the master, he is probably planning to eliminate Fuman and let him practice alone in the future. Don't hold back.

Outer disciples are all taught by a master master, who is responsible for the enlightenment and homework of the disciples of the Buddhist monastery.

He is an inner disciple with a very solid foundation. Because he is too old and has no hope of being promoted to an elite disciple, he has assumed the responsibility of teaching outer disciples, and is well received among outer disciples.This teaching has been going on for 20 years, and even many elite disciples bow to their masters to show their respect.

There are five veterans in the Chanyuan.

The three elders are the leaders of the monastery, the old master is responsible for teaching the principles of Zen to the disciples of the outer sect, and the teacher Wu, a disciple of Master Lan Chan, teaches martial arts to the disciples of the Zen monastery.It was just a few days ago that the head of the martial arts instructor packed his bags and went out to travel thousands of miles to realize his comprehension.

Fuman's foundation is poor, but now he can finally find something that he likes and is active. As the nominal master, Shen Fei will naturally support him more.

"Hey, in today's situation, even if I, Shen Fei, lose my face, I still have to give my blessing!"

Shen Fei was full of thoughts, and before the master could speak, he excused Fuman first: "Master, I know that my servant is a bit weak, I am a bit dull, and my physical fitness is surprisingly poor. What is commendable is this innocent heart. Now he has finally found something he likes. Although I know that even if he is placed in the outer door, he is the one at the bottom, but I still hope you can give him a chance. A willingness to learn is priceless."

The three elders also nodded repeatedly, praising the uncle's sentence "the heart of learning is priceless".Worthy of being the lord of the gods, every sentence contains deep Zen principles and is thought-provoking!

Master Lan Chan couldn't help but said: "Yes, master, Chan Zi has a pure heart, and it is very rare to have a heart for Zen. Let him continue to practice in the outer sect!"

The old master is also confused, what does the Supreme Elder mean by these words?What does the dean mean by this?
The old master fell to his knees directly on the ground with a thud, his whole body was almost lying flat, this was completely prostration, the highest etiquette in kneeling.

"The Supreme Elder, the three elders, please show mercy and save the children!"

The old master burst into tears, and the palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh: "If Zen doesn't leave, I'd rather die!"

Shen Fei was also taken aback by looking at it, why is he so staunch?

The three elders also looked at each other in blank dismay. The most peaceful teacher, why did he lose his composure today?
And even in front of his uncle, he directly chased Chanzi, is this guy crazy?

 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (12/30)

  Thank you for listening to the two rewards under the moon, thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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