my pet is boss

Chapter 169 1 Point Tiny Work

Chapter 169 A Little Bit of Work
Shen Fei never expected that this old master would be so staunch, that he wouldn't even give him the face of the Supreme Elder, it's so difficult!
The three elders are also quite embarrassed, the elder Taishang has contributed to the monastery, so what's wrong with putting a transfer student in your outer door?Is it necessary to make such a fuss?What's more, Fuman was selected as a Zen son through the trial of the gods. Doesn't your attitude mean that our three elders have eyes but no eyes?
Master Ai Chan blew his beard and stared angrily, and said without concealment: "Master, I advise you to be cautious in your words and deeds!"

The old master was also stubborn, knelt on the ground and refused to get up.

For the sake of the disciples of the outer sect, he will fight against the decree today with all his life!Otherwise, all the disciples of the outer sect would be finished!

"Third elders, the outer temple is too small to accommodate the great god Chanzi. I am here to ask Chanzi to go to the inner sect to practice. I have nothing to teach Chanzi in this short week, and even Chanzi only spent four weeks. In just a few days, the records of all previous outer disciples have been broken. I am afraid that if Zen Zi continues to practice in the outer sect, all other outer disciples will not be able to withstand the blow, and their Dao heart will be completely destroyed!"

"I'm afraid...I'm afraid that no one from the outer sect can be promoted to the inner sect this year!"

After the master finished speaking, the audience fell silent.

How does Shen Fei feel, doesn't this seem to be saying that Fuman is holding back?On the contrary, this guy is very powerful?
The three elders were also completely dumbfounded. They seemed to be talking to each other just now.

Wait, did you just say that Zen Zi broke the records of all the outer disciples in four days?

"Teacher, get up quickly and tell me what's going on." Master Lanchan hurriedly supported the master with his hands. The 60-year-old master's eyes were red and swollen, and he looked quite aggrieved.

"Zhan Zi originally came to the outer sect and studied with the outer sect disciples. The disciples also thought it was excellent at the time. This not only enhanced the relationship between Chan Zi and the outer sect disciples, but also urged the outer sect disciples to work hard."

The three elders also nodded in agreement, such consideration is indeed thoughtful.

Then the teacher's tone became aggrieved: "The outer disciples also thought so at first. After all, although Chanzi passed the test, he didn't know much about the way of monks. It's great to learn together. But Chanzi On the first day, he broke the record of the fastest synaesthesia for outer disciples in the history of the Zen Academy. That’s all, let the outer disciples practice the turbid pool for mind and eyesight in the afternoon, and the Chanzi saw the turbid pool at a glance Text."

While the teacher was talking, Sad Chan was still explaining to Shen Fei what synaesthesia and turbid pool were.

Synaesthesia is the first thing that mortals do after they are selected to enter the monk's monastery. Through meditation, the connection between nature and the body is established, and the spiritual energy between heaven and earth is absorbed into the body through the funnel of the body.Generally, the process of synaesthesia can be as fast as one or two days, and as slow as one or two months, which mainly depends on the comprehension of the synaesthetes.

Shen Fei learned from his master that Fuman's synaesthesia only took 1 minute, and he closed his eyes and followed the breathing method taught by his master, and felt the warm current flowing through his body in only 1 minute.

"At that time, Zenzi said that he would come to the outer sect to practice together. I also specially checked his foundation and physique, and found that he was a mortal, so I arranged for him to practice together with the disciple who just started this time. But who would have thought that Zenzi would only use Synaesthesia succeeded after 1 minute..." The teacher's tone was extremely aggrieved, the Supreme Elder and the Third Elder didn't see the scene at all, and many disciples who had just started were stunned for a while. The curiosity and excitement of the new way of nature It was as if cold water had been poured on it.The more anxious you are, the more you can't get into the state. As a result, after the first class, there are more than 100 freshmen, except Chanzi, and none of them have synesthesia.

"Lazy Chan, how long did it take you for synaesthesia?" Shen Fei asked curiously, and the serious expression on his face gradually eased.Fumaneng is so powerful, please see here!
That's right, it's all because of me, Shen Fei, who has contributed to the training!
Lan Chan clasped his hands together, and lowered his head in shame: "I created the record of synaesthesia for outer disciples before, and it took half a day at that time. Chanzi has a pure heart and learns from nature. It is really gratifying and congratulatory."

Ai Chan and Sad Chan beamed with joy, synesthesia for 1 minute, this is completely the posture of heaven and man!

The two of them looked at each other, the future of my monk monastery can be expected!
Shen Fei looked at the people getting excited, slammed the table, and snorted coldly: "It's just a minute of synaesthesia, what's the fuss. You guys are almost 1 years old, because of this little thing I’m so excited, how decent is it? Fuman is an ordinary cook who is willing to work as a lackey for me. He is learning how to walk in Handan in just a few weeks. He knows what’s happening but doesn’t know why. Like me, I never praise him for fear that he will be complacent!”

Sad Chan reacted the fastest, clasped his hands together and said, "Chanzi is nurtured by his uncle every day, watching his words and deeds to learn his manners. It is true that Chanzi learns from the law, but the uncle is the one who studies heaven and man, and connects people with nature." The Dzogchen is perfectly integrated, and learning from my uncle is learning from nature."

The other three also reacted and praised again and again.

These words were like a spring breeze, Shen Fei was blushing when he heard it, and quickly covered his face and said: "Sorrowful Zen master nephew must not talk nonsense, I just did a little bit of work, I never thought of learning about heaven and man, communication is natural and reasonable , I just want to use my tiny body to display my little ability and energy in the world."

"Uncle Shi has a big heart, but is so humble. Compared with you, Uncle Shi, it makes us feel ashamed to be complacent about our little achievements!"

Shen Fei's complexion turned reddish-brown, even more refreshing than having a full set of 398 massages.

These nephews love to tell the truth!
As for the turbid pond, it is to let the outer disciples see clearly the two big characters written on the bottom of the pond through the turbid muddy pond.

This is for the disciples of synaesthesia to practice their eyesight. Only by observing with eyesight can they see through the essence of affairs and not be confused by appearances.

At that time, after Fuman's synaesthesia was successful, the master teacher felt that Chanzi could no longer practice with these freshmen, so he was promoted to Zhuochi.

It is an extremely long training process to have a pair of eyes that can penetrate the turbid fog.Two or three months for those who are talented and intelligent, one or two years for those who are dull.

After following the old master to Zhuochi, Fuman took a direct look and saw the word "Qingzhuo" written on the bottom of the pool.

As if the turbidity of the heavy sand did not exist, the disciples practicing in the Zhuochi entered the sect for more than half a year, and only one or two passed the test to enter the next stage, and the remaining more than 80 disciples were still practicing in the Zhuochi.

As a result, Fuman joined the class and passed the Zhuochi level before his butt was hot, which made the remaining outer disciples suddenly wonder if they were blind.There was even a disciple who couldn't bear the pressure and threw himself into the pool directly, almost becoming a demon.

Shen Fei picked his nostrils, he was stunned by this story!
"And after that?"

The three elders have stopped talking, and Shen Fei is also waiting for the master to tell what happened next...

 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (13/30)

(End of this chapter)

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