my pet is boss

Chapter 170 Experimental Mouse No. 1

Chapter 170 Experimental Mouse No. [-]

Speaking of the next step, the master's face turned green and then purple.

After passing Zhuochi, it was no accident that Zenzi was promoted to another class by his master, this time to Gewu class.

Investigating things to gain knowledge, as the name suggests, if you want to understand the way of nature, you must understand the laws and principles in the operation of nature.

According to the teacher, Zenzi even surpassed him in some aspects of comprehension. In a study of things and knowledge, the teacher made a concluding statement at the final stage, and Zenzi raised his hand after the lecture.

The old master originally thought that Zenzi didn’t understand and wanted to ask for advice. After all, the way of studying things is very difficult. Naturally, it operates according to an extremely delicate and complex, but harmonious law. To master it, you must go through a lot of work. Calculate and learn.Chanzi came in temporarily, and there must be a lot of things that he couldn't keep up with, but after Chanzi got up to speak, the master was immediately forced, and a huge wave was set off among the entire outer disciples.

Zenzi pointed out that the three complicated formulas mentioned by the teacher just now can be condensed into a simple and quick formula, which saves a lot of unnecessary calculations.

The master was stunned after hearing this, because the teacher who taught him a long time ago taught them this way, and no one thought that there would be problems with this formula.But Zenzi actually proposed it, and the master patiently calculated it according to the new method, and the answer he got was exactly the same as before!
This time, not only the master master, but even the outer disciples present all let out a "hiss" gasp.

At the same time, everyone looked at the master with resentful eyes. Didn't they just say that Chanzi was transferred to the Gewu class on the first day before the class started?

How can someone change the formula directly when they come up, and it really made Zenzi discover the mystery of it, making the extremely complicated formula simple and beautiful, this should be the perfect formula that can reflect the mystery and rhythm of nature!

On the other hand, looking back at the complex formula group before, there is quite a feeling of "one leaf can't see Mount Tai".

This time, not only the outer disciples, but also the master master completely collapsed.Don't say anything about teaching Zenzi, now it's almost the same for Chanzi to teach him!
Gewu class can't stay any longer, so let's get promoted!
For the next two days, Chanzi was like fighting in a ring. Only the boxing class delayed Chanzi's whole day, because Chanzi had no background in martial arts before. As a school, he was well received because of his upright boxing.

Countless disciples of the outer sect thought that Chanzi was extremely talented, but later learned from the cleaners that Chanzi hadn't slept all day and night, and had been practicing boxing in the martial arts field, and finally mastered the basic long boxing all day and night.

The outer disciple who learned the truth collapsed again, talented but still working hard, how can others live like this!
After four days, the entire seven classes of the outer sect were all tortured to death by Zen Zi, even to the point of turning pale when talking about "Zen".

Yesterday Zenzi said that he would ask for leave to pick up the elder Taishang. The master gave him a one-day vacation without saying a word. The master still clearly remembers the joyful and excited eyes of the outer disciples when they heard the news.But today when Zen Zi came back half a day later, all the outer disciples looked like eggplants that had been splashed with cold water and had been frozen outside for the whole night—all wilted.

Because Zenzi came back early, he caught up with today's Zen Heart Stone test.

The Zen Heart Stone is a sensory stone used to test the Zen Heart.As long as you put your palm on it, you can sense the level of the Zen heart, from the most basic white, green, blue, to the highest level of purple. As long as the Zen heart stone shows green, you can be promoted from the outer door to the inner door.

There are a total of 60 disciples in the graduating class, and this time there are a total of 28 people who have been promoted to the inner sect above the green level, which is a very high proportion.There are also some outer disciples whose test results are light green. They only need to concentrate on practicing for another year, and they can be promoted to the inner sect smoothly.

But when Zenzi put his hand on the Zen Heart Stone for the last time, the Zen Heart Stone burst into golden light, illuminating the entire outer door.

The golden brilliance was unprecedented, and the master was trembling all over.

Doesn't it mean that the purple light of the Zen Heart Stone is already the highest level?Moreover, according to the records of the Buddhist temple, all the three elders shone with purple light at that time, which is one of the few purple talents in the Buddhist temple for a hundred years.

Hearing the teacher's report, the three elders clasped their palms together and trembled: "God bless the Buddhist monastery, thank you uncle for sending us such a good seedling as Zenzi, my Zen monastery is blessed!"

Shen Fei saw the three old fellows were extremely excited, even panting heavily, always feeling as if they would not be able to catch their breath in the next second.

"Master Uncle didn't know that the Zen mind talent of the first Martial Ancestor was shining golden light, which was recorded in the Martial Ancestor's Secret Code. It was only later that it was believed to be unique to the Martial Ancestor after he was blessed by the gods. Maybe he has such an extreme talent, so he didn't classify the golden color. It's just that I didn't expect, I didn't expect that Chan Zi's Zen talent was golden..."

Treasure boy.

Really obeyed the words of the chief alchemist, Fu Manzhen was covered with treasures.

"Then if this is the case, let Chanzi go to the inner sect to practice! Although Chanzi's talent is blunt, but since I am the Supreme Elder, I should treat all disciples equally, and the palms and backs of the hands are all flesh." Shen Fei finally finalized the result by himself. , the master was very grateful.

According to Fuman's posture of recording twice a day, if we stay any longer, I am afraid that the hundreds of outer disciples in this session will all have their Dao heart damaged and be shrouded in Fuman's shadow.

It's better to let Fuman harm the disciples of the inner sect!

The master ran away after incriminating several people, wanting to tell the good news to the outer disciples as soon as possible.

Shen Fei said hello and then left. He is still busy building the trial now!

Time suddenly became tense.

Two days later will be the succession ceremony of the Supreme Elder, and Shen Fei will still find an opportunity to go to the Floating Void City to check the scene of the crime, and the trial of the Chanyuan also needs to be completed in these few days.More importantly, Shen Fei needs to find a group of suitable mice, ah, unsuitable inner disciples in the past few days, and then come to a comparative experiment to see if his trial is really effective.

No way, Shen Fei is such a person with scientific spirit.

If you want scientific verification, you must have a comparison, so that you can better demonstrate the effect.

For some reason, when Shen Fei thought of the inner sect volunteer disciple, the name Zhao Ritian couldn't help but come to mind.After all, this is the only inner disciple Shen Fei knows.

"Hey, it's time for you to be blessed. You can participate in the trial designed by me, Fei Shen."

Shen Fei could even imagine how Zhao Ritian knelt at his feet and wept bitterly with gratitude as he successfully broke through the illusion trial after going through ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships.

Among the outer disciples, when the master conveyed the decision of the Supreme Elder to them, these outer disciples wept with joy, and even knelt down and shouted "The Supreme Elder is wise", Shen Fei would never know that he was among the outer disciples. The prestige instantly reached the peak of the sky, even higher than the voice of the three elders...

Fuman was also deeply moved, moved by the spirit of unity and friendship of the outer disciples.

Knowing that he was about to leave, these outer disciples couldn't let go of the deep feelings condensed in just a few days. All of them shed tears of reluctance, and even formed a long line to send Fuman to the inner courtyard.

This is the most sincere feeling that the young master often talks about!

Today I, Fuman, finally felt that tears and waving goodbye were the bonds that existed between them!
Fuman suppressed tears, and at the last moment before stepping into the inner door, he turned around and waved to everyone: "Don't worry, I will still visit you at the outer door when I have time!"

(End of this chapter)

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