my pet is boss

Chapter 171 Produced by the elders, it must be a boutique

Chapter 171 Produced by the elders, it must be a boutique
The expressions of the outer disciples changed wildly, as if mourning a concubine.

"Zenzi should put his studies first!"

"As long as our hearts are connected, there will always be love in thousands of mountains and rivers!"

"Go ahead boldly, we will watch you from behind!"

Hearing that Fuman wanted to take some time to come back, the outer disciples naturally racked their brains to find all kinds of reasons to prevent Zenzi from coming back to abuse them.

Tears kept rolling in Fuman's eyes, maybe this is the youthful friendship that the young master said about!
He will go all the way with the expectations of the outer disciples, and study hard in the inner sect!

The disciples of the inner sect were also very panicked when they heard the news suddenly. Facing Zen Zi's "kicking the hall", everyone was almost ready to fight.

In the past few days, ghosts and wolves from the outer sect have been howling, like a hell on earth, if you catch any disciple from the outer sect, you will find that they have a mournful and concubine expression every day.The news that Chan Zi ravaged the outer sect quickly spread throughout the inner sect, and the disciples of the inner sect were all from the outer sect. Just listening to Chan Zi's actions is simply outrageous!
Now I never thought that Chan Zi, a pretentious monster, would come to the inner sect. The inner sect disciples are like facing a big enemy!


Zhao Ritian never expected that the Supreme Elder would come to the inner gate again, and named him by name.

He was originally an inconspicuous one in the inner sect, but now he has become the envy of everyone in the inner sect.

To be favored by the Supreme Elder, this is a blessing from the previous life!

Inner sect disciples are generally taught by elite disciples with profound strength, and they seldom even see the faces of the three elders, let alone the Supreme Elder who never sees the end of the dragon.

Of course, there are also many inner disciples who are not angry. Why can a Zhao Ritian with low inner strength be favored by the Supreme Elder?

Shen Fei called Zhao Ritian to the gazebo outside, and seeing this guy's eyes burning with admiration and excitement, Shen Fei knew that he had found the right person.

"You know about the trial of my trip to the illusion a few days ago?"

Zhao Ritian nodded, everyone in the Wu Monk Temple knew about the Supreme Elder's "experience" in the illusion.But everyone didn't take it seriously, after all, with the assistance of the White Tiger God, a small illusion trial was passed with eyes closed.

"Inner sect disciples, but the mainstay of our monastery, without you, the monastery would lose its future."

Zhao Ritian's face turned red and purple when Shen Fei said a word.Zhao Ritian never expected that the Supreme Elder cared so much about the inner disciples, but when he thought that he couldn't survive three days in the illusion, there was always a sense of guilt for failing to live up to expectations, and the emotion was mixed with feelings for himself. dissatisfied.

"Last year, out of the [-] inner disciples, only eight passed the illusion trial. The ratio is really too low. So I personally went to the illusion trial to experience it, and finally found a solution."

It is the hope of all inner disciples to be promoted to the elite, but it is also a pain.

Entering the inner door from the outer door, even a disciple with poor aptitude can use time to sharpen it.

However, the threshold for becoming an elite disciple from an inner sect is extremely high, and one must have excellent strength and talent in order to be promoted to an elite disciple.

Most of the disciples are stuck in the inner sect.Every disciple who enters the Chanyuan, their goal is to be an elite disciple, but less than ten people become elite disciples every year, such a ratio is hopeless.

"I will create a few trials for you in Dreamland Zen. As long as you complete the trials I set, your reaction ability and adaptability will be greatly improved. It will not be difficult to pass the illusion trial. .”

Shen Fei's words seemed to have magical powers, and Zhao Ritian was extremely excited when he heard the trial set up by the Supreme Elder himself.Reminiscent of the Supreme Elder specifically asking him to come out alone, Zhao Ritian had a bold idea...

"I don't know how effective this trial is, but seeing how eager you are for elite disciples, it's right for me to help you. This registration form is for you, and there are only [-] places. If you want to join, please write your name on it. , As for the conditions of this contract, you can tell them about it when the time comes."

After all, it was the first time to engage in this matter, so Shen Fei still had to do a "clinical experiment" first, and at the same time ask them to sign a disclaimer and the like.

Zhao Ritian took the registration form scroll with trembling hands, as if his hands were not a simple contract, but their future.

"The elder Taishang broke his heart for the inner disciples. The disciples are very grateful and will definitely publicize it to the inner disciples." Zhao Ritian accepted the contract, bit his finger without saying a word, and wrote his name on the registration form .

The bloody words flashed a golden light, and the contract took effect.

After explaining the matter, Shen Fei directly turned around and went to Dreaming Zen Realm, and began to construct his own trial content.

Having obtained most of the authority of the Dreaming Zen Realm, Shen Fei can do whatever he wants in the Dreaming Zen Realm, as long as he has a single thought, the entire Dreaming Zen Realm will be swept by violent winds and storms.The next second, it rained again and the sky cleared, and there was no cloud in the sky.This feeling of calling the wind and calling the rain made people inflated, and Shen Fei experienced the pleasure of dominating all living beings.

Some elite disciples who were cultivating alone in the Dreaming Zen Realm were all frightened by the sudden majestic power, and they all sought refuge in caves.

There are even steel behemoths that can fly hundreds of meters high in the sky, as well as various creatures that have never been seen before.

As long as Shen Fei can imagine in his mind, the Dreaming Zen Realm can materialize the imagination in Shen Fei's mind.

Shen Fei played for a long time, and then he raised a mountain with great power not far from the illusion trial.

The tower-shaped mountain peaks surround a circle of mountain roads, and there is a very wide square at the foot of the mountain, on the mountainside and at the top of the mountain. At the end of the square is a smooth cliff, leading to a deep and quiet cave.

In fact, Shen Fei's original plan was to go to the [-]th floor, and then the name of this challenge was to go to the [-]th floor if it was a man.But then I thought that a hundred trials would be too strenuous, so let's start with three hot hands, and I'll talk about the rest later.

After setting up the three cave illusions, the production of illusion content began.

Because he has obtained most of the permissions of the Dreaming Zen Realm, as long as it does not "format" the entire Dreaming Zen Realm or modify the permissions, Shen Fei can modify the Dreaming Zen Realm at will.

Avoiding the trouble of "programming", Shen Fei had already completed and installed the three-tier trial in one afternoon, and the speed was so fast that even he himself was startled.

Of course, Shen Fei himself will definitely not experience the three trials in person, after all, he has not been abused... I mean, Shen Fei no longer needs to pass the trials to prove his strength.

Afterwards, Shen Fei added a lot of clouds and mist on the mountainside and top of the mountain to increase the sense of mystery, and suddenly the grandeur, pattern and sense of mystery were all there.

Looking at the masterpiece he has completed, Shen Fei is now looking forward to the fifty disciples who have signed the contract to come to the trial, how does it feel.

The difficulty of Shen Fei's trial is much lower than that of the Illusion Trial. You can get out of the Illusion Trial if you fail the Illusion Trial. This is a once-a-year opportunity. How many inner disciples are eager to fight again!
So in the new trial, Shen Fei added a setting, only those who "died" during the trial would be sent out.

Of course, this death is not only physical, but also psychological.

These inner disciples are the mainstay of the sect. In the future, it is impossible for Shen Fei to let them die. The three illusions he designed are all illusory and will not suffer any real harm.Simply speaking, it is equivalent to the game setting. There is only one life, and it will end when you die.

But for the sake of reality, the pain still exists, and it has even been amplified by Shen Fei. The pain in the illusion is 200% of the real world...

"I hope these children can understand my hard work as an elder."

(End of this chapter)

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