my pet is boss

Chapter 172 Shushan

Chapter 172 Shushan

On the straight cliff below the mountainside, Shen Fei carved two words - Shushan.

After clapping his hands, Shen Fei was extremely satisfied with his masterpiece.There is nothing more fulfilling than building a mountain with one's own hands, and this mountain is named Shushan, and Shen Fei has placed a lot of expectations in it, hoping that the disciples who have passed the three levels can soar to the sky.

You're done!

Shen Fei also made a lot of humanized care designs in each level of trials. These little Easter eggs are waiting for the inner disciples to experience them for themselves. After all, they found something different in the trials. This freshness may be able to reconcile them. Emotions.

Zhao Ritian held the scroll tightly with both hands. Before Shen Fei left, he emphasized that the 50 people had better be selected from the weaker disciples in the inner sect. correct.

This made Zhao Ritian even more moved. Those inner sect disciples with strong strength will definitely pass the illusion test next time, so this move by the Supreme Elder is to prevent them from seizing other people's places, and leave all hope to those who are weaker and have no hope of being promoted. Disciple of the elite.

You must know that the inner door is under the greatest pressure.

As for the outer door, as long as you work hard, you can enter the inner door no matter what.

But the inner door is a big dye vat. There are all kinds of geniuses and evildoers here, and they have been promoted to elites for a year.There are also hardworking young disciples who are full of drive.But most of them are middle-aged and elderly disciples who know that there is no hope of being promoted to the elite, and who know their limits. One day clock, the feeling of wasting years.

After the elder Taishang said that he wanted disciples who were not very strong, Zhao Ritian immediately thought of several crane tails in the inner sect.

The disciple who was originally very strong in the outer sect entered the inner sect in the same class as Zhao Ritian, and was immediately overwhelmed by the tense and oppressive atmosphere here.Originally, some people called it Tianjiao in the outer sect, but after entering the inner sect, they discovered how powerful the disciples here are, and what is the real Tianjiao.

This blow directly shattered their pride and self-confidence, and even fell into the lower ranks in the high-intensity competition in the inner court.

"Li Xiang, Wang Lei, Liu Mang, Cao Jian, Long Long, I have a big happy event to tell you!"

These are Zhao Ritian's roommates, disciples who were promoted from the outer sect in the same class.

There are also classes and fellowship friendships in the monk monastery. This kind of friendship is rare in the monastery. After all, the same class and the same class can be promoted together, which is a kind of friendship that bears guns and sleeps together.

Several people were in the room, and when they heard Zhao Ritian yelling, they couldn't help "sneering" and said: "Isn't it just that the Supreme Elder summoned you alone? We all know it, so don't show it off in front of us."

Zhao Hao, the disciple at the end of the crane in the inner gate, was summoned by the elder Taishang alone, and the news quickly spread throughout the inner gate.

Several other people came up excitedly and asked, "Why did the Supreme Elder summon you?"

It is very difficult for inner disciples to meet the dean and the three elders, let alone the supreme elder who is extremely respected.Shen Fei has almost become everyone's idol in the entire Wu Monk Temple. After all, being able to subdue the White Tiger God and make the majestic God willing to serve as a mount has exceeded their imagination.Not to mention the various legends about Shen Fei circulating among the disciples.

"The Supreme Elder has newly designed a trial in the Dreaming Zen Realm. The purpose is to let us disciples who have little chance to improve their strength and be promoted to elite disciples! The Supreme Elder specially ordered me to do this, and there are only fifty places." When Zhao Hao mentioned this matter, he was extremely excited, and he gasped three times when he spoke.

When the other disciples heard this, they all got off the bed and moved to Zhao Hao's side: "Why is the chance so slim?"

"What do you mean the chances are slim? In our entire dormitory, except for Longlong who lasted until the third day in the illusion trial, which one of the rest was not eliminated on the second day?"

Zhao Hao's words immediately made his roommate speechless, and he coughed a few times to interrupt the topic: "Tell me what's going on."

Then Zhao Hao turned into a fan of the elder Taishang, and told the story of the elder's meticulous care for them.

After finishing speaking, I found that a few roommates rolled up their sleeves, and they looked like they were fighting for the death of their confidants.

"Let's not talk about it. Although we have never met the Supreme Elder, he cared about us so much that he even didn't hesitate to go to the illusion trial to experience it for himself and think about the way to break the situation for us. I participated in this new trial!"

Then some roommates took a sharp knife, cut off their fingers and wrote their names on it.

The young and hot-blooded atmosphere surged back and forth in a dormitory, filled with a warm smell.

The last roommate came over with a brush dipped in ink and was about to write his name, but was snatched away by other angry roommates, who forcibly grabbed his hand and cut open.

"Longlong, are you a fucking man or not? The Supreme Elder has worked so hard for us, and now you have to use a pen to sign your name. Your conscience has been eaten by a dog?"

Longlong was forced to write down his name in blood on his fingers, and wept aside while covering his fingers.Others raised their hands high, their eyes extremely excited, and shouted "Long live the Supreme Elder!"

Shen Fei never expected that he just wanted to find some inner disciples with a weak foundation to participate in the new trial. He didn't expect this group of guys to worship fervently, as if they were ideologically hyperactive religious organizations...

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

The six people headed by Zhao Hao's dormitory were the beginning of this spark.

Afterwards, under the brilliant lotus of six people, many inner disciples who were not strong enough were bewitched to sign their names and make contracts, and all of them were written in blood.

Later, they also took a closer look at the content of the contract.

Roughly speaking, some injuries in the new trial are the responsibility of the disciple himself.

These words sound quite intrusive, and some people want to quit immediately.

Zhao Hao didn't know where the courage came from. He first rushed forward and grabbed the guy by the collar, and lifted it up: "You are not as good as a pig or a dog. In order to rekindle our hope, the Supreme Elder personally experienced the illusion. Refining, creating a new trial for us to improve our strength, you are now going back on your word and want to quit, are you still human?"

This cowardly disciple was glared at by the others, and was immediately terrified, obediently obeying.

There is also no shortage of powerful inner disciples who want to join, Zhao Hao quoted Shen Fei's original words, and made these powerful inner disciples quiet down with one sentence, secretly complaining about their partiality.Many people wanted to join in the fun, and wanted to see how powerful the trial designed by the Supreme Elder was.

But there are also a small number of powerful inner disciples who disdain this team deep in their hearts and want to see their jokes.

Among the fifty people, the most powerful is only the level of the fourth day of the Illusion Trial, and this level of training in the inner sect for another ten years may not be able to become an elite disciple.You want to change your fate against the sky just by relying on a few small trials, are you kidding me?
Fifty places were filled soon, and Zhao Hao and 49 other people followed the instructions in the contract to the Dreaming Zen Realm.

From a distance, I can see a towering mountain, on which are engraved two large characters of vermilion—Shu Mountain!
 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (14/30)

(End of this chapter)

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