my pet is boss

Chapter 173

Chapter 173

"These two characters are strong and powerful, with extraordinary bearing, giving people a sense of majesty and majesty. Such handwriting can only come from the hands of the Supreme Elder."

"Just the natural principles contained in these two powerful inscriptions are enough for me to use for a lifetime!"

If Shen Fei was here, listening to the insights gained by these inner sect disciples, he would definitely nod in satisfaction, and sigh: As expected of the disciples who can enter the inner sect, their comprehension is quite good.

Everyone walked along the mountain road to the square at the foot of the mountain, which was extremely flat and open, even more magnificent than the martial arts field in the Buddhist monastery.

Secondly, on the smooth cliff at the top of the cave house at the foot of the mountain, there are ten specially arranged frames, which seem to be placed for something, but they are still vacant for the time being.

There are also many open-air tables, chairs and benches on the square, the style is simple and regular, although I don’t know what it means, but since it was designed by the elders, it must have a deep meaning. Understand the deep meaning of the Supreme Elder.

Everyone continued to move forward, but when they came to the gate of the cave, they were startled by the bright red characters on the stone tablet—the timid should not enter this gate!
Finally, it was emphasized with an exclamation point.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, this should be the first challenge they had to face.

The Supreme Elder, Shenlong, has disappeared without a trace since throwing down the contract.

"How about we come back another day?" Longlong said, looking at the powerful words and bright red characters on the stele, and looking at the deep and dark cave, there is always a faint worry.

"It's already here, why not go in? Besides, who in our group is timid?" Zhao Hao turned his head and glanced after asking.Longlong wanted to raise his hand to say that he was cowardly, but after looking around, no one raised his hand. If he raised his hand, he would be laughed to death, but in the end he didn't raise his hand because of his face.

"Look, where are the cowards?"

"Everyone is at the bottom of the inner sect. It can be said that there is no hope of being promoted to elite disciples, but this time the Supreme Elder gave us this opportunity, we must firmly grasp it, and we must not embarrass the Supreme Elder!"

Zhao Hao glanced at everyone one by one, his eyes were extremely firm: "You have all felt the eyes of powerful inner disciples, the kind of contempt you can feel with just eyes without words, I don't think there is anyone better than you I have more experience. There are even powerful inner disciples who are ready to watch our jokes, and rumors have begun outside, saying that even with the help of the Supreme Elder, we cannot be promoted to elite disciples. It is not that the support of the Supreme Elder is useless, but It is because we are the tail of the crane, and the mud cannot support the wall!"

The eyes of many disciples flickered, they had never heard of these gossip.

Should he be a coward who will be ridiculed all his life in the inner sect, or should he firmly grasp any hard-won opportunity and climb up like a vine unyieldingly.

"Fight hard, I don't want others to call me a trash dragon!"

Zhao Hao's words made Longlong think of his high spirits in the outer sect, and how he was beaten to autism by geniuses from all walks of life after entering the inner sect.

The inner disciples are all cultivators, and they will never say anything to look down on, but everyone's eyes can't pretend.The look of "you are only worthy of staying in the inner sect" in your life is heart-wrenching.

In addition, Longlong likes to eat, and some other inner disciples even joked that he can try the back kitchen of the Zen Temple, and maybe he can show his talents there.

Zhao Hao's words brought back many bad memories for Longlong.It's not that it's painful, and it's not that it's bitter and bitter, but it's just that there are a few needles stuck in the bed, which makes people feel cramped and uncomfortable.

Compared with these, what is timidity?
Others saw another road going up the back of the mountain, pointing and saying: "There is still a road going up the mountainside, but it's a pity that the mountainside is covered by clouds and fog, so I can't see what's inside."

"Could it be the second trial? Only by passing the first trial can the conditions for the subsequent trials be unlocked?"

"In other words, in the sea of ​​clouds on the top of the mountain, there is the third highest test."

Everyone talked to each other, and basically figured out the entire Shushan trial process, which was divided into three levels.Although I don't know what the setting is, but seeing the words with exclamation marks on the huge stone at the entrance of the trial at the foot of the mountain, everyone decided to try from the first trial.After all, the higher the level, the higher the difficulty. Will the trial arranged by the Supreme Elder be less difficult?

I'm afraid no-brained people know the answer.

Under Zhao Hao's leadership, everyone entered the cave together.

There was dense fog at the entrance of the cave, and when everyone passed through the fog, they found that all the disciples who were walking with them had disappeared, leaving only myself alone, and in front of him was a seemingly quiet and empty manor.

Zhao Hao didn't panic. It seems that the cloud of mist is the gate to enter the trial. Just like the illusion trial, a group of people enters together, and then they will appear in the illusion separately. There is no intersection between them. This trial was designed by the elders also the same.

At this moment, a beam of light suddenly descended from the cloudy and cloudy sky, and it suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Hao, followed by a table with some firearms and tactical supplies on it.At the same time, dark clouds rolled, and a voice without any emotion came from the sky.

"This is Touk County, the border of the northwest of the empire, adjacent to Sentinel Fort. The manor in front of you is the largest plutocrat Lawrence Family Manor in Touk County, but it has fallen into a dead silence for unknown reasons since a month ago. There used to be A number of troublemakers broke into the manor to find out, but in the end they all turned into disappearances, and all the missing people died. Jax, the captain of the security brigade, led a team to investigate the truth two days ago. Everyone has disappeared, and the story of this trial has officially begun..."

"You are the deputy captain of the Touk County Security Brigade. This time, you were sent by Consul Reed to investigate mysterious incidents at Lawrence Manor, and at the same time look for members of the investigation team who were missing in the manor before."

"In this trial, all your monk skills will be suppressed. The only thing you can rely on is the guns in front of you, your vigorous skills and calm mind. You can choose three kinds of equipment on the table, push open the gate of the manor and try The practice has officially started, I wish you good luck!"

Zhao Hao's heartbeat couldn't help speeding up, the background of this trial setting is a bit exciting!It is much more interesting than the boring trial of the illusion trial.

Zhao Hao suddenly had a sense of substitution. He is now the deputy captain of the Touk County Security Brigade. He entered the manor to find the team that lost contact two days ago, and investigated the truth about the dead silence of Lawrence Manor and the fact that many people disappeared and died.

And in this trial, all monk skills were banned, and the only weapons were his fists and the weapons on the table in front of him.

"So the first trial is to exercise your body and mind?" Zhao Hao said to himself, seeming to have caught a hint of the key point.

(End of this chapter)

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