my pet is boss

Chapter 174 Feel the Love from the Supreme Elder!

Chapter 174 Feel the Love from the Supreme Elder!
The weapons and supplies on the table are all introduced.

For example, a heavy-duty sniper rifle is powerful enough to be fatal in one shot, but the clip capacity is small, and the shooting accuracy will be lost during fast movement, and the reloading time between each shot is long, making rapid continuous shooting impossible.

Assault rifles have a large magazine capacity, but are much weaker than heavy sniper rifles. They can shoot continuously, but they need to hold the gun with both hands, which will hinder many actions.

The submachine gun is small and powerful, has an extremely fast rate of fire, and is less powerful than an assault rifle, but it can be held with one hand, and it does not hinder the shooting accuracy at all while running.

The pistol and the shield are matched together, holding the gun in one hand, and holding a large shield in the other to defend the front. Although the flexibility and attack power are reduced, the protection for oneself is greatly improved.

The remaining tactical supplies are smoke bombs, high-explosive grenades, and emergency medical kits.

Zhao Hao carefully read the settings and introductions of all items, and after careful consideration, he chose the configuration of submachine guns, high-explosive grenades, and smoke bombs.Tactical materials are set uniformly, and the quantity of one set is three.

Zhao Hao still believed in his own skills. With the submachine gun as a long-distance combat weapon, and the ability to shoot while walking, he didn't think he would be hurt.

The trials set by the Supreme Elder himself must have deep meaning.Just these detailed settings make people feel full of expectations.

[You have chosen a storm submachine gun, which comes with spare magazines (2), high-explosive grenades (3), and smoke bombs (3). Please enter Lawrence Manor to start the trial after 1 minute. During this time, you can get familiar with your The equipment and materials used will not deduct any actual quantity. 】

The magazine of the storm submachine gun is 40 bullets. Zhao Hao shot wildly at the target that appeared in the distance, and the muzzle of the gun kept spraying cross flames like an angry dragon.Then Zhao Hao tried the high-explosive grenade again, and its explosive power was even greater than the monk's palm mine.The diffuse effect of the smoke bomb is about 25 square meters.

At the end of the countdown, the iron gate of the manor gradually opened with an old and dilapidated piercing sound. The creaking sound seemed like a woman wailing.

As Zhao Hao stepped into the manor, all the resting places outside the manor were shrouded in mist, and the sky was extremely gloomy. Only the street lamps on both sides of the manor road gave off a gloomy silver light.Although the sky was pitch black, Zhao Hao had a feeling that this was not only night, but also a night full of dark clouds.

The entire manor was extremely silent, and the only sound Zhao Hao could hear was his own footsteps.

At the end of the street lamp, the faint light vaguely outlines the appearance of a manor building.With no one else present, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn, and even the sound of footsteps was covered by Zhao Hao's own heavy heartbeat.

Zhao Hao is still sober, this seemingly weird atmosphere is just a disguised form to exercise their state of mind.To be honest, having seen the weirdness of Lawrence Manor, Zhao Hao felt that the level of fog in the illusion trial was simply too friendly, too harmless to humans and animals.


Just as Zhao Hao was advancing cautiously, a strange sound suddenly came from the darkness not far away.

Based on Zhao Hao's understanding and observation of the way of nature, this sound is the movement of some kind of quadruped animal on dry weeds.

Zhao Hao's scalp went numb, spreading from his scalp to his back.

"finally coming!"

Zhao Hao held a submachine gun in one hand, and a grenade in the other hand, and kept turning on the spot to guard his surroundings.

There was another sound of scratching dry grass in the darkness, and this time the source of the sound was behind Zhao Hao, which was completely different from the location of the previous sound.

"Not just one..."

Suddenly, there were many throat quivering sounds in the darkness, like the sound of joints being twisted back and forth.Immediately afterwards, countless red dots appeared in the darkness, first a few dots, and then many faint red dots appeared densely.

Without saying a word, Zhao Hao turned his head and started running towards the manor.

The scarlet eyes reminded him of a pack of wolves that preyed collectively at night.It's just that these red-eyed creatures hiding in the shadows are even more bloodthirsty and brutal!

Zhao Hao took the time to look back while running, the scene behind him made his scalp tingle, and his dandruff was blown away.

A zombie dog that is so corrupt that its flesh and bones are exposed. Through the faint street lamps, you can even see the ribs and brains that have been turned up. It has only one ear. It is no exaggeration to describe it as blood and flesh. , still drooling from his mouth.

The most ferocious wolves or dogs that Zhao Hao has ever seen are less than one-tenth of the zombie dogs in front of him, let alone a dense pack.

Zhao Hao decisively chose to run away. Although the submachine gun is powerful, it can't stand up to the number of zombie dogs. Even if he can dodge and move around to solve them all, he will use up all the bullets before he enters the manor apartment. What about the danger in the apartment house? ?
The speed of the zombie dogs was extremely fast, smelling Zhao Hao's delicious breath of life, each of them rushed towards Zhao Hao like a teddy in spring.

Zhao Hao came to the front door of the apartment house, but when he pushed the door, he found that the door was locked from the inside and could not be opened at all.

Seeing that the hordes of zombie dogs were about to catch up behind him, Zhao Hao raised his hand at the gate and punched it.


"Hmm..." Zhao Hao let out a muffled sound in his throat. The solid wood door was not pierced, but Zhao Hao's right arm was directly broken.

Zhao Hao forgot that all of his strength was banned during the trial. If the previous punch had been used, the entire wooden door would have been shattered and turned into dust.

Now, Zhao Hao can only sigh - the quality of this solid wood door is too good!
The zombie dogs had charged up, and Zhao Hao had no choice but to turn around and block the zombie dogs with a submachine gun. What made him even more terrified was that these zombie dogs would not die immediately after being shot, but instead became more bloodthirsty and crazy. rushed up.

His right arm was broken and he couldn't even reload.

The zombie dog rushed up and gnawed directly, tearing the flesh off Zhao Hao's body.

The severe pain was clearly visible, even stronger than before, like an overwhelming tsunami, constantly beating Zhao Hao's nerves.

The sound of the zombie dog gnawing along with Zhao Hao's screams gradually came to an end.

The severe pain lasted for about 5 minutes, and the crazy zombie dogs had already gnawed away at Zhao Hao, leaving not even a single bone, only splashing and flowing on the ground and the gate, which had condensed into black blood, proving that Zhao Hao Hao's existence just now.

Zhao Hao originally thought that he would be sent out of the trial, but the next second he appeared intact outside the iron gate of the manor.

Zhao Hao shuddered violently. When being eaten by a group of zombie dogs, he could even clearly feel the teeth of the zombie dogs poking into his artery, and then the huge bite force tore his flesh and blood like It was torn out like a hair removal sticker, and I could even hear the sound of my arteries bleeding.


It hurts so much!
When all the disciples were in the outer sect, they had already undergone endurance training and daily meditation, which made the monk disciples' endurance beyond ordinary people, but just now in the manor, Zhao Hao was so painful that he doubted his life.

However, in the next second, Zhao Hao's teardrops fell down like broken pearls.

[You still have 99 chances for the remaining trial, please enter the manor to start the trial after 1 minute, good luck]

(End of this chapter)

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