my pet is boss

Chapter 175 Mom, I Miss the Zhang Family

Chapter 175 Mom, I want to go home

At this moment, Shen Fei has returned to Xiaozhuxuan and is going to go offline to sleep. Although he has a rest every day in the illusion trial, Shen Fei is not sure whether the rest in the game is really useful.Now that it's out, it's better to take the initiative to go offline.

Another contract book in Shen Fei's hand has been lit up, indicating that these disciples have entered the trial.

"I don't know if these disciples have felt my good intentions." Shen Fei touched his chin. The trial he designed was much better than the illusion trial in terms of design and friendliness.

Also added system settings and prompts, as long as you have a normal comprehension ability, you can understand what to say.

In particular, the plot is added, so that the disciples can be personally on the scene and fully stimulate their potential.

For these inner disciples, Shen Fei really took great pains!
Shen Fei personally experienced the illusion trial, and made up for many deficiencies.For example, in the illusion trial, food and water will appear regularly every day to ensure the energy needed by the human body.But in the trial designed by Shen Fei, it is absolutely unnecessary!
He cleverly added the energy supply system in the air, which means that as long as you breathe, you can absorb water and nutrients, which solves the feeling of detachment caused by interrupting the trial to supplement the rest.

After all, one must be immersed in the plot in order to maximize the potential and hone the will.

Of course, it must be the first time for them to experience such a novel trial. In order to ensure the maximum experience of the plot, Shen Fei specially designed 100 lives.There are only two ways to get out of the trial.One is customs clearance trials, and the other is to experience double pain and double happiness 100 times...

Even in order to be closer to understanding, Shen Fei deliberately changed the background of the Resident Evil game to the Lawrence family in Touk County, which is more acceptable to the disciples. The faces that Shen Fei knew were all familiar faces, which increased the disciples' interest. empathy.

Even, Shen Fei has another trick...

"I hope these disciples will not let me down! The next time I go online, someone should pass the trial... right?"

After Shen Fei finished speaking, he lay on the bed and logged off with hope.


With the terrible experience of the last time, after Zhao Hao entered the manor this time, he ran like a gust of wind, without waiting for the zombie dog to react, and rushed directly to the gate of the bungalow.

This time he didn't choose to hit the door, Zhao Hao directly slammed into the window on the first floor next to him, followed by the sound of glass shattering, and the whole person filed in, then quickly looked around the room, pushed the bookshelf to the window with the help of the weak light, and the whole person Pushing against the bookshelf with all its strength, the zombie dog was so powerful that it slammed into the bookshelf like crazy, shaking off many books.

Zhao Hao bit the bullet, and his strong desire to survive made him exert all his strength.Death is not terrible, but being dismembered by a group of crazy zombie dogs under double pain, no one wants to experience this pain a second time.Especially in this trial, human consciousness exists for a long time. In the last wave, Zhao Hao even heard the sound of zombie dogs gnawing on his ribs, which made people's scalp numb and trembling. There is no head and no body.

All the zombie dogs were blocked outside, and it took a long time for the violent collision outside to disappear.

Zhao Hao breathed a sigh of relief. This trial was too thrilling, and he really couldn't relax for a moment.

But at the same time, Zhao Hao also understood Shen Fei's good intentions, and squeezed their potential in this extreme state, allowing them to improve rapidly in a short period of time.

To be honest, Zhao Hao's legs are already weak after just one start, and now he misses the simple trial of the illusion...

Zhao Hao gasped for breath and calmed down, wiped off his sweat and turned on the searchlight that came with the submachine gun.

When he was in the manor, because the surroundings were too dark and silent, Zhao Hao didn't dare to turn on the searchlight for fear of attracting attention, but if he entered the pitch-black bungalow, if he didn't turn on the searchlight, he would be completely blind.

Zhao Hao raised the assault submachine gun in his hand, scanned back and forth in the room, roughly saw the whole picture of the study, and suddenly found an unusual figure in the corner of Zhao Hao.The light shone in the corner, and Zhao Hao saw a shivering little girl in purple pajamas with her back turned to hide in the corner.

"There must have been a disaster in the manor. This little girl hid in the study alone, locked the door and was not found..."

Zhao Hao pointed the muzzle of the gun slightly downwards to prevent the strong light from the searchlight from directly shining on the little girl.

"Little girl, don't be afraid, I'm the deputy captain of the security brigade, and I'm here to rescue you."

A little girl hid for a few days in the manor where the mutation happened, and the psychological shadow can be imagined.Zhao Hao wanted to appease the little girl, and then asked if he knew the whereabouts of Captain Jax and the others.

Zhao Hao stepped forward and squatted on the ground, hit the muzzle of the gun and the strong light on the ground, and patted the little girl's shoulder lightly.

As soon as his hand was placed on the little girl's shoulder, Zhao Hao felt a chill and stiffness in his palm, as if a piece of meat had been frozen under the ice and snow for a few days, hard and hard.

This feeling is very strange. The green dragon in the monk's way represents the endless vitality, so Zhao Hao still has a lot of insight into the human body and medical treatment.The little girl without any temperature feels like a corpse.

"Giggle cluck..."

The laughter from the little girl's throat made Zhao Hao feel as if a mouthful of phlegm was stuck in his throat, unable to get up or down.

But in the next second, Zhao Hao was so frightened that he squatted on the ground.

This little girl's face is like those zombie dogs outside, half of her face is rotten, one eyeball hangs from the cheekbone, and is connected to the eye socket by a little polyp, she has no chin at all, her tongue hangs out and drips continuously Drooling.

The little girl stretched out her hand and forcibly stuffed the eyeballs drooping on her face back. Perhaps it was because of too much force. When she stuffed them back into the eye sockets, she squeezed her eyeballs with one hand, and the unknown liquid that exploded splashed Zhao Hao. face.

Zhao Hao is completely in a state of bewilderment at this moment, and the strong visual sensory stimulation has stopped his brain from functioning.

The next second, the little girl's tongue suddenly stuck out, like a frog's tongue flying out, directly entangled Zhao Hao's head, and then the whole person was pulled by the tongue and threw herself on Zhao Hao.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Zhao Hao was already frightened crazy, the submachine gun in his hand shot around like crazy, his head was completely covered by the tongue with mucus, gradually showing symptoms of hypoxia and suffocation.

After firing 40 bullets in a shuttle, Zhao Hao finally felt that there was no movement on his body, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to tear off the tongue on his face.He got up as fast as he could and hid in the corner in a hurry, changing bombs at the speed of a familiar veteran.

Zhao Hao's nerves were tense to the extreme, and he carefully scanned the room with his assault rifle, and then he was slightly relieved, and collapsed directly on the ground.


It is terrible!

Compared with this trial, the illusion trial is completely a younger brother!
Zhao Hao shed tears uncontrollably. At this moment, he only thinks about his mother, and only wants to go home!

 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (15/30)

(End of this chapter)

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