my pet is boss

Chapter 176 This Is Too Scary!

Chapter 176 This Is Too Scary!
Who would have thought that the little girl in the house turned into a zombie!
Zhao Hao rested for a long time before recovering. Combined with the background setting given by the system before the trial, he suddenly had a bold idea...

Everyone in this manor was infected into terrifying zombies.

Therefore, if you want to complete this trial, you must find out the security team that came to investigate two days ago, and find out the truth of the whole incident.

The corners of Zhao Hao's mouth twitched slightly. Facing a manor full of dangers, he still had to complete so many pre-established conditions, and he felt exhausted.

Facing a long-tongued zombie, he has already fired a round of bullets, and now there are only [-] bullets left, what should he do.

"The elder Taishang must have deep meaning in such a setting, try more! If you can't beat it, just spread it out bit by bit with your life!" Zhao Hao has already prepared for the worst.There are only two paths before him, either to complete the trial, or to die a hundred times under double pain and be kicked out of the trial.

This trial is horrific, and you never know what you'll encounter when you open a door.

Although Zhao Hao was terrified in his heart, his qualities as an inner disciple told him that trials are like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Besides, he has already felt the effect of the trial now.

When he participated in the Illusion Trial before, he felt that the loneliness and claustrophobia were unbearable, but after coming to the Resident Evil Trial, Zhao Hao never wanted to enter the Illusion Trial as much as he does now.In just a few minutes of contact, the weirdness and horror of the Biohazard Trial has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Zhao Hao is sure that he will never be frightened when he enters the Illusion Trial next time.

The other disciples who entered the trial like Zhao Hao, at this moment, either stood outside the manor again to think about countermeasures, or hid in the room, running out of ammunition and food, shivering, and their crotches were wet with fear.

In short, the biohazard trial designed by Shen Fei has definitely left an indelible impression on these fifty inner disciples.

At this moment, everyone has died once, and they all have a deep understanding of the "good intentions" of the elder Taishang.

As the disciples set foot on the road to the Lawrence Manor again, the curses of the inner disciples came from the fifty independent trials.

All kinds of zombie monsters began to appear.

You will never think of the violent zombies looking back and smiling after opening a door, and you are also frightened by the panic of swarms of crows attacking you after opening the door, and the zombie dogs that suddenly appear from behind from time to time.Even in the house where you thought it was finally safe, withered vines suddenly rolled towards you.And after you killed the web-spinning spider with a submachine gun, countless little spiders burst out of your stomach...

In short, in this manor bungalow, there are countless zombie monsters rushing out from various angles that you would never have imagined, and attack you fatally, making you experience double happiness.

What made the inner disciples most unacceptable was that they thought they could survive bit by bit with a hundred lives.After all, monsters that appear in every place will definitely be carefully noticed as long as they are revived and restarted.

But they never expected that the Supreme Elder fundamentally eliminated this possibility.

Every time you resurrect and restart, the houses and monsters in the manor house will be randomly arranged and combined, and there is no possibility for you to explore the rules.If you want to pass the trial, you have to constantly temper your will, maintain a vigorous and agile skill and keep a calm mind at all times.The lack of any one of the three is likely to fail halfway.

Zhao Hao has already been messed up, and any slight disturbance will make him react immediately.

He has died three times.

The first time I was eaten by zombie dogs at the door of the bungalow, and the second time I finally entered the bungalow, killed the licker and then went to the corridor. After a bloody battle with the web-spinning spider, I was overwhelmed by countless small spiders blown out of my stomach. die again.The third time I chose to jump into the same study room, but this time Zhao Hao was not waiting for the little licker girl, but a rampaging zombie, and was finally eaten to nothing left by the rampaging zombies and zombie dogs.

This is the fourth time I entered the manor...

Zhao Hao wanted to cry, but found that the houses and monsters in the bungalow would change every time, and it was obviously impossible to delay the progress with his life.

90 times...

80 times...

70 times...

60 times...

There are fewer and fewer opportunities for disciples to try during the trial. The inner disciples who have seen all kinds of monsters and experienced various methods of death are obviously already somewhat "addicted" to this trial.Some people have even become accustomed to double pain and began to immerse themselves in the game experience, trying to find out the culprit that caused them to suffer this time.

These disciples were able to enter the Monk Temple and become inner disciples, which meant that they had good strength, but they were frightened by the scene designed by Shen Fei at first.They have never seen these terrifying and weird things before, and the scariest things they have come into contact with in this life are not one-tenth of those in the Resident Evil Trial.

With the increase in the number of deaths, all the disciples who participated in the trial have improved to varying degrees.

In the process of constantly searching the bungalows, tasks and clues also appeared in front of everyone little by little.

The soldiers who came to the manor two days ago were also infected by gnawing and became zombies. Because they were strong and strong in life, their ability to become zombies after death was also greatly improved. Four zombie soldiers were found one by one. The only one that did not show up was the security team. Captain Jax.

After a hard fight, the four zombie soldiers were dealt with, and some ammunition and supplies were obtained, which gave the struggling disciple the courage to continue exploring.

Even some daring disciples, after trying it, found that as long as the angle is right, they can smash the heads of ordinary zombies with their fists.

It turns out that as long as you master the characteristics and attack methods of these monsters, and then concentrate on sneak attacks carefully, you can deal with most situations.

It's just that the danger Shen Fei designed in this bungalow is far more dangerous than these disciples think...

Soon, they encountered the first challenge in this trial - the mutant of the young lady of the Lawrence family from the piano room.The super recovery ability allows her to stand up in a short time after being seriously injured and falls down, and she cannot be killed by headshot or attacking the fatal point.What's even more frightening is that after being knocked down by the mutant of the eldest lady, she would tear off the face of the trial disciple and put it on her own face...

When Shen Fei woke up, the first thing he did was to come to Mount Shu. He glanced at the frame on the mountain wall from afar, but there were no names or portraits of inner disciples, and he left with his hands behind his back.

He didn't expect someone to pass the test with 100 lives in the first trial, but he still chose to take a look, what if?
After all, in the trial of Resident Evil, the real difficulty lies in the bosses at the back, and all the monsters in the front are appetizers...

Not long after Shen Fei left, an inner sect disciple was teleported out of the biohazard trial because he had consumed 100 chances.

Feeling the fresh air of the Zen courtyard, the whole person couldn't help but his legs went limp and he sat on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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